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    Thanks Bessie you are wonderfull for saying that !!!!!!! all males are not useless PRICKS lol but I agree with UNI we hurt women constantly ........ On behalf of all men we are sorry !!!!!!!
    Love always cap



      Now Gyco move to the right they need a clear shot LOL love you girls



        Oh dear, has everyone PMS today? sorry, ride a stick horse, they don't talk back and you can throw them in the corner when your done....:l



          Hope your interview goes great today, Ripple! And yes!! about the:

          Time off the bottle now ensures better living later.



            MMMMMMMMMMMM what is it about husbands and the need a wife feels for a gun seems like a sexual thing or just a plane i want to shoot him thing LOL



              Good Morning, ODATers,

              Greenie, I am so so sorry. I know the pain is overwhelming at first. It will get better. Boy am I grateful you are staying sober. You would be screwing up by the numbers if you weren't!!

              Uni, I would just let the past be past. If you can't, it doesn't bode well for the relationship.

              Gyco, I love what you said. Giving power to someone else over our lives. Thank you!!

              Cap, you are a riot!!

              WIP, glad you are on your way.

              Bessie, tell that hubby of yours he is going to drop down on your list if he doesn't raise you up on his!! (I know this deal, it is a balancing act in life, we have stuff to do and sometimes let it get in the way of taking care of our loved one.)

              Rip, Good luck on the job interview!!

              Bandit, so glad hubby is being supportive. That really helps, doesn't it?

              Love to all,
              AF April 9, 2016



                Hubby is waking up one 2



                  one..thank god for the puter, when my kids were young my only friend was the clothes line and the stove. enjoy the kids and love hubby, it gets better, than worse. just thought you might want to know from experience. take it easy and be HAPPY!!!!! :H



                    cindi...thanks dear. i will let you know right away. i must go get de-rusted right now. remove crust from eyes .... its coming shortly. lets find some pants that fit Ripples and on my way...out the door! wish me lucky today...XXOO Rippy. :l



                      Yikes ODATimers - I just got my first cup of coffee, logged on and suddenly feel that I walked into a VSC (stands for very strident conversation) about men bashing. Pretty entertaining at moments but lots of very real pain on display. Hope the hurt heals soon. But I know that all you lovely women don't mean that we are all rats. Just some.

                      Anyway, I still remain so thankful that I found this site and all of you who walked with me in the first days of my trying to get sober-- I am now sober over 70 days.

                      For those who are just starting out, I will tell you that the early days were hell with lots of slips along the way. I in no way consider myself out of danger of the Beast. He is just one step behind me every day and still I would love to slurp down a martini. So I am on antabuse now for about 2 months and just renewed my prescription for another 90 days of antabuse. I recognize that I MUST take it or I will slip back to boozing.

                      But on the up side -- being sober is a whole new life which I am learning to live day by day. And it is worth fighting for. I pray that I remain sober and also that each of you achieves your goal today. Lots of love, :thanks:



                        Hi Matthen - good to see you and really good to read that you are doing SO AMAZINGLY well! It's not like this every day - you know that. Last week I think the main topic was ant sex. And before that.... vegetables or something!

                        Good luck Ripply Ripple. Fit into those pants and get that job!!

                        Cindi - you've just summed up in one sentance exactly what I have just told him in an email about 16 paragraphs long!! :H:H

                        One2Many - as the neighbour is new have you been round to say hi? If youi haven't couldn't you go round today (when you've stopped spitting feathers! :H) and make contact with her. Maybe not even mention the music to start off with. She may even mention it first in which case you can say something in a friendly way? I find it always helps to have a good relationship with people wherever possible then it is easier to bring up problems....usually! Good luck. Noise pollution ain't fun.

                        Bessie xxx (who is spending too much time on here today and should be doing accounts....that'll be why then!)



                          Good morning to everyone. It's a foggy morning here in Vermont but we expect sunshine all day. Another bad night of not sleeping! Must get some valerain today and hope it helps out. I'm on day 6 today and feel great although still tired.
                          Greeneyes: I'm thinking of you and all the pain you are going through.:l:h
                          I hope everyone will meet their goals today and know that we are here for eachother.
                          When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                          -- Franklin D Roosevelt --



                            Hi everyone - thanks for the laughs! I am convinced that the entire eastern seaboard is suffering from mood disorders of some sort or another - PMS for the women and what I like to call "Man Period" for the men (especially my wonderful husband who is NEVER like that!) I think it has to do with all this nasty heat and humidity out here.

                            have not posted much lately - I don't get responses very often, so I was having my own ginormous pity party...but NO ONE CAME EXCEPT I decided to shut the hell up and come back! Even if I don't get replies, just reading your posts and how you all support each other helps me. You guys are really amazing. I have not been 100% AF, but doing lots better.

                            I am so sorry about all the emotional havoc that seems to be happenening. You know, "If it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger." I'd say we are a pretty damn strong bunch of folks!

                            Have a wonderful day everyone.
                            "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:



                              Hang in there Greeneyes!! It's got to be really, really hard right now, but you know AL would just make it worse. We're here for you!

                              I'm just a little slow this morning, I had to go back and read the posts, I though Work in Progress said she was a male!!:H

                              Yoga today, then housework--100 degrees every day this week!!

                              NF since June 1, 2008
                              AF since September 28, 2008
                              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:



                                hahahaha KBC- MAN PERIOD.... hahahahahaha .... yup, they get it! Must be hard on them, they don't know whats wrong???? always told hubby, you try walking around for a week with a diaper on and see how it feels!!!! :H

