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Gave in to temptation....again

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    Gave in to temptation....again

    Okay, here goes. As crazy as it sounds I feel great and awful. That's right, I totally failed last night. But the crazy part is I still feel like I'm winning. Because I got home about 5 and by 8 I would have normally had 3-4 glasses of wine...barely had a couple of sips. In fact I kept telling myself I wanted one but my body just didn't get one. It was the weirdest feeling. Might have been able to go the whole night but gave in when my roomate started drinking. Lousy excuse I know.
    I was so hoping to write today that I was 1 day AF. Maybe tomorrow. God help me, I've got to get this right.
    :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.

    Gave in to temptation....again

    Sometimes you just feel that way; and we all do. It's completely normal to feel like that when you're fighting an addiction. All we can do, is try our best..everyday. No one can ask more then that.


      Gave in to temptation....again

      I think you did great. You are hard on yourself like I am. A few sips is a hell of alot better than 3-4 glasses that's for sure. Be proud of yourself. Cutting down is a great step. That is where I am. I need to be AF, but I guess I a just letting stress get the best of me.

      Good luck to you - you have alot of support here - the people are awesome!
      "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


        Gave in to temptation....again

        I just realized that today is 2 wks for me. But I had a beer a couple nights ago with dinner when out with a friend. I'm not usually a beer drinker, but it tasted good - AND (the important part!) I had no desire for any other drink. It was like I was "normal" - lol.

        But I don't consider that a failure! So you shouldn't consider a few sips as a failure either (coz then I'll have to say I'M a failure!!)...

        I thought I could "moderate" - but I realized I FIRST have to quit entirely for a rather long time. I'm not sure how long that will be, but I know that it's too easy if you've had 1... to continue...

        Good luck - I think you'll be surprised that after a time you won't even think about it. Well, maybe in passing, but it won't be that "I've GOTTA have a drink" thing.
        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


          Gave in to temptation....again

          Thanks, you're all so nice. But I guess I didn't explain it clearly. I had a couple sips between 5 and 8. After the roomate got home and started drinking it was much more. Fell so hard off the wagon I'm a little bruised today...not for real thank god, just my pride.
          But thanks for the support. Hopefully tonight is my night.
          :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


            Gave in to temptation....again

            Picking Yourself UP

            Yep, akg, I did the same thing last night. And I was so happy with myself yesterday morning! However, I know I got through a few days, and now I know I can do it again. You will, too! Hang in there! :h Alley


              Gave in to temptation....again

              The important thing is how you feel. I'm rooting for you...


                Gave in to temptation....again

                Alley and AK,
                I know you both are about as new to this as I am. I originally thought I would use this program to "cut down" but then when I finished reading the book I realized that even if we want to mod we need to do 30 days AF. I struggled and struggled to get that first 24 hours AF, but finally Tues I did it. I am now 3 days AF. I now know, pretty much, that I am not going to be a candidate to mod- I'm just too addicted. I know that from my smoking. I quit 17 years ago; about 1 year ago I tried one smoke and I'm back to regular pack a day habit. My goal is to tackle the AL first- it interferes with my life more. I had started drinking in the morning before going to work (danger, danger). I'm glad I arrived here before that became "an every day thing". It was getting close. I love all of you and consider you my life line. To Alley and AK, Try lemon water as your new "drink of choice"-that's what flipped my switch the other day. Kriger
                "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                  Gave in to temptation....again

                  Kriger, and all,

                  I feel the same way. you are all my life line. I am still a little overwhelmed on this site. Sometimes hard to keep up, but all the positive feedback is what keeps us strong. I hope tomorrow I write about my first day AF

                  Thanks to all:h
                  :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                    Gave in to temptation....again

                    Hi everyone! I always find what helps is to have your favourite non AL drink in the house at all times; and for me it has to be cold. I absolutely love Perrier or Pelegrino with sliced cucumber in the water. I keep that stocked at all times, it's really refreshing and the cold helps. That with lemons is excellent as well. I do have a juicer as well. I love fresh carrot juice, or watermelon with green apples...there are so many combinations and it keeps you busy deciding what to try next.


                      Gave in to temptation....again

                      I think you are right and that will be the key. I just need to find my substitute. Although I ended up failing yesterday I started out good. I drank green tea, even went as far as to carry it around with me like I do my wine. Felt kind of silly but whatever works right?
                      :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                        Gave in to temptation....again

                        Exactly! Whatever works for you. You're just beginning, please try not to be so hard on yourself. This is not an easy road you are taking, and there will be set backs. We all want immediate success, but that is very rare. Just keep believing that you can do it; because you can.


                          Gave in to temptation....again

                          As long as you don;t stopt trying you are making progress. Never give up.


                            Gave in to temptation....again

                            Gia, you rock. All your words and attitude are so wonderful. Thanks for giving us all some hope.

