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Counting blessings

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    Counting blessings

    It's Friday night, which is my toughest night. I'd like to share my blessings. Help me focus on the positive side.

    My business is very strong right now. My marriage is strong. And given that Portland Oregon is experiencing a huge heat wave this weekend, my Air Conditioner is strong (How do all you people in sunny climates survive 100 degree heat? Here in Portland we rarely go above 80! Ack)

    All my problems are solvable. I'm healthy. I drive. I work. Millions of Americans lack all three. I'm lucky.

    Two news stories this week on children. One shaken to death at 4 months, and the father in jail. The other an accidental overheating in the car for a three year old. I pray I would never make such a mistake, but I know that in the past I certainly HAVE made similar mistakes. It is a blessing I didn't cause damage. I now vow to drive ever slower on my own street where small children often play and on all streets whenever I see a child walking. I'm so fortunate to not have such a horrible accident close to my family or my neighbors.

    My life is great. And part of the great part, is this forum, that lets me share in a positive way, some fears and angst that I have about my change to becoming AF.

    Counting blessings

    Thanks for sharing Yes, I too am very fortunate. I have not (yet) done any of those horrific mistakes.

    My life on the outside is very wonderful. All the perks you mention. But I haven't "gotten" it yet...close, I'm hoping...just not quite there. Kudos to you for your efforts and your thoughts. It helps some of us to learn to be like you.

    Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


      Counting blessings

      I was thinking the same thing earlier. I read two articles today. One about a 27 year old young lady who died from a Brain Tumor. The other was about a 4 month old who dies from SIDS. I do feel so blessed. No idea why I can't remember this when I am tempted to drink it all away.


        Counting blessings

        Oops i should've read this post before posting on your other thread!
        "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


          Counting blessings

          I have read both of your threads. It sounds like you have a lot of wonderful things in your life. It also sounds like you suffer with a lot of anxiety. One of the worst side affects and a major reason that I wanted to stop drinking was anxiety. At times it was paralyzing! I can happily say that going on 8 months as a non-drinker, anxiety is minimal a much more rare!

          You can get there, today was a good start!
          Best Wishes,
          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

          AF 12/6/2007


            Counting blessings


            Thanks for your posts. They're so well-written, and relatable.

            Mostly, they remind me that "life" itself could be characterized as a "spectrum disorder." We're all blessed...or varying degrees. And have to deal.

            And as much as I curse my own travails...I'd think long and hard before I'd trade my woes with anyone else's.

            Keep fighting the good fight, and here's hoping there's more joy than fight for you.

            Taking it all in


              Counting blessings

              Ugh - I hate those horrific stories! I always picture my kids, it happening to them, and it brings tears to my eyes. There were a couple of ultra-horrific (sorry, can't think of a better term) events up here with a "beheading" on a bus and a terrible (horrific?) accident with hot asphalt. Life is so precious. Watch out for our children! They need our protection.
              xoxo P


                Counting blessings

                That was a lovely post! I think it's so easy to think and dwell on the negative parts of our lives and reading that was great! You are truely blessed and never forget it!
                Stay strong!


                  Counting blessings

                  Hi All,

                  Totally agree - so much better to think about the good and positive than the negative all the time. I am so guilty of being negative all the time and I have really made an effort to be positive this week and it has really helped.

                  Wow Dolphin - jealous of your beach - I grew up near a lovely beach and took it for granted - now I am miles away from any beach and I really miss it.
                  There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                    Counting blessings

                    Hi Dolphin,

                    I was looking at the gallery last night and saw your beach - looks lovely. Also saw the lovely picture of you and Sean - nice one!
                    There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.

