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For all the mamms in ireland
For all the mamms in ireland
Thanks Iad and one 2 i just get these overwhelming moments of self loathing don't know why?????? Have been around before the drink just get a overwhelming sense of complete inadquacy I need to sort this out anyway thanks for your concern Im ok Love you guys
For all the mamms in ireland
Thanks Captin,just seeing this now. We all have those days ,I listen to myself spewing out advice to my 15 yr old and inside im thinking , one day he see you for what you really are, a fool . Im doing a degree on line at the moment with the open uni and I regularly think ,you will never be able to carry it off! It will be no good! Keep putting one foot in front of the other and beat the shit out of that negative bastard inside your head and BELIEVE in you ....we all do. And f.y.i., I think you look a bit like Elvis!!