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    Hi All!
    I've never posted on the thread before but I read it everyday. You all are talking so fast this morning... I don't think I can catch up! LOL (945 am here) I had my first AL free day and night yesterday and wanted to share that! I do love the la familia but they do make me crazy. I'm hoping if I can do better for them by being AL free then they will by default be easier to handle. I mean easier to control (hee-hee, just kidding)! LOL



      Good morning all
      Off to a slow start again today. Sleep is still broken, but getting better. I really feel for all of you who are having relationship problems. I have been there, and it was always one of my biggest triggers. I am very happily single now, and have decided not to become involved in any relationships until I give myself a solid year of sobriety/recovery. Best wishes on the interview Rip. I have a very important interview tomorrow. Please bounce all the good wishes this way when you are through. This thread is so long today that I cannot remember all who have posted and address you all personally. Sending strength to all today. Thank you for being here for me.
      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)



        Hey Rip and KBCE
        Men also go through "manopause" although it seems that they get a red corvette and a 20 something year old bimbo, not mood swings, hot flashes, and all the other wonderful stuff that we Sometimes I think that God favors
        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)



          Hello everyone!
          I've never posted on this thread but would like to start reading and giving my support in anyway that I can. Yesterday I realized I need to be more involved in posting because that's the only way I'll be able to get the support I need and give my support. I guess I'm just as shy in cyberspace as I am in my daily person to person life.

          I wish you the best with your relationships, been there done that but now I do have a very supportive and loving relationship.

          Seacailin -- best wishes with your interview tomorrow. hope everything goes well.

          I'll be back tomorrow!
          :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
          ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy



            Hey KBCE "I have not been 100% AF, but doing lots better," that would also reflect my level of success also. I always follow Bessie's ODAT thread but by the time it gets to this side of the ocean and my side of this country most of the action has happened and its too complicated to jump in, let alone get a response.

            1morechance - have you tried the chat yet?? Oh my gosh. Talk about terrifying for the shy. It's like going to a party where you barely know anyone and not being able to stand at the hors dourve (SP?) table looking busy with the food. Every once in a while I think about going back again when I see familiar names. It's just plain silly that it should be hard but such is the fate for shy people.
            Drinking has been my hobby for several years now. It's time to get a new hobby



              Hello ODATs,

              I think the universe is trying to tell me something. First I wrote a long post, trying to respond to the many things mentioned today. Well, I took too long and got kicked off (not for content, I assure you). I so wish the system would hold a post until you re-log in rather than wiping it out. So, not to be deterred, I came back and started all over.

              Well, was typing so fast I actually hit some obscure button, and my second post went flying out the window. I know it wasn't brilliant, but for heaven's sake . . .

              OK. Deep breath. One2many - I suggest you go over and formally introduce yourself to your new neighbors. Take some cookies and a bottle of wine (scratch that - now that we're not doing that, change the last item to a plant) and welcome them with sweetness and light. Tell them you're a marvelous neighbor when well rested, and when not, well, you can't be responsible for anything that might happen. Anyway, in order to be well rested you need a nice, quiet neighbor early in the morning (at this point if they seem clueless, point directly at them and say "and that would be YOU.") If they continue to ignore you, go to plan B. I'm still working on plan B.

              Bessie - sorry to hear the hubby's got you low on the list. I think you need to rearrange his . . . LIST. Perhaps a special night out. Dancing anyone?

              Sea - sending positive vibes your way as you go on your interview. You are coming from such a good place - let it show! You so deserve this!

              And Gyco and Cap - you're 'way ahead of most. You jump in the kitchen with more estrogen surrounding you, yet you hold your own. Must be the sobriety. It's given you more manhood than a bar full of losers. Just goes to show we can learn from each other!

              Greenie - I sure wish I could say something to soothe your hurts. I don't think a band aid will do it. Sounds like you already applied the antibiotic and the infection is walking out the door. No one can take away the good memories - they're all yours. But you seem to be heading in the opposite direction of his downward spiral. Keep ascending.

              And I'm sure I've missed several family members here. It's hard to remember 5 pages' worth - especially to do it THREE TIMES. Oh - welcome 1more - feel free to jump in at any time. We like humor, attention, eggs over easy . . .





                Very nice post.

                I agree with everything you said and I hope your day was a really awesome, happy, sublime ODAT day.

                AF April 9, 2016



                  Hello all ODAT'ers,

                  Day 10 AF for me today...wooopeee, double digits!
                  WOW, this was quite a thread, and I am a tad intimidated to try and respond.
                  My internet is giving me nothing but grief, and 9:30 pm is a stupid time to try and catch up with posts, damn it!

                  Today was rough, but I made it...on to day 11 tomorrow.

                  Greenie...I am here if you need a friend, a shoulder, or anything at all. You need only ask. Take care of you.

                  hugs to all,
                  Striving to live life without ALCOHOL



                    Keeta - tee hee heee!!!!

                    Bring on Day 11.



                      Absolutely wise Frog...BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!!
                      Striving to live life without ALCOHOL



                        Thanks for your well wishes for the interview. Vera, that "wipe out" thing has happened to me a few times. frustrating. Thanks for you willingness to do it over again and again. It is 1:25 a.m., and I just got home from work. I will keep you all posted.
                        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)

