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I'm just not sure what happened....

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    I'm just not sure what happened....

    So last night I felt like I was doing well. I felt like I was keeping it in moderation, but then this morning I realize that I dont remember everything from last night. I wonder if my tolerance is weakening since I am drinking less???? Has anyone else experienced this? I still wonder if I am doing enough. My partner told me last night that she feels disconected from me and that she doesn't talk to me about some things at night during our alone time because she knows I may not remember it. That really made me think, you know. What is interesting is that she drinks nightly as well, but she never seems to over do it like I do. I think I need to stop with the shots and try wine or mixed drinks......Anyway thanks for listening.:thanks:

    I'm just not sure what happened....


    Just a word of caution on the "wine" thing.

    I am quite capable of blacking out on wine. Easy stuff to guzzle, especially once you start.

    AF April 9, 2016


      I'm just not sure what happened....

      Hey, Healer, not unusual. Probably it is not realistic to hope you can go directly from heavy alcohol consumption to "moderation" without a good long period totally AF... that's what the MWO program recommends, and with good reason, yes? What do you think?



        I'm just not sure what happened....


        I think wip is right you need to have at least 30 days AF before you start moderating.

        I also agree with you that your tolerance levels will have lowered since you have cut down on drinking - much to my dismay and horror when I overdid it a few days ago - didn't think I had overdone it because I only had 1 and a quarter bottles of wine which normally I could consume without any worries - So I am now back to more AF days and when I do consume any AL I do so bearing in mind that I can't drink like I used to

        Hope this helps

        Sweetpea:l xx
        :flower: Keep strong and focused things do get better and you will find your happy :h


          I'm just not sure what happened....

          Shots are probably not a good idea when trying to moderate.:H sip slooooooowwwwwwllllyyyyy.....
          You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


            I'm just not sure what happened....


            Agree with all the previous posters...getting 30 to 45 days of AF under your belt makes your mind so much clearer and body cleaner before attempting moderation. My goal is 3 months AF, then considering moderating as an option.

            And yes, as one who only drank wine and no heavy duty stuff, I can assure you "not remembering" on wine is very do-able!

            Keep plugging, Erin
            Happy to be AF Since 9.13.08


              I'm just not sure what happened....

              Gia;380159 wrote: I would be careful assuming the wine is an easier option; a lot of people on here are wine drinkers and I'm sure we can all safely say that it happens fast; and one glass leads to a bottle..or two. If I have too much wine I don't even remember going to bed, or anything else for that matter...
              I've started being AF today and kiss my wine drinking days good bye..Moderating is not for me.
              I am right there with you GG. I can't moderate. That is it. Not until I have been AF for a long time. Now if only I can get to the point where I am AF for an extended period of time without a big fat bottle of Chardonnay calling my nice....augh!

              Be well everyone!

              "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                I'm just not sure what happened....

                Hi Healer,

                Have to agree with the collective wisdom here. Blackouts are not a good thing - something we've all experienced - and can be accomplished with any kind of booze, even stuff we don't really like! The advice to go AF for at least 30 days is a good one and more challenging than one might expect. But you've got US (major prize) and a world of new doors out there (ok, probably a major prize, too) to help keep your enthusiasm up. And if you do battle with the old bottle, it gives the rest of us the encouragement we need, too. Don't you just love a 2-way street?!?



                  I'm just not sure what happened....

                  Thanks I am considering all of what you shared.


                    I'm just not sure what happened....

                    I quit drinking for about 7 years. I took my first glass of wine at a fancy women's luncheon...then I took two glasses because I felt "the feeling". I could definately moderate for several years but when I was around AL, I didn't think of it like butter. I would never have left a glass with wine left in it. I could go home and not drink until the next luncheon, or whatever. The point I'm trying to make is that, deep down, I think most of us know moderation is not going to work but we want to hold on to our lives and not lose all our social outlets. When we stop drinking we sometimes have to lose drinking buddies in the process- change is hard. Losing the drink AND losing our friends is just more than many of us can bear. I understand that, but surviving this health robbing beast is more important. Living to grow old and play with our grandchildren-even watch them grow up. That's more important. I hope you're feeling better soon, healer. Go get some of that famous "lemon water." kriger
                    "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                      I'm just not sure what happened....

                      WOW !!!!! Lots of wine lovers. Thanks for the advice. I think I will need to be AF before I can attempt to moderate. I have tried to cut down before I start ( wed. 8/13). I am afraid of taking my " functional full time working, mother, wife alcholic self " thru withdrawal. I realize that we need to continue our functional lives as if nothing is new. JUst a complete psychological, emotional and physical overhaul. A heck of a thing to do to a body all at once on the inside while remaining " unaffected " on the outside. Is the withdrawal super bad ????? Will anyone notice ????


                        I'm just not sure what happened....

                        Everyone is different. I expected to have a really bad one because when I was drinking, I woke up every day with shakiness. I would have a few beers before going to work and I was able to control that throughout the day (if I had beer for lunch too). When it came down to it, day one was shaky, but I had no other symptoms-no nausea. Day 2 was still a little shaky but no one would notice except me. If you take a multi-vita, stay hydrated and maybe take a brisk walk it will help. Some people go through quite an ordeal but there is medication for withdrawals if they turn out to be bad for you. Have you been to your DR to talk about this and get checked out? That is always a good idea. We are all here to help you thru this-stay with us and welcome! kriger
                        "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu

