My business is very strong right now. My marriage is strong. And given that Portland Oregon is experiencing a huge heat wave this weekend, my Air Conditioner is strong (How do all you people in sunny climates survive 100 degree heat? Here in Portland we rarely go above 80! Ack)
All my problems are solvable. I'm healthy. I drive. I work. Millions of Americans lack all three. I'm lucky.
Two news stories this week on children. One shaken to death at 4 months, and the father in jail. The other an accidental overheating in the car for a three year old. I pray I would never make such a mistake, but I know that in the past I certainly HAVE made similar mistakes. It is a blessing I didn't cause damage. I now vow to drive ever slower on my own street where small children often play and on all streets whenever I see a child walking. I'm so fortunate to not have such a horrible accident close to my family or my neighbors.
My life is great. And part of the great part, is this forum, that lets me share in a positive way, some fears and angst that I have about my change to becoming AF.