Have been on this site for quite a while but havent posted too often (sorry).
Have really enjoyed reading your posts, they have made laugh and cry.
Cant believe how many stories are similar to mine. My father is a chronic alcoholic and I felt I was heading that way.
Reading through this site and your wonderful posts has really helped me cut down my intake of booze, but on occasions went back to my old ways.
A lot of my drinking is done in secret, I have so many ways of hiding it.
eg. When going to the pub, always sit out of sight of the bar, so when going up to get a beer for myself and my wife, can always sneak a quick half in (how pathetic I must look).
Go out for a take away, order and slip away for a quick beer while waiting (tell the wife it was very busy and might get 2 in )
Go back to the office in the evening (as I am sooooo busy) , a 6 pack on the way, stay there til late, return home when my wife is in bed. Score !!!
etc,etc, I have so many more ways if anyone wants them :H
Anyway, moderation was not working for me, but unfortunately couldnt order book, meds etc as it would come up on credit card bill (joint acc) and really didnt want my wife to know how bad my drinking had got ( I really was hiding it well , who was I kidding ).
I am 17 days sober and confident I can stay that way for the rest of my life (really)
How did I do it ?????
This site and ALLEN CARR (r.i.p).
He helped me quit the cigarettes 6 yrs ago and I stumbled across his book about 3 months ago. I havent been on here much as I have been reading his book in secret for the last while. Its called "Allen Carrs easyway to control alcohol" and would highly recommend it for both the booze and the fags.
(my wife,who I adore thinks I am just off the booze as I running a marathon in october).
Anyway, enough from me, I hope to be on here more often as I have so much more time on my hands these days. Has Allen Carr helped anyone else here ?
Thanks for listening, bye.:thanks: