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Welcome All Newbies!!!

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    Welcome All Newbies!!!

    I just thought it would be a good idea - a nice idea - for some of us who have been here on MWO a while to do a "welcome thread" to anyone just logging on. The boards can be a bit scary when your a newbie and a few motivating lines of advice/support would, I am sure, make Starting Out that little bit easier.

    What do you think??

    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)

    Welcome All Newbies!!!

    Hi Janice,

    As a day one AF newbie, I say thank you. You are right, it's a little scary at first. But the support is so awesome yoiu feel right at home in no time. Thank for reaching out to those of us just starting our journey
    :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


      Welcome All Newbies!!!

      Thanks Janice for starting a thread for us Newbies. There are alot of other threads that have their regulars, and a post from someone new almost seems like interrupting. Not that I've made to feel like that by anyone, just that I feel I'm interrupting their continuity. They all have known each other for ages it seems.

      I'm again on day one AF. The long weekend just past got me started again (and I knew it would) ... but will try again. I received my MWO book this week in the mail and plan to finish reading it tonight for better understanding of how the program works. I won't be taking any prescription meds, but have L-Glut, Milk Thistle and other vitamins and supps. Hoping the L-Glut will help out.


        Welcome All Newbies!!!

        Hi akgirl and New Day and good luck getting past day 1 - the hardest day. The L-Glut really worked for me as did the kudzo, milk thistle and vitamin c. The cds really helped too and coming on here was the best support of all.

        Through the MWO programme, RJ has given us the tools to help with our recovery but we have to really want to do this ourselves - no doubt there will be hard times when you will be tested but if sobriety is what you really want in your life, you are only a moment away. Good luck to you....

        AF since 9 May 2012
        Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


          Welcome All Newbies!!!

          Evening going okay

          Have been reading through some of the threads while watching the Opening Ceremonies of the Olympics. Spectacular! I'm on my own this evening --- hubby has gone out to a business reception, and daughter dropped in briefly on her way up to a friends' cottage for the weekend. Normally, I would have sat with my bottle of wine and enjoyed the peace and quiet. However, tonight I've sat with a glass of tonic and lime and feeling just great.
          Athletes just marching in now, so I'm going to continue reading the MWO book with another tonic and lime and get through this evening AF. Will check in later if I feel the need.


            Welcome All Newbies!!!

            I want to welcome all of you newbies too! Great idea Janice!

            I use to welcome each one when I first joined. Then all of a sudden this place got so many new members that I can't keep up anymore!! So what a wonderful idea to have this thread started.

            It is a great place. It is a place where you can speak openly about drinking and other issues without judgment.

            Welcome to all of you, and those to come! :l


              Welcome All Newbies!!!

              Thanks Janice for starting this thread. I know ak and I are shooting for our first AF weekend. I know, for me, I am where I need to be tonight- posting and reading. The opening ceremony is on right now so I'm going to log off until its over. I WILL be back! Love you all and thanks for all the kind words. Kriger
              "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                Welcome All Newbies!!!

                It's only been a few days and I feel like family. Thank you all.

                I'm rooting for us Kriger, we CAN make it through the weekend
                :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                  Welcome All Newbies!!!

                  Thanks, Gia. Do you regularly post on Fri night? I can't believe how the "new posts" section has just dropped off. I hope that's because everyone is busy doing fun AF activities, don't you? I wish I could give you the name of a good scary movie but they have a way of disturbing me so I try to watch things that are light hearted. Have a great evening! I just told my husband tonight all about mwo and he will be a wonderful source of support. Yeah! Kriger
                  "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                    Welcome All Newbies!!!

                    I'm almost through Friday night, and tomorrow we have a lot of large projects around the house to keep us busy. We are cleaning our carpets for one- it is so overdue. We have taken in a couple of young people that needed a place to stay for the last 3 months or so. The place gets pretty trashed with the extra people, but we have always tried to help those in need. They see our drinking habits (not mine for the past 4 days) and I bet they think we're crazy with our "forest" of beer bottle on the counter every morning. It'll be one half from now on. Have a great AF weekend. I just got my kudzu today, so I'm hopeful for that. Kriger
                    "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                      Welcome All Newbies!!!

                      Hellooooooo..... newbies! :welcome: I started out last Dec. here and still post usually every day. I'm almost 8 weeks AF. Today was a big temptation. Lots of stress right now. But I went to the doggie park this evening. It really helps to do something like that. Gets your mind off it long enough so it goes away. No alcohol is allowed and everyone is friendly and we just hang out while the doggies play. So that strong urge passed within 30 minutes. I think it's great so many have joined up here. It is SO much bigger so don't feel slighted if you don't get a hello sometimes because while you write your post, someone else posts theirs so you didn't include that person. Don't worry about it. Good luck on your journey!
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        Welcome All Newbies!!!

                        Kriger, good luck this weekend, the Kudzu will help alot. Gia says you can take an extra if you feel the need.

                        I think I speak for all us newbies when I say thank you to all for your kind words of support as we start our long journey
                        :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                          Welcome All Newbies!!!

                          Thanks for jumping in, green. I hope you get through this stressful time. 8 weeks is monumental! Have a great weekend. kriger
                          "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                            Welcome All Newbies!!!

                            akgirl, your pup is sooooo cute!


                              Welcome All Newbies!!!

                              Hi to everyone out there. I am new here as well. I found this site a last week by accident and have been reading posts since then. I have read the book and started taking the Topa. I am now in the process of purchasing the supplements I intend to take. I am feeling pretty good these days and I have been AF for 36 days so far. The people on this board seem very supportive and helpful and I look forward to developing friendships with you guys in the future.

                              Staying AF one day at a time...

