Re: Social Situations
I agree -- I feel almost apologetic when I say "no, thank you" to a glass of wine or a cocktail. Alcohol is such an integral part of our social fabric that it feels odd to say no. Yet there are many people out there who don't drink because they simply don't like it. Why should it make us feel so odd to do the same thing, when we know it's for our own health and well being? I guess we have to learn to not drink, just as we had to learn to drink in the first place.
I think part of it, too, is that I'm in mourning, in a sense. Not just mourning the loss of my companion alcohol, but mourning the old inner picture of myself. The picture of myself being charming and witty at a cocktail party. Or enjoying a glass of wine with friends at a fancy restaurant. Or sipping brandy by the fire on a cold night. Then I stop and remind myself: that is NOT how I drink! I may start out that way, but I end up being sloppy and passing out, and waking up with a hangover. So there is this fantasy version of myself as a drinker, and then there is reality.
So today is day 5 on Campral. It's hard to say but I think it may be kicking in. I had a very difficult night last night, emotionally -- broke off a long distance romance that had been simmering for some time -- and had only the slightest notion of going to get a drink. I did break down and buy a pack of cigarettes, but I passed the booze aisle with hardly a thought.
Hopefully it just gets better from here.