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    Well, I am really considering the AF plunge. I have been cutting down increasingly and I fell I may be ready. I have 1 bottle of rum left and this will be the last one I buy for as long as I can make it. I have some projects planned. My family wants to dress as the people from wizard of oz so I am getting out the sewing machine. I also want to create a scrapbook of things I want to accomplish in life. I'm wondering if anyone has any other advice before I take this journey. I have my Kudzu and my calms forte......


    Just this: Go for it! Dump the f@ing bottle of rum. Make a plan, based on the MWO materials... and Just Do It! Spend a lot of time here, as much as you can, it really helps a lot.

    best wishes,




      Hey!!!! My advice to you is, if you screw up, brush yourself off and try again.
      I have to say... I LOVE the idea of the scrapbook of things you want accomplish in life. I think i'm going to join you in that and do one myself. What are some of the things you want to accomplish? I hope you don't mind me asking.



        I'm rooting for ya!

        Before I went AF I made a list of all the things alcohol does to me. When I felt tempted I go back to my list to remind me of all the things I hate about alcohol (like hangovers, post nasal drip, and feeling gross in the morning). I found that helps give me strength when I'm feeling weak.



          Good idea Bossman - I am going to do that tonight and tack it to my corkscrew!!!



            You can call that your "bucket list" scrapbook! I say ditch the rum and come aboard the AF train. kriger
            "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu



              Excellent - off to make my list!
              C'mon, healer, you'll feel awesome! Jump on in!!!
              You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha



                Caseaday posted THE MOST AWESOME post just after he finished his first 30. I will try to find it -- I don't know how to bump up posts, though. If you don't want to pour out the rum, then maybe give it to someone. Or take it to a party and leave it there "accidentally."

                Someone on Oprah did something like your scrapbook thing called a "vision board." I have had a hard time restablishing goals for myself for some time now. Has anyone ever read Po Bronson's "What Should I Do With My Life"? it's also excelent -- has nothing to do with AL but helps us to listen to the "whisper."

                Hang in there, Healing! Have some lemon water, and we'll raise a glass together tonight.



                  DUMP THE RUM!!! The money for the rum is already spent whether you drink it or not. Just thing how many brain cells you can save if you just pitch it!! Love your scrap book idea.

                  I second the motion for a PLAN. Read the MWO book if you haven't, consider all elements of the plan as RJ recommends it. You have a couple of the supplements it sounds like - have you considered the others? The Hypno CDs? (IMO they help a lot!!) An exercise plan? What you will do when you are not drinking? (your scrap book idea is a great start!!

                  Lists are good. Lists of things to do when cravings strike, reasons you are choosing sobriety, etc. etc.

                  It's WAR baby, but we can WIN IT! Best wishes. The hardest part is just diving in the pool. Just do it.

                  Day 84 Alcohol and Hangover Free. (AFHF - and if I can, so can you!!)
                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.

