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Hello, having rough night

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    Hello, having rough night

    I just stumbled on this sight tonight as I was surfing the web. Unfortunately I was surfing because I have been off my antabuse for 7 days and was trying to determine weather or not I really had to wait the full 14 days. I am a nurse and I know better. I know the risk I would be taking and have decided to not have a drink tonight. Will the cravings ever stop? I am 78 days sober and hope to make it to 79. I read the story of the site. I havent read the book yet, but plan on ordering it. I was comforted by the fact that there are many other secret alcoholics out there struggling to win the battle on thier own. Any advice to get through a rough night?

    Hello, having rough night

    Go into chat and I'm sure there will be people there to give advise and share a laugh.


      Hello, having rough night

      Well, Rosey, more times than not the cravings don't completely diminish.... unfortunately. It does get easier with time and they become less and are not constantly in the forethought of your thinking.

      78 days is great! How about grabbing a hot tea or something else?

      It is probably one of the toughest things to quit besides Heroine and smoking.

      Keep your eyes on the prize - it isn't worth it to cave.

      **HUGS** and a huge welcome!


        Hello, having rough night

        Hi Rosey, Congrats on day78 onto day 79!

        Along with the book you may want to consider the supplements.
        All one , kudzu and L-glut are great for cravings and general wellness.

        Reading all the fun, interesting and thoughtful posts by all of the fun, interesting and thoughtful folks here will take the rest of the night!!

        Glad you found "us"...

        It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.


          Hello, having rough night

          Thanks for the warm welcomes. I do hope they become less intense. It has been difficult to distract myself tonight. Maybe will try the tea or live chat.


            Hello, having rough night

            Rosey ~ Welcome!

            I can't believe it is still so hard for you after being sober 78 days. Have you been completely AF? The reason I ask this is that I read that you can't not have a physical craving for AL if you have abstained for 3 days. By then it is out of your system and the cravings should be gone. But you can still have the old "urges". The brain has a way of playing tricks on us. So I really don't understand the longer term cure of craving meds anyway. They must balance some chemical in our brains. Hmmm...anyway, have you tried to actually break the habits that go with your drinking patterns? Because many people achieve success this way.

            You have to fix the problems that caused you to reach for AL in the first place, not just keep the "cravings" or urges at bay. I hope this makes sense.

            For now, try some herbal tea. Chamomile really helps take the edge off the nerves.

            I wish you the best of luck. We are here for you.

            Love, Me
            Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


              Hello, having rough night

              You have to fix the problems that caused you to reach for AL in the first place, not just keep the "cravings" or urges at bay.

              Thankful, this is the part that scares me even more than being AF itself.


                Hello, having rough night

                I don't know if it is a craving or an old urge, all I know is I want a drink. Yes, I have been completely AF. And no I havent broken the old habits, but that is kind of a hard one. I liked to drink at home, alone and before bedtime. Maybe I need to get out and go for a walk. Thanks for the help.


                  Hello, having rough night

                  I agree that is the scary part - why do we drink? I am not actually sure myself. I guess it helped me cope with anything I found upsetting at first, then eventually I used it to cope with everything.


                    Hello, having rough night

                    It really is hard, Rosey. I understand completely. I too am a creature of habits that I have to change (not about drinking anymore). That's what makes this journey a difficult one. But it is so worth it in the end.

                    If you don't already, I too highly recommend the supplements. I noticed some great results in my mood and my whole well being simply by taking a multi-vitamin, B complex vitamins and the fish oil. They really do help.

                    Hang in there! You can do this!

                    Love, Me
                    Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                      Hello, having rough night

                      Rosey... glad you came here! Wondering why you went off the antabuse... maybe best to get back on, right away, now that you know that your mind/brain is making plans that are not in your best interests... not what it appears that you really want (to be free of alcohol)?

                      My perspective is a bit different than others you may hear from around here... I do not think it is necessary to discover and/or eliminate whatever you might think caused or causes you to drink, or want to drink. I am not saying that we shouldn't address anything in our lives that might be holding us back from being who we really want to be, and how we want to be... what I am saying is that it is good to approach wellness and healthy living (mind, body, spirit) in a holistic fashion, not necessarily one step preceding another... although abusing alcohol tends to prevent us from getting anywhere that we really want to go, doesn't it? There are plenty of people who have learned to quit the alcohol while they are still living with other major problems and difficult situations...

                      best wishes,



                        Hello, having rough night

                        CS ~ I know too well what it's like to delve into this dark mind and my past. But you know, nothing is going to improve in your life until you do. You are already unhappy about drinking. Avoiding issues will only make things worse, hun.

                        Do you have a counselor you can talk to?

                        Love, Me
                        Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                          Hello, having rough night

                          I will try the vitamins. I do take comfort in the fact that all days are not this bad. Although none have been easy either. I do agree that alcohol does prevent us from getting where we want to go, thanks I needed that reminder. As for deep issues, yes there is a large contributing one that I really thought I had come to terms with. No counselors.


                            Hello, having rough night

                            Hi Rosey, I can't speak highly enough of the supplements recommended here. I think they have been absolutely crucial to me getting a grip on this. And really, a huge help is to jump into chat here when you are struggling and you will find the help and support you need. Everything here helps, the book, the supps, the CD's. You can do this!
                            You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


                              Hello, having rough night

                              Thank you all. I did take my Antabuse tonight. At first I was purposely only taking it every 2-3 days figuring that was still enough to keep me from drinking and my supply would last longer. It is kind of expensive. But 3 days turned to 4 then 5 6 and seven..... then I thought maybe I could? I can't and I know I cant because I wont stop. Thanks for the encouragement and advice. I will read the book and try some supplements.

