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Just Joined

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    Just Joined

    Hello Folks
    Don't remember how I found this site but from what I have read I like it. I am male, 58, retired with a disabled wife. I drink on a schedule by my self. By on a schedule I mean; it's ok on wed, fri and sun but not on the other days in the week. When Wed comes along, even if I don't feel like drinking I do. I recently decieded to quit for 6 weeks. Somewhere in my past I remember a doctor telling me if you can stop drinking for 6 weeks your not an alcoholic. I am 9 days into this 6 weeks absinence. What bothers me is I have no desire to drink right now. So what is going on with me.

    Just Joined

    Hello and Welcome
    You have come to a wonderful place. Good for you on having 9 days of abstinence. That is a Great start. I find you drinking pattern very interesting. I could not put more than 2 days together without alcohol before I joined this site. When u do drink, do u drink to excess? Is your drinking creating problems in your life? Just some questions to ask yourself. I really don't think it is so much how much I drink, as it is the way it makes me feel, both physically and mentally, and how it makes things disappear in my life; like jobs, homes, relationships, etc... I am glad that u are here and look forward to reading your future posts. BTW, tell the doc that I went ten years without a drink, and then picked right back up where I left off. I am definitely an Alchoholic. Best wishes.
    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


      Just Joined

      I too am new here. It's only been a couple days but this is a great place. You will find alot of support. Good Luck
      :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


        Just Joined

        There are alot of people here that will support you through your 6 weeks. Good that you have no desire right now but if that changes know that we will all be here for you.


          Just Joined

          Hi jkaytech

          Glad you found us.
          It's a good sign that you have no desire to drink. Long may it continue.
          I have stopped drinking for months on end and I am definately an alcoholic and I always will be. Controlling it is what I'm here for.
          Good luck to you on your journey


            Just Joined

            Welcome! Good job on 9 days!


              Just Joined

              Welcome JKay,

              Sea summed it up so well. It's not the frequency nor the amount necessarily (although most of us established a lengthy pattern of drinking 'way too much) but how you feel about it and what effect it has on your life. Most of the truly social drinkers I know can generally take or leave booze, and when they do have a drink, they drink it slowly and never to excess. The drink is never the point of anything - the occasion, the company or whatever is always the main attraction. Alcohol doesn't lurk in their minds, ready to sabotage the best-laid plans.

              Continue to explore your relationship with alcohol, read the posts on this site, and read Roberta's story. Do you relate to it? Welcome - we're here if we need it.



                Just Joined

                There isn't enough information in your post to answer your question. New people often come here wondering if they are an alcoholic. More than two 5 oz. glasses in a day is not good for your health, but I dn't know how much you are consuming when you drink. The real question is, Does drinking interfere with your life? If so, you might have a problem.
                My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                  Just Joined

                  jkay ~ Welcome. I hope you find all the support you seek here. I am sure that you will.

         are an original, I'll say that. You seem to be a habitual drinker. Are you a creature of habit in other areas of your life? What are you doing on your non-drinking days that keeps you away from AL? Do you drink out of boredom? I agree that we need a little more info when you are ready to share more about yourself. Only when you are ready. Never any pressure.

                  In the meantime, I would like to suggest that you start with the book about the program. You can download it to your PC or order a hard copy. It's a wonderful explanation of the program.

                  Feel free to ask all the questions you want. We are here for you.

                  Good luck!!

                  Love, Me
                  Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.

