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Lost a friend

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    Lost a friend

    hi all.
    Today has been so hard for me. It's my first AF day for a while. I was sooo excited about it this morning after having my huge rant on here last night.

    The day was going really well, i was happy and having a wonderful time with my family when all of a sudden my best friend who says he is 'in love with me' wants out of my life. I know it is a tricky situation but i love him sooo much (like a brother) and i can't imagine life without him, not even for a few days. He is one of the big reasons why i drink as he stresses me out about this being in love with me crap. I don't think he is, its more, he's in love with what i am and how i look. I think as hard as it is for me he needs to leave to be ok and he needs to leave for me to be ok but it hurts.

    Anyway, i'm heartbroken and if i could have 5 mins alone i would have gone out and drunk myself stupid BUT i didn't. I drunk my lemon juice and curled up in bed.

    I know i'm heartbroken and the pain is so bad BUT i didn't drink and that makes me proud, even makes me have a half smile on my face.

    Life sucks!!! All i want is to live peacefully with my family, is that to much to ask?!?

    ANYWAY, still this is my FIRST day AF! Thanx for letting me get that off my chest! and once again, sorry for the moan! :thanks:

    Lost a friend

    It sounds weird but you might offer to sleep with him, once he feels the awkwardness of the situation he may have a change of heart. It worked on me years and years ago. A girl that I had been friends with for years, my next door neighbor actually, pulled that stunt on me when I had decided I was in love with her. As soon as it felt like I was messing around with my sister and backed away she said "Told you so, now stop acting like this". She was a wise person for her age.


      Lost a friend

      Well done!!

      Hey congrats on not drinking even though you are upset and feel like it.........that's absolutely brilliant and you should be very proud!!!!!!!! I'm sorry about your friend but hopefully he'll realise that he doesn't want to loose your friendship but either way you have done well by not turning to alcohol...........WELL DONE x:goodjob:


        Lost a friend

        Michelle what you describe is very common. It happened to me years ago, the feelings I had for the girl were very real & it tore me apart when she got together with someone else. I deeply regret losing that relationship, but being a young passionate guy there didn't seem to be any other option. I needed to move on.

        Whatever happens, remember you're a good person who didn't do anything wrong. It will all work out in the end.

