I have everything going for me - 1 wonderful husband, 2 fantastic healthy and successful children, 1 beautiful home, v v sucessfull business, an adorable pet, parents and inlaws still happy and healthy, active and busy social life, wonderful car, and a wardrobe to die for!! - all the trappings - no money issues, no health issues (yeah lol! - not yet anyway), brilliant friends, travel the world - spend christmas each year in the far east, have several other holidays throughout the year - in fact travelling to europe later this week (wine, wine and more wine!!).
I am drinking heavily and really need help to stop, I hide bottles, I pretend I am ok when I am drunk and I drink and drive (occasionally with my daughter in the car!! ) - it's escalating I know and realise. I am too embarrassed to go to the doc's - this doesn't happen to people like me - does it?? I am too scared to stop as when I have abstained in the past - I can't sleep - spend all night feeling hot and 'clammy' in bed and wake the next morning feeling dreadful. Try all the right things, hot bath, hot milk, herbal remedies, cool bedroom, etc etc etc.....!! Easier to down a bottle of wine night after and know that I'll sleep like a baby!!
Am drinking on average 2 bottles of wine + a day at the mo - know it is damaging me and have started suffering from panic attacks - terrifying - made my husband call an ambulance after the first one as I thought I was dying!!
I feel selfish, self loathing, miserable and not getting the potential out of life - I hate myself as I think of all the misery in the world - mine is self inflicted - and that makes me hate myself even more!!
I know I can do this!! with the right help, I just keep putting off starting!!
Sori for the war and peace story! - promise i can relay in fewer words in the future. just needed to offload for now.
Thankyou for listening. x