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Getting to know each, please read and reply

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    Getting to know each, please read and reply

    SO i thought it would be nice to get to know the person behind the nickname. I don't know if you've all done this but i thought it would be fun and interesting. I'll start and i hope other people join in...

    My name is Michelle. I'm 24. I have an 9 month old child who is the most amazing girl and means the world to me. Her name is Grace. I have a husband of 2 years although we've been together for 9 years.

    I started drinking at 13 with my parents. My dad drinks over a bottle of wine a night so i thought it was ok to do so.

    Before falling pregnanyt with my child, i was drinking a bottle a night. The night before i found i was pregnant i had downed over a bottle. As soon as i found out (i did the test as i was board and wow what a shock) i stopped drinking right away.

    I've also suffered from depression since i was 10. I had my appendix out and my body went into shock and after 3 years of trying to find out what was wrong with me, i was diagnosed with an illness called RSDS which will be with me my whole life (was in hospital for 6 years). At the time i had to have a genral anesthetic to cut my toenails. You couldn't touch my feet. Anyway, that no longer effects my life as i had a spinal cord stimulator implanted into my spin (Had to be awake the WHOLE operation, sitting up and was not alowed to move).

    My depression comes back from time to time and i have suffered bad postnatal depression. After giving birth to my baby by c-section i suffered a terrible infection where i collasped and was taken to hospital. I got through that to have my husband (24 yr old) diagnosed with Cancer. All happened before my baby was 5 months.
    What a year!!!!!!
    Anyway, i'm so thankful for what i have, my baby, my wonderful house, my amazing husband and all of you on this site to give me strength. It's amazing!!!!!

    SO you don't haveto go into as much detail as me!!!!

    Getting to know each, please read and reply

    Hi Michelle and welcome....WOW what a life you have had in your short 24yrs!! I hope all is going well for you now. How is your husband doing with the cancer?

    Im 51, married (2nd husband) and have no children. I have 2 doggies that are like my babies! I grew up with alcoholic parents. Tasted my first drink at 13 (snuck some at my friends parents party) and although it made me VERY ill the next day, I guess I must have liked something about it, cause I have been drinking ever since.

    I was married first time at 23 and we drank "socially", least that is what I thought it was at the time. I guess we were "functioning" alkies, cause we worked and bought homes, all appeared well.

    Fast forward, after all these years of drinking (I usually drink a bottle of wine a night) I am sick and tired of it and I want out. I want to be released of it's hold. I am a work in progress and I am making progress, for that I am thankful.

    What are your goals here at MWO? Do you want to quit or moderate? For me it's all or nothing, so I need to "QUIT". Again, welcome aboard, look forward to hearing more from you.

    Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


      Getting to know each, please read and reply

      I'm lazy so... click the link below!
      Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


        Getting to know each, please read and reply

        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
        Dr. Seuss


          Getting to know each, please read and reply


          lil.michelle;373961 wrote: SO i thought it would be nice to get to know the person behind the nickname. I don't know if you've all done this but i thought it would be fun and interesting. I'll start and i hope other people join in...

          My name is Michelle. I'm 24. I have an 9 month old child who is the most amazing girl and means the world to me. Her name is Grace. I have a husband of 2 years although we've been together for 9 years.

          I started drinking at 13 with my parents. My dad drinks over a bottle of wine a night so i thought it was ok to do so.

          Before falling pregnanyt with my child, i was drinking a bottle a night. The night before i found i was pregnant i had downed over a bottle. As soon as i found out (i did the test as i was board and wow what a shock) i stopped drinking right away.

          I've also suffered from depression since i was 10. I had my appendix out and my body went into shock and after 3 years of trying to find out what was wrong with me, i was diagnosed with an illness called RSDS which will be with me my whole life (was in hospital for 6 years). At the time i had to have a genral anesthetic to cut my toenails. You couldn't touch my feet. Anyway, that no longer effects my life as i had a spinal cord stimulator implanted into my spin (Had to be awake the WHOLE operation, sitting up and was not alowed to move).

          My depression comes back from time to time and i have suffered bad postnatal depression. After giving birth to my baby by c-section i suffered a terrible infection where i collasped and was taken to hospital. I got through that to have my husband (24 yr old) diagnosed with Cancer. All happened before my baby was 5 months.
          What a year!!!!!!
          Anyway, i'm so thankful for what i have, my baby, my wonderful house, my amazing husband and all of you on this site to give me strength. It's amazing!!!!!

          SO you don't haveto go into as much detail as me!!!!

