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Less is more

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    Less is more

    Hi Everyone.
    Well, I figured out I was pusing a bit far trying to go cold turkey, but I can say I have cut my drinking in half the last week, and I feel proud of that. This site really helps, if I'm feeling a bit off in the evening I will come and read a bit. It helps knowing others are trying. I don't watch the clock waiting for 5:30 and have made it well past most nights. I think for me a gradual reduction is more reasonable. I am taking the it working??? It sure seems easier to drink less. Most important I am spending more real time with my family, and the next morning I can remember all the details from the night before....that is a relief.

    Less is more

    That is wonderful news! You should be very happy with yourself for the accomplishment!


      Less is more

      Oh, I remember the 5:30 , not to mention Friday nights and the weekends. But I'm trying not to drink at all, cutting down doesn't work for me, seeing that when I start I just can't stop.

      All I can show the next morning is a headache, and a huge memory loss. Oh don't forget lots of guilt and shame.

      Keep on trying. Keep well.


        Less is more

        Way to go, Healer!
        I've enjoyed the feeling...memory of the previous night. It is so great! I've enjoyed my face being less splochy and my eyes aren't blood shot.
        Less is more...well said!


          Less is more

          Congrats, I tried the cold turkey way and it about put me in the ground. Honestly, I think that before you can go one day at a time you have to go 1 hour at a time and work up to a day. I think I am probably at the same stage as you right now and it is rough but everyday I push harder and go longer. Keep it up.


            Less is more

            Welcome Healer,

            It's great you're coming on board to get the monster drink under control. Recommend highly getting RJ's book and become familiar with the entire program. It seems some people struggle more than they need to because they don't take the "attack from every angle" approach. RJ worked on physical and mental cravings and physical well-being and health to come up with a program that finally worked for her. So my advice - read, read, read - RJ's book, lots of threads and posts, and stay in touch with this wonderful group of folks who've faced the same demon. Good luck to you.


