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Just Starting

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    Just Starting

    Today is my first day here and I thought I would like to get your opinions on a couple of things. I was in rehab and just got out last month (early) because I stopped by my house to say hi to my kids only to find out that the house was up for foreclosure sale the next day (I didn't know). I was on a good roll in rehab and after coming out, it wasn't long before I started drinking again. Things got worse and now my wife and kids are packing up to move to one place on Monday and me to another place with a friend. I know my drinking had a lot to do with the situation and I want to be free from alcohol. I stumbled across this site and have spent some time reading on it. I need HELP!!! Also does this program really work?


    Just Starting

    It works if you have determination to make it work. Everything helps - especially this forum. If I can cut out the wine for a month, so can you (wine - or whatever is your poison!) You will make friends here (albeit, invisible!!), and having friends by your side to hold you up is a most valuable resource.
    The best to you in your quest. Have faith - you will succeed!
    xoxo Peanut
    ps don't lose site of your kids- they are the most important.


      Just Starting

      My wife is scared to kick me out, my best friend is a girl hehe.

      Seriously though, this place has changed my life and it will yours too. Stay active and read everything.


        Just Starting

        I am just starting too, although my goal is just moderation. I have been drinking a little too regularly and it's gone beyond a few glasses of wine (more like the whole bottle these days.)

        Anyways, I'm not sure if the program works or not but I am hopeful. I ordered everything - the book, the supplements, the topamax, and the cds. I haven't received any of it yet (LOL!) but already I am feeling like I am on a better path. Reading here helps a lot...I hope it helps you too.



