I looked for the dehydrated lemon at the groc. but couldn't find it, so I just bought the bottled juice -- cheap groc store brand. Lemons, like everything else, have gotten so expensive! But I am feeling inspired today, cause hubby agreed to do this week AF with me -- he'll probably hate it but I need his help. So I am cleaning out the fridge, putting away the groceries, and what do I find but a couple of whole lemons! Gonna go make some lemon water now. Good to know about the liver thing, too.
No announcement yet.
Lemon Water...who knew
Lemon Water...who knew
I looked for the dehydrated lemon at the groc. but couldn't find it, so I just bought the bottled juice -- cheap groc store brand. Lemons, like everything else, have gotten so expensive! But I am feeling inspired today, cause hubby agreed to do this week AF with me -- he'll probably hate it but I need his help. So I am cleaning out the fridge, putting away the groceries, and what do I find but a couple of whole lemons! Gonna go make some lemon water now. Good to know about the liver thing, too.
Lemon Water...who knew
Thanks for the tip. I can't use fresh lemons on trips but I sure could buy a bottle of real lemon juice at the start of the week and use that.
I, too, and finding lemon juice to help me. I think because I used to drink red wine, which is fairly acid and the lemon juice is acid. I don't add much sweetener at all.
CS, for fresh, I squeeze, not sure about the others, though.
CindiAF April 9, 2016
Lemon Water...who knew
I am definitely gonna try this, I have to have a lemon or lime in the frig somewhere! I guess squeeze the slice and then ditch the seeds and put the remainder in the glass, yep, that's what I'm gonna do. Thanks guys, you're the best! I need an AF vacation (Or stay-cation, cuz that is what this is).
Love the Harry Niilson song, it is the Friday afternoon song I play at work. Harry was an alkie?The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.
Lemon Water...who knew
I am going to try this also.......from what I hear on this thread it sounds like a good alternative - and a natural, detoxifying one at that.
Thanks for the tip! Looking forward to seeing how it works for me!Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction.I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.
Lemon Water...who knew
I drink my water with lemon all the time, lemons are expensive. Does the "real lemon juice" do the same thing? Is it a detox also?:teeter:JAMMS
"I'm safe.. up high...no one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."
"no pain..inside...you're my protection...how do I feel this good SOBER?!"
Lemon Water...who knew
Bump for Blanchieboo
I have been using the reconstituted lemon juice in a bottle, grocery store brand. It is just so darn easy -- it's in the fridge, and squirt some into your water glass. It was about $2 for the bottle, so way cheaper than using "fresh" lemons. It's not fake lemon flavor, so one would assume that lemon juice is lemon juice, as far as the detox abilties. I do like the real fruit, but once in a while and for good reason, small concessions are OK. (at $1 a lemon around here!)
Lemon Water...who knew
i drink lemonade and it helps...but i love lemon so i might give this a try..thanksWhen you can look a thing in the eye,
Acknowledge that it exists,
Call it exactly what it is,
And decide what role it will play in your life,
Then my beloved,
You have taken the first step toward your freedom.
Iyanla Vanzant