It all started as a joke,i never drank alcohol through high school and up to my sophomore year at varsity basically coz i saw what it had done to people in my community and my immediate family.You see,i come from a quite religious family so it was natural for me not to partake.However,the freedom that life on campus awarded me led me into experimentation with alcohol.
After my graduation year i did not get a job immediately so i continued with my newly developed habit,cant say i was seeking comfort but rather was just hanging out with fellows who were not in employment too.
Before long i got a job and the habit propelled from less to alot especially over the weekends.I was raised by a single parent and i was considered to be the brain and soul child of the family.
As at now i hardly have a good time with my family coz i cant face them and am slowly running into a epression.i dont read books i thrilled at and the music i enjoyed so much you see.