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Welcome All Newbies!!!

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    Welcome All Newbies!!!

    I am 57, married with two boys, 21 and 32. My 32 year old has my only grandchild- 2000 miles away in Atlanta. My drinking was bad when I was age 30-42, then my husband went into rehab. We both were AF for 7 years then he started drinking again. I tried to fight his drinking and force him to stop by threatening to leave (he was mostly drinking away from home) and staying out all night, etc. Eventually, I couldn't beat it so I "joined him". That was about 4 years ago and I progressed quite rapidly to 12-15 beers a day. On weekends we, many times, introduced Vodka. Anyway, with my age, I know I'll be sick soon if I don't wise up so here I am, happily getting to know all of you. I am feeling the euphoria of being AF already, so I am feeling quite strong. I know I will have challenges but ODAT I will beat this thing, with the help of all of you. A resounding "thank you" to everyone! kriger
    I lived most of my life in Palm Beach County, FL but now we're in Utah (we're not even Morman). I miss Florida because it's population is more diverse, but I don't think I could go back to the humidity!
    Gia, Good luck tonight on keeping in moderation; I know you can do it. Doing the AF thing together starting Sun sounds like a good plan- I wish you both lots of luck-that first day is the hardest. I'm sure you already know that.
    Starting- Ask your local pharmacist about the GABA. I actually went online- there are quite a few webites that allow you to "ask the pharmacist". I would ask a couple of them just to get more than one opinion. When you ask them make sure to list everything you plan to take along with everything you are currently taking so they can get a complete pic. Thanks for your kind words- I DO feel stronger every day, thanks to everyone here. kriger
    "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


      Welcome All Newbies!!!

      Thank you for sharing Kriger,
      It's nice to get a mental picture of the wonderful folks who are helping you through this time. Anyone else on this thread care to share?
      :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


        Welcome All Newbies!!!

        I just love your little doggie, too. I would just love to pick him up and cuddle him!!!!! What a precious little angel. kriger I'm sure he's a handful
        "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


          Welcome All Newbies!!!

          Yeah, he's a handful alright, but a lot of fun. It will be funny to see how he reacts to his first snow.

          Alaska is an amazing place. All night sun in the summer, no sun in the winter. The best part is our yearly dividend for living here. This year its going to be more than $2000 per person. Pretty sweet, but come -40 below in January it doesn't seem like enough.

          Anyways, enough about Alaska. Trying to keep strong during which would be a green light to drink, the weekend. Better get out and be productive.

          Thank you all, I am blessed to be here surrounded by your wonderful support.
          :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


            Welcome All Newbies!!!

            When do you get your first snow...that sticks and lasts? Go be productive! I need to do the same. I have become a little shaky drinking coffee so I need to blast it out of my system. I'll start with a shower and go from there. kriger
            "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


              Welcome All Newbies!!!

              mwo2;378420 wrote:
              How did you do you your first 36 days? With the topa or just because you had the mind set, which is a very powerful thing in itself, I do know that I had gotten to the point where I knew that I just needed to be done with al.

              To be honest I am currently taking Campral and Naltrexone as well as the Topamax. Not sure if the three of them are a good mix but when I went to my doc this past week and asked for a script for Topa for Alcohol cravings she was not too keen on writing one for me. So here I am taking the Topa without a script. Oh well I think it is time to start looking for a new that will be will to at least work with me a little more that that.

              Now, that being said, I cannot give all the credit to the drugs. I have been working very hard at this for the last month plus. I have been attending AA meetings 6 days a week and have been reading posts on this website everyday. I am trying to get better connected in the event I need to talk to someone. The last thing I want to do is fail at this, again...
              Staying AF one day at a time...


                Welcome All Newbies!!!

                Well, we were kind of productive. Took my son to the local fair. Funny, one of the first places I would stop is the beer tent. Not today We ha d a lot of fun.

                As for snow, my birthday is Sep 13th and I've had snow then. It doesn't usually start sticking until October. But we have plenty by Halloween. This place ruins a few holidays. Too sunny to set off fire works for the forth, Halloween costumes are covered with snowgear, pretty easy to find Easter eggs in the snow...unless you don't die them

                Hope you are all well...check in later

                :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                  Welcome All Newbies!!!


                  Thanks Janice,
                  This is my second day on Topa, supps, CDs. I'm not sure what to expect, but I'm hopeful. Thanks for starting this forum for us newbies!:new:


                    Welcome All Newbies!!!

                    Neaketr ! You found the threads, yahoo !!! Sounds like you are being proactive and strong...maybe too proactive? sounds like quite a mix of meds...but I am no Dr. may be a good idea checking out with another doc.
                    The best thing to not fail is to have the mindset to not....sounds positive to me.

                    See ya...on the threads!

                    It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.


                      Welcome All Newbies!!!

                      Hi Sue and welcome,

                      You can expect good things. And from here you can expect wonderful people and a lot of support. I'm a newbie two, day three AF Good luck to you
                      :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                        Welcome All Newbies!!!

                        Welcome Sue,
                        To start you might want to consider starting a thread and telling everyone a little bit about yourself and situation (as much as you feel comfortable saying). This way you'll get to know a lot more of us. We are all here to support you. I sounds like you have plenty of tools to "get serious". Good luck on your journey. kriger
                        "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                          Welcome All Newbies!!!

                          I am a little apprehensive about you taking all those in combination. Do me a favor and go on They have a section where you can check drug interactions. Enter all three and any other meds you might be taking. Also, I would talk to a pharmacist-sometimes they know more about the interactions than many drs do. Check it out, please. Good luck to you. You have already come so far! kriger
                          "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                            Welcome All Newbies!!!

                            I just joined this group tonight. I have been sober 20 days this time around. I have struggled with alcoholism for the past 18 years. I had 18 months and relapsed in November 2007. I started taking Naltrexone and it is really helping. I have NO DESIRE to drink today or the last 20 days.


                              Welcome All Newbies!!!

                              Welcome to MWO Nomorealcohol and well done on your 20 days!! Jump around the boards, read as much as you can and if possible download the MWO book!!! Good luck and well done on taking that first step!! love Janicexxx
                              AF since 9 May 2012
                              Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                                Welcome All Newbies!!!

                                Thanks Kriger,
                                Can you tell me how to start a thread? Sorry, i really am a newbie!
                                Scouser Sue