          Hi Michelle:

          You are so young and a full life is ahead of you with your great husband and beautiful child..I wish I was 24 again. I am 52 and married to a good man but also liked me liked to drink altough with him it's in the open as for me I like to hide my drinks, it is my little secret..This is my second day of no drinks and want to make a third and a fourth and so on..I hate the hangover and the memories lost so this morning was a good beginning. I am glad that you are thankful for what you have and hope your husband will get better..My husband is also very sick, he is not to drink anymore and that is why I must stop as well....Take care for now and one day at the time...Bye Michou


            Getting to know each, please read and reply

            Hi Michelle: I am a 45-year-old male names Danny. I am not married but have been loving the same person for 17 years we have a 6-year-old daughter going on 7 year old daughter this year (late starters so to speak). Met in our late 20s through music my partner is a classically trained flute player I was a so-called musician that thought the Sex Pistols where the second coming!!! We were both working in a sloppy Mexican restraunt at the time I was studying for a bugger all degree at Uni (Bachelor of Arts film studies), which I got!! And is as useless as tits on a bull and she was at the conservatorium which she eventually dropped out of because the staff were all exiled Nazis. She was a waitress I was a dish hand talk about Frankie and Johnnie (the film Michelle Fifer and Al pacino) We both lived in dives in the central city for years every night was drug and alcohol fuelled. Now well both are pretty toned down sailing has come back into my life (I have been sailing since I was 10 competivley) now its just the sea I need to calm me and my love not an endless club scene that’s ends up in a hurtful fight. Still in love and sober that’s the main thing
            Love Cap


              Getting to know each, please read and reply

              me in short

              I am 34, I have a partner of 12 years, she is my soulmate, but sometimes we mirror a bit too much for each other We have four beautiful wee ones...they are 5, twins 4, and 3. They are all unique, curious, and funny. I have lots of animals, and would have more given the room. I am a healer, massage, energy, etc. I LOVE my work and it really is my calling. I love people in general, I think we are all pretty splendid. I use alcohol to quiet my mind, really I just got into a habit of it really. I never drank at all until I was 21 and then very rarely. Over time that changed and for the past 7 yrs or so ive had some drinks in the evening. It wasn't every day and then became that, and then I started drinking more. Now I drink Captain Morgan, shots. I don't like mixing. I used to consume approx. 10 shots in the evening after 5:30 and usually I was in bed passed out by 10:00. That started getting really old. I am one week into having less. I have been having no more than 6 shots per night, and I am drinking my lemon water, using the kudzu, and trying to wait later and be more active. I feel much better and can remember what happened the whole week...sweet!


                Getting to know each, please read and reply

                Hi Lil Mich, I was a problem drinker 15 years ago but stopped when my husband went into rehab (he had a car accident DUI ). After that we both were AL free for at least 7 years. I had to drive him around for 7 years because he permanently lost his DL. We moved from Florida to Utah and a miracle happened-he got a DL. He started drinking again about 7 years ago and i gradually followed- I couldn't beat him so I joined him. In the last few years it has progressed to 12 beers a day (weekends more). I am now 57 and really worried about what I am doing to my body. Our youngest son is still living at home and is quite disgusted with his parents. When he comes downstairs each day there is a forest of beer bottles on the kitchen counter. I have been lucky enough to still have a clear driving record but I know I have driven many times when I shouldn't have. I am SO ready for this program!!!
                "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                  Getting to know each, please read and reply

                  ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                  those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                  Dr. Seuss


                    Getting to know each, please read and reply

                    One 2 a "goth" ok let me guess Nick Cave ummmm The Dirty Three I love you more every day what a sweet heart you are love ya
                    Love Cap


                      Getting to know each, please read and reply

                      I am a 56-yr-old woman in the midwestern USA, but I grew up in the South and still feel at home there. I drank way too much for way too long, with some periods of sobriety mixed in (3 years in AA).

                      My father was what we like to call a "bad" alcoholic... ended up killing himself. He and my mother drank heavily and battled throughout my childhood.

                      I am single but living with an ex-partner (a non-drinker)... that is not ideal but not terribly uncomfortable, either. Financially, it works for both of us right now. I am in career transition, again, re-building a business after getting forced out of an academic position, and in the midst of that my 88-yr-old mother kinda crashed and was in the hospital, then nursing home, and now back in her house with in-home care. She has Alzheimer's (early stages).

                      At my house we have three dogs (one is my mother's... but I guess now he's mine... ) and two cats.

                      I love to read, love photography... I have done all sorts of work in the fields of law and psychology, and I also teach meditation.

                      I just now switched from PC to Mac!! And I haven't had a drink in 12 days. And that feels GREAT.



                        Getting to know each, please read and reply

                        You lucky buggers Stiff L fingers im in ya back yard now the buzzcocks & Jello Biafra the dead kennedys


                          Getting to know each, please read and reply

                          Dead Kennedys and the Sub Humans great stuff to do the washing by I love em for the relaxtion !!!!!!! add some Stranglers and calm the kids down HAAAAAAAAAAA you got yourself a good day
                          your a riot one


                            Getting to know each, please read and reply

                            Holiday in Cambodia what a great place to see


                              Getting to know each, please read and reply

                              nice and easy does it by the stranglers one of my all time favourites

