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Still trying to clear my name......

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    Still trying to clear my name......

    Hi all, as many of you know I have had a rough time here lately, I have been here for a long time but someone here has had it in for me ........ no one has believed me but I will fight until I am believed ..... this is a pm that I received today .........xx

    hi betty
    thanks for your support .. we have met twice and you take me for the person i am . anxiety and all .
    fact is . i had a online and offline line friendship with sk8 she was not a genuine person .
    i travelled 2 and a half hours by coach there and back to meet her . ok we had a nice day etc ..
    before we met ,i tought she cared im a guy who wears his heart on his sleeve . im not push over dont get me wrong . i realise now she just strung me along to get herslef over a crisis . then as soon as she met me . like as soon asi got out of her car she ddint want to know me anymore . silent feelings you know
    then a text " oh we are two very diffreent peolple with the same problem " .
    ok i was hurt ddint hate her or anything .. but the way i was dismmissed fucked me off . . i tried to keep up the friendship .. she came back in drips and drabs .
    then a text wheni sent a joke just to cheer her up
    " youve lost the plot"
    then last sat when i was upset and all she siad oh i dont need this .. but it was me who stopped her from killing herself by text month or so ago
    .... now
    i did NOT know who was behind the hate campaign about you . but only when i finsihed in a arguement did it come out
    ... it was heavenly who came on as paulas petty poops
    it was her who came on as your husband telling lies
    you see bety i tired to be a friend i thought she was genuine
    never in my life did i meet someone who was so fake ie sk8 before she met me then when she did meet me ... ddint want to know me
    its done my head in .
    i know im a drunk but im honest .
    have to care for mum 24/7 its up to you if you want to post this .. i want to forget the damage she did to me ...
    i cant go through flame wars etc.
    but i iunderstand if you think diffrently
    she sk8 will spread lies about me . i know shes banned now
    its been on my coiousness
    u are a decent person and i cant see you being hurt over this anymore

    Still trying to clear my name......

    sorry but its time forgive and let live and move on with our life goals
    [ame= ]YouTube - hUmaNITY[/ame]
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


      Still trying to clear my name......

      @ this point Betty, I don't care. What is shared in PM's should remain private. You admitted to making up the name peapod. I don't see what your post has to do with anything. Can you please give it a flippin' rest?


        Still trying to clear my name......

        Credibility and respect are earned not, debated over.
        Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


          Still trying to clear my name......

          why are we posting this in new comers. wouldnt hurt to just delete this.
          Gabby :flower:


            Still trying to clear my name......

            I started to read your post BB, and right off the bat I knew it was Jay that had written it because of the poor spelling and grammar which is the way he writes when he is drunk.

            I honestly wouldn't use Jay as a reference for anything. Seriously.

            I will say something though. This has gone on way to long and there will always be disagreements on this site.

            One thing I have realized is that there is a lot of forgiveness for many people who post shit about others etc..

            I am also guilty of saying things out of being upset with another member.
            This really has to come to an end. I honestly don't want to be here to see people attacking people. Some get much forgiveness and other's do not.

            I think BB if you admitted you had logged in as someone else out of distress, and you came clean about it then we all should have forgiveness for you to. You would of been banned if you were creating all of those alias' without a doubt.

            Anyway, I really didn't want to get involved with any thread that had anything to do with this subject.............

            We are all people with a drinking problem. Emotions run high at times. Let's just let this go and move on.


              Still trying to clear my name......

              Yes, and this should not be posted in this section of the boards. I agree, Gabs!


                Still trying to clear my name......

                Nothing to clear Betty.....your alright in my book ! Glad to here from you again.....IAD.
                ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                Dr. Seuss


                  Still trying to clear my name......

                  Betty, I am new here and I don't know you, but I have watched this whole spectacle unfold over the last couple of weeks. Here's my take: you were hurt by someone, doesn't matter who, one of the members here. You decided to "clear your name" by creating a new username, pretending to be a new person who kept praising you. Others bought into it. Now they know what you were doing, and you have admitted it, and they are really mad at you. And now... you are once again trying to "clear your name." I'm sure you are feeling a lot of pain over being shunned and excluded by others, and some other folks are feeling tricked and lied to. You can't fix any of this by another attempt to "clear your name"!! It has gotten way past tiresome, and it isn't doing you (or your "name") any good! Let it go, please! If you want to participate as a member here, just do so (that would be great!), but without making it about you and your "name," OK? Let's make it about helping each other with our DRINKING problem(s), OK?

                  best wishes,



                    Still trying to clear my name......

                    Betty...I know you have been a member for a long time. Your posts are always sweet and welcoming.
                    Alot has changed on these boards since you first joined, I have been here about a year and I see major changes.

                    I personally don't care what you did or who you said you were....we are here in cyber space with made up names and we are all here because we have an issue with alcohol, that is one hec of a mix and a huge chance for deception and misconceptions. Personally, I read posts, take what I need and give if I feel I have something to contribute, nothing more. I have "met" people here I thought were my friends, only to find out differently, but that is ok..this is cyberspace.

                    I would only suggest to you that you leave this all behind you. You are only torturing yourself by coming here and getting bashed, by some you thought were your friends. You know who your true friends are, that is all that matters, not what the rest of us think.

                    You have your own issues with alcohol and your daughter needs you. Please don't keep torturing yourself by coming here and asking for forgiveness when most times all you get is alot of negative responses. Move on and get that degree your working on. This site will go on, and there will always be drama here for those who need it. Hold your head up high and move on. JMHO.

                    Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


                      Still trying to clear my name......

                      place poop in appropriate bowl..

                      This is just getting worst BB.. who really cares??? carrying on makes you appear guilty of something else? I am sorry for you to be in such discomfort right now. Flush it away once and for all.. :toilet: :flush: :flush: :yo: :toilet:


                        Still trying to clear my name......

                        BB, by continually posting about this you realize she is still winning, right? Even though he gave you permission to post his comments, I still think you did a disservice to Jay....
                        Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                          Still trying to clear my name......

                          Well, wring my withers, as my horse-mad grandmother used to say! I sure have missed a crackin' good soap opera while away in recent weeks! Boop, as I was uninvolved in any of this and know nothing about Pea Pod or any hate posts...let me just say it sounds like a lot of people were in the mood for a good tussle, and you provided the opportunity.
                          Jane Jane


                            Still trying to clear my name......

                            I agree with Gia. Us newbies come to this forum for support and positive reinforcement, not the drama. Please move this to another forum or let it go.
                            LTG AF January 13, 2011


                              Still trying to clear my name......

                              BB, why are you the ONLY ONE who has received so many negative p.m"s - huh? I feel so sad for you. I hope you receive the help you need. You have snookered too many people here now, and please don't persist, it gives the newbies who are in need of help the wrong idea.
                              Enlightened by MWO

