Matthen - if you're reading - piglets are doing fabulously well - 5 months old now and so funny! Like having a load of puppies in the field! One of the sows is going to have to go for sausages sadly as she has developed arthritis and cannot be used for breeding :upset:
All 28 lambs are.... well.... sheep really. Mostly woolly. Second batch of lambs suffered from upset stomachs when they first came due to the change of grass but they're ok now.
Horsey is still lovely though he's in my big field at home atm and I can't catch the bugger!!! He ran round yesterday snorting and prancing and holding his tail up in the air and generally being an arse! But a very handsome arse! :H Dog department is fine - looking for another rescue lurcher to join the gang (must be mad!!) Chicks everywhere and chickens seem to be finding it just too hot and boring to lay many eggs. Grrrrr. With the price of chicken feed they need to be laying bloody golden eggs to repay me!! :H
Sorry about that - probably should have done a pm but I've typed it now.
And finally, can somebody please take this ODAT crown off my head?? Please?? It's getting heavy! I am spending way too long on the PC each day and need to wean myself off. I wouldn't need to turn it on first thing in the morning if I didn't feel I HAD to start the ODAT thread!! Then I could get on with other stuff first and turn it on later in the day to catch up/fill in drink tracker/check emails etc. I've been up an hour and I'm still in my dressing gown! It just won't do!! I've got all those animals above to feed!
Love to all to come.
Bessie xxxx