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Coming off a bender.

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    Coming off a bender.

    I have been drinking like crazy for the last two weeks. First thing every morning, last thing every night. Back to reality today. Uuugggghhh, reality bites.

    Coming off a bender.

    noma'am - Get lots of lemon water in you, do you have supps? Sorry having a rough time. Seems to me that reality will bite alot less when you are hangover free and al free, it will just feel icky getting there!

    Read and post away.. There is a new August come one come all thread for support in AF Aug. if you are into that.

    It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.


      Coming off a bender.

      My crazy (crazier) drinking for the past two to three weeks is what led me to this place, and I'm thankful I'm here! School's starting up again soon. I dread it. I'm going to try very hard in August. I'm here with you. :l Alley


        Coming off a bender.

        Hey there,
        You must be feeling really rough right about now; I know I always did...if you can drinks lots of fluids; Gatorade, vegetable juices and ofcourse water. Try also getting some real food into you as well; lots of protein always helps and keeps your body energized longer. It will all help to expel the alcohol in your system. I really hope you feel better soon honey.


          Coming off a bender.

          Hi noma'am, so glad to hear from you! I was thinking of you last night, think the last time we joked around was the prairie posts (Oh, by the way O2M, you can go to and chat about episodes to your sweet hearts content - they've been advertising it, I'll have to check!).
          I'm glad you're back now, please stay with us - good or bad - we've missed you!!!:l
          You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


            Coming off a bender.

            Hi Noma'am
            I am glad that u are here. I remember too well how badly I felt just a month ago. You know that it will get better. You have received great advice already about fluids, food, and just being good to yourself. I wish u well and look forward to your future posts. You do not have to do this again.(have a hangover).:l
            "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


              Coming off a bender.

              Welcome back Noma'am,

              Do you feel like sharing? What's provoked the drinking? Can you untangle anything to give you ammo for the next time? Sorry to hear of the struggle, but glad you're back. You know you're cared about - what are you doing to help yourself along? Be extra special to yourself - let us know what's going on in noma'am land.



                Coming off a bender.

                No Ma'am,
                I've been thinking of you too -- I love your sense of humor. I even looked for the $1.97 WalMart wine! Couldn't find it -- they must not sell it here in Ohio -- probably a good thing. I have been stumbling too, but keep climbing back on....We are here to help each other!


                  Coming off a bender.

                  I know what your'e going through. I'm 4th day al free of the back of a two week bender all day every day But every you'll start to feel better! It always feels like the end of the world when your that hungover but give it a week and you'll start feeling better. all the best with your struggles. Try to stay happy and healthy!

