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admitting the problem makes it worse???

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    admitting the problem makes it worse???


    I joined a month or two ago and was all fired up. Bought all the supp[ements, book, etc. Went 3 days AF and thought I had kicked the habit and all was well. Then something bad happened and i had a "light' beer' to get through it. 2 days later it was a couple good old chardonnays again. Now I'm doing more, longer, harder drinking than ever. It's as if coming out to the world on this board made me want to sabotage myself. I have a lot to deal with emotionally, but so does everyone here. I'm afraid of stopping again for fear of the withdrawal, and especially the awful feeling of self worth if you start up again. This is a hideous disease!

    admitting the problem makes it worse???

    Jubilee, if you quit for a couple of days, just a month ago, it isn't likely that you will suffer withdrawal if you now quit again; but if you do, you certainly should get some medical help right away...

    Your larger question is harder to answer; but I think most would agree that, when you start getting the alcohol out of your life, there will be heavy resistance from your own mind/brain/body. Manifestations of that resistance may very well include very strong urges to drink, and also that you may drink even more heavily than usual... but always remember, that is YOUR CHOICE. If you want to get free of alcohol, get back on the horse and ride... set up a program, ask for help from people here, and be persistent. Make your recovery a HUGE priority in your life; otherwise you may as well just keep on drinking.

    best wishes,



      admitting the problem makes it worse???

      I will not have bad w/d if you didn't before. You have to make yourself a priority! Nobody else will until you do. This is progressive if you don't stop now it will continue to get worse and worse.


        admitting the problem makes it worse???

        just do your best .. we have all fail at one point in time .. but the good thing to keep on trying never give up.. you can do this .. stay strong and think positive
        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


          admitting the problem makes it worse???

          I have one further suggestion. Go on "new posts" and look for the one by tlrgs- ok-I'm done. Read it; it is truly inspiring, to say the least! Keep with us, even when you slip and you'll fing it easier to get back on that horse and try again. I'll look forward to your posts, Jubille. You CAN do it! kriger
          "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


            admitting the problem makes it worse???

            Also, keep in mind that 3 days won't kick ANY habit. It will take much, much longer than that. A habit such as AL takes a complete behavior modification. To get a little perspective, ask yourself how long it took you to get into this condition you are now in. Looking at it that way, I think you will see that recovery will not happen overnight or in 3 days. I wish you the best on this journey-remember we are all here to help and support! kriger
            "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


              admitting the problem makes it worse???

              Hi you. I feel the same way as you do! I haven't yet got my supplements but I’ve started drinking so much more now then. It's as if I’ve admitted i have a problem and I feel that i have to live up to the 'alcoholic' stereotype but drinking myself to death. Anyway. I think you should quit again. Remember we all fail but we need to brush ourselves off and start again.
              I'm starting from scratch today, if you're up for it we'll try do 30 days AF togther....


                admitting the problem makes it worse???

                thanks to all. w.i.p. i love your avatar. i am a photographer by trade...that is such a cool image.

                i appreciate the common sense....drinking is definitely a choice and just stopping without whining makes the most sense. i think the biggest challenge is figuring out the root of the problem.

                it's interesting to me that i quit being a wino ( I've been drinking chard for many , many years) and switched to vodka.....thought i'd drink less and it would be less sugar in my system... that was a couple weeks ago. last night i had wine tasted terrible to me, didn't really want it. It proved to me that it wasn't the wine i was addicted to at all, it was the relief from anxiety I felt. The trick is finding that relief without a substance involved.

                I'm with yu lil. michelle....let's start today!

