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ODAT Monday

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    ODAT Monday

    Day two!

    I will not let the previous 12 days AF be for nothing.
    I can do this.
    WE can do this.

    Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


      ODAT Monday

      No Brainer

      Aaaaggghhh. I think one of the worst things about being hungover is not the tiredness, irritability or headaches, it's the inability to concentrate. I have been trying to accomplish little tasks all day and keep getting sidetracked by something else or spend five minutes every half hour looking for my tea glass. Maybe that's just the pre-menopause working on me but I have so many things in my life I need/want to concentrate on! Sorry. Just a bit frustrated with myself.

      Keeta, thinking of you. You can do it! Alley


        ODAT Monday

        Hi Everyone,

        Thanks Evie for the great start. Hope Bessie realizes we miss her, but don't want her to feel overwhelmed at the thought of starting us out everyday. She'll start thinking she's the MWO rooster or something.

        Sounds like there were a few challenges over the weekend but that seems to be our pattern. Hubby and I were out with 3 other couples Sat. night, one of whom is on break from his job in Tokyo (we knew them before they went over). Very interesting to hear about the many customs, some of which we found very funny (I guess the Japanese have a peculiar way of assigning building numbers, which makes for some very confusing directions at times). But aside from the conversation, I watched the entire group's drinking habits.

        No one else at the table has a drinking issue. I watched as everyone ordered a drink (I ordered a glass of wine) and it took nearly an hour to drink that one drink. Everyone was much more into catching up with folks that downing the booze was not even in the picture. For me, it was so much more enjoyable than the anxiey-ridden "when can I get that next drink???" garbage that the drinking head likes to dwell on. I say off with that head! Bring on the sanity, bring on the health, and bring on all the good life that sobriety offers. We have to work our little (or not so little) butts off at times, but the climb is where we build up all that good muscle. Hope everyone has a good week. Special congrats to Greenie who's 7 WEEKS in the midst of upheaval, and Sea who's just steps behind her. And WIP - you inspire me. Have a great week all.


