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Hi Everyone...I'm new

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    Hi Everyone...I'm new

    Welcome Sassy,
    Sounds like you are getting off to a good start and have ordered a great starter kit.
    Kick this thing in the butt before it gets a good hold on you....there are many here that would love to go back to where you are and stop the drinking at that stage (instead of a bottle or two a night).
    Looking forward to watching your progress. We will be here for you....

    Sober since 30/06/10


      Hi Everyone...I'm new

      Sassy, I just have a little pill box for my tablets.... No one has ever asked. If someone did, I would say they are vitamins and minerals....for a health kick or detox or whatever. Which would be the TRUTH.

      Sober since 30/06/10


        Hi Everyone...I'm new

        Thanks Amelia.

        My job is a little strange, in that it requires that I ride along in other people's vehicles all day long. So, I will rarely have an opportunity to take the supps in private...

        I guess I can go with the health kick thing.

        P.S. Did anyone else get headaches for awhile when they first stopped drinking?


          Hi Everyone...I'm new


          I don't get headaches but many, many people have posted about that.

          Please make sure you are drinking extra quantities of water. I know that will be difficult with your job, because it means extra potty stops, BUT, I do think that abstaining and your body trying cleanse out the poisons require more water than usual.

          Dehydration can cause headaches.

          Hope they go away soon!!

          AF April 9, 2016


            Hi Everyone...I'm new

            Thanks Cindi. I am working on a 20 oz bottle of H20 right now.

            I am still doing a lot of reading...will try to find some threads on headaches.

            So far I'm basically going cold turkey until my supps, meds, and cds arrive.


              Hi Everyone...I'm new

              Welcome Sassy, you've already gotten great advice and seems like you are doing beautifully... the biggest part of all is to WANT to stop the alcohol abuse! One small warning, though, about expectations: the supplements and drinking a lot of fluids will help with cravings, but will not necessarily make them go away entirely. In fact I think most people here would agree that cravings, to some degree, will come and go... but cravings are NOT orders from on high that MUST BE OBEYED... ok? Just keep that in mind, stick around, and you will be fine.



                Hi Everyone...I'm new

                You know I really haven't had any cravings yet, granted it's only been about 36 hours since my last drink I guess I won't pat myself on the back too much just yet.

                Thanks for the warning, though. I am not expecting miracles or anything...just feel like using all the resources I can at this point. I really don't want to become a repeat offender, if you know what I mean. Want to get it right the first time.

                Gotta love my optimism, huh


                  Hi Everyone...I'm new

                  Sassy, I did get headaches for quite awhile after I quit. I'm still not sure if it was detox or a sinus issue or both. I went to my chiropractor (didn't mention the alcohol thing of course) and he worked on my neck, head and sinuses, including accupuncture. It took awhile, but they went away. I get one once in awhile as a not so gentle reminder to drink more water.
                  Sounds like you are off to a great start!!
                  NF since June 1, 2008
                  AF since September 28, 2008
                  DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                  :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                  5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                  The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                    Hi Everyone...I'm new

                    Hi Sassy and welcome!! I think you made a terrific decision to go with the whole program, as written. You will probably find that the supplements and hypnosis CD's arrive well before the meds from the on-line pharmacy. I debated long and hard about starting the program immediately, or waiting until the meds arrived from River Pharmacy. (of COURSE my addicted brain was screeching at me to keep drinking until the other stuff arrived!)

                    I'm really glad I got going right away with AF time. I made a HUGE blunder (for me anyway) at 60 days AF when I thought "now I can moderate." But it was a learning experience - I found out I cannot moderate and have gotten very comfortable with the notion of an alcohol free life. Rather liberating actually. But....that is for each individual person to figure out for themselves. At minimum, I strongly believe in the recommendation in the book to start with at least 30 days AF - heal yourself a bit and let you head clear a bit - THEN decide whether moderation is something you want to attempt or not.

                    Back to the original the time the meds arrived from River Pharmacy I was probalby a couple weeks into AF time, and doing fine enough without them that I never have taken them (Topa) - decided the benefits would not be worth the potential, well documented side effects. I have never regretted one penny of that up front investment - even for the meds that I never took.

                    For whatever it's worth!!! Best wishes to you, and it sounds like you are getting a handle on your problem sooner rather than later in life. Congratulations for that wise decision!!!!! You are a smart cookie!!

                    Day 86 Alcohol and Hangover Free
                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      Hi Everyone...I'm new

                      Hello we are so glad you are here!


                        Hi Everyone...I'm new

                        Welcome Sassy,

                        You're off to a terrific start. I completely understand you're wanting to do this right, but give yourself a little wiggle room. By this I mean if, over time, you have a slip - follow Doggy's lead and use it as a learning experience and not a reason to abandon all hope and jump ship. Even the most successful on this site are ever vigilant because the al beast likes to reappear at the worst times.

                        I also think it's quite wonderful that you're tackling this issue for yourself - for your own health and benefit. That's key. Your relationship to the BF can only benefit when you're whole and healthy. I love the cd's. Have found myself challenged a bit more this month than when I started, so just ordered the "special social occasion" cd. Oh, and one other thing - I'd probably stay away from acetominophen (sp?) for your headaches. If you have anything to drink, the combo plays havoc with your liver. Best to you--



                          Hi Everyone...I'm new

                          Hello I just joined yesterday. I too have gotten into the habit of drinking mostly wine everynight. I started drinking alone at home when my husband would go on travel, know I just hide it if he's home.
                          I started taking a low dose antidepressant following a panic attack and I seem to drink more !!!
                          I want to moderate too - I'ld like to just drink on the weekend or on an evening out
                          well good luck to you


                            Hi Everyone...I'm new

                            DG...thanks for sharing your experience. Hearing everyone's stories is really helping me avoid pitfalls and to set realistic expectations for myself.

                            Vera..I have a good supply of Ibuprofen on hand, thank you for the tip!

                            Fitz..the whole drinking alone while at home thing - that has been a very slippery slope for me. Totally understand where you are...let's get a handle on this together!


                              Hi Everyone...I'm new

                              Hi Sassy and welcome! Sounds like you have gotten a handle on this early which is good.....

                     careful of the antideprresants with the alcohol - sometimes they actually make you crave al more - be vigilant of that fact.

                              good luck guys, together we can fight this beast.
                              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                                Hi Everyone...I'm new

                                Welcome Sassy Girl, it sounds like you have a great head on your shoulders! You are so lucky to have recognised where this was going. We are all here for you :welcome:
                                Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                                - George Jackson

