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First day AF

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    First day AF

    :new:I woke up yesterday and was shocked (once again) by how much I had consumed the day/night before. I started to do some research on my problem and found this place. I was in a pretty fragile place and joined a chat room. I found very nice people to answer my questions and am feeling more confindent about getting my problem under control.

    My biggest hurdle has got to be that at work I am surrounded by booze. I manage 2 bars, a restaurant and a room service outlet in a lovely hotel. But after seeing it all day, all I can think of is how much I want to go home and have a cold beer.

    I can't remember the last time I went more then three days sober and am a little afaird that I won't make it. I am going to try Topamax, and have already ordered the book.

    But yesterday was my first day sober (hungover as hell but sober) and today seems good, just have to not drink when I get home from work tonight

    Anyways just wanted to put myself out there in the community and hope to met some people I can talk with on this site

    25yrs old, no kids, 2 cats

    First day AF

    Welcome to MWO. This is a great place where you will receive alot of support. I see that you are 25 and I can not stress enough how important it is that you deal with this while you are young. You do not want to continue down this road.
    I am so happy you have found us. I suggest you get the book, read, post and go to chat when ever you can.


      First day AF

      Welcome, Madeline:

      There is great and powerful support here. Your positive thinking will also make a big difference. If you can just post here, I WON'T HAVE A DRINK WHEN I GET HOME FROM WORK TONIGHT.

      That will be a promise to us, your friends and supporters.
      My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


        First day AF

        Hi Madeline - I think you'll find this site, the people to be very supportive. There always seems to be someone out there who can relate and encourage you.

        I'm just finishing up Day 6. I recently went about 3 wks. and then blew it! Guess when we fall down, we just have to dust ourselves off & get back to it.

        I made a nice friend on here who's just finished her Day 30. It's really good to hear how well she's doing and FEELING. Something to look forward to!!

        Good luck - (my kitty says meow to your kitties!!)
        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


          First day AF

          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


            First day AF

            congrats welcom to the sober society,hahaha,all you can do is try,lots of knowledge here,you leave it alone at work,its the same at home,just like u learned how to make drinks,if you srtay a while you ll lern how mod or maybe if your lucky,you ll stop good luck gyco


              First day AF

              Once you get the book I would really suggest ordering supplements and the cds. Also cannot stress enough drink lots of water with lemon! (I am the water police!) Day 31 for me. Have been AF before but mwo will get me there forever. Next 60 days af for me. Read and post it really helps!

              It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.


                First day AF


                Welcome Madeline! You've found a good spot to start in getting this addiction under control!

                "I have not failed - I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work"- Thomas A Edison


                  First day AF

                  Thank you all for your incouraging words. And to follow Sunbeam's advice, I am posting that


                  I have to say I feel quite inspired by just the tone of this site and am happy to start on my road to recovery.


                    First day AF

                    Hi Madeline,

                    :welcome: , it's not easy to stay sober but it's worth it.


                      First day AF

                      Hi Madeline,
                      I agree with everyone else, and do it now - while you are still young.
                      make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


                        First day AF

                        Welcome Madeline,

                        The wonderful thing about MWO is there is always someone on-line so if you are feeling down or you are craving that drink, hop on-line for support!

                        Don't do what I did and get so excited reading the book that I stopped at the suppliments page and went shopping and didn't actually finish the book only to realise that I had missed a VERY important step in modding and that is to go 30 days AF... :duhme:!!! Read the book from cover to cover and read all the posts on "Just Starting Out" before starting the program or taking meds. I also found a really wonderful GP that supports me 100%.
                        "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"

