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2 days sober YAY!!! but really hungry

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    2 days sober YAY!!! but really hungry


    This is my SECOND day sober!!! This is HUGE for me. I'm not even TEMPTED to drink! I've started taking my supplements although i can't drink the all in one drink as it makes me want to throw up. I'm still waiting for my topamax (?)

    Something odd is happening tho. I seem to be replacing drink with food...... Is this normal? I'm ALWAYS hungry. Will this go? I'm only small and have never weighed over 9 stone so i'm a bit worried. I've put on a stone over the past few months due to the drink but i'm going to start excercising. I'm going on a run soon tonight which will be good.

    I'm really happy and excited but i know the other night with the drink is still fresh in my mind. I hope this lasts. It's so great to be able to feed my baby at night and cuddle her to sleep, cook dinner for my hubby and curl up on the sofa SOBER and watch a movie!! I'm aiming for 7 days AF and after 7 days, i'll aim for the next and so on! I'm a little worried that this exciting happy feeling will go and i'll drink but for now i wanted to share this with you all.

    You are all fantastic, amazing and strong people! Thanx for everything. It's mean sooo much to me :l to everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2 days sober YAY!!! but really hungry

    Great job!! Don't worry about the eating now.


      2 days sober YAY!!! but really hungry

      Great job, LM! I am very proud of you. First we crawl...right? You can do it. Your resolve sounds amazing.


        2 days sober YAY!!! but really hungry

        That's great, well done! I ate like a horse for a while but didn't actually put any extra weight on because I'd cut out all the booze calories. And I looked at it as being better to be eating too much for a while than to be drinking.
        Keep going!
        AF since December 22nd 2008
        Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


          2 days sober YAY!!! but really hungry

          Hi Lil,
          Have you tried putting the AllOne in something yummie like a small smoothie or milkshake? That's how I get mine down. Congratulations on 2 days!!!!!!!
          :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


            2 days sober YAY!!! but really hungry

            AWESOME JOB!
            "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


              2 days sober YAY!!! but really hungry

              Great job!

              Yup, getting hungry is normal. You aren't taking in all those cals through booze, and your blood sugar is fluctuating since it's not being "regulated" (in a bad sense) by booze. Getting nutrients from food helps with cravings and withdrawal.


                2 days sober YAY!!! but really hungry

                Hi Michelle,

                A hearty congratulations on your two days. How wonderful for you!!!!!!!!!

                As for eating like a horse, cat, monkey....EAT girl, you probably need the nutrition.
                Just try to make some of it nutrient dense. Lots of fluid as well.

                See if you can keep on keeping on. I'm sure proud of you!

                magic xxx :l
                ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                I am in the next seat.
                My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                  2 days sober YAY!!! but really hungry

                  That's great!


                    2 days sober YAY!!! but really hungry

                    I am so happy for you; you just sound like a new woman. You are enjoying the little pleasures life has to offer-those are the things we miss out on when we drink. Keep on keepin' on. Kriger
                    "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                      2 days sober YAY!!! but really hungry

                      Also, I have completely lost my appetite. I have to force myself to eat, which happens to be good for me because I NEED to lose weight. So now, not only do I not drink 15 beers a day, but I eat like a bird. I do drink a lot of fluids, so I will be ok. The things I do eat are really healthy. I am feeling a little more room in the clothes already.
                      If you are petite (I don't know what 9 stones is?) you will be fine and as others have said, your body will balance out soon and the appetite will subside. Don't worry about this temporary situation, think about all the good things happening in your body. Best wishes and congrats on 2 day!!!! kriger
                      "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                        2 days sober YAY!!! but really hungry

                        I read about this when I was doing my research on going AF.

                        Apparently long term drinkers get a body chemistry going where your body turns alcohol into glucose (blood sugar). Overall your blood only has about a sugar packet worth of glucose in your bloodstream, and another 6-8 packets dissolved in your body tissues. That's not a lot of sugar, but it's what gives your muscles energy to move. A lot of us drinkers have had enough alcohol on a daily basis to supply a major portion of our bodies needs for glucose.

                        When you stop drinking, you are going to force your body into alternate glucose creating systems. Depending on how long it's been, the chemistry may take some time to get back into shape. Your body is capable of turning fat into glucose, and also turning complex carbohydrates (like table sugar) into glucose, but both processes are more complex and take a number of enzymes and organs to wake up and come on-line.

                        So the net impact of ceasing to drink, particularly if you are long term drinker, is you are going to crash your body's sugar system real hard, and your body is going to take 2-3 days to recover. You'll feel down, low moods, low energy, and may have headaches.

                        In my reading I'm amazed at how many of our internal chemicals you simply cannot ingest! Glucose is one. If you drank pure glucose, your stomach would destroy it before it did any good. The real remedy is not to compensate, but to give your body the enzymes and tools to rediscover it's natural path. Fruits, fruit juice, whole grains, nuts, will all help. But they all take time to work. Being low energy for a few days is simply part of the process.

                        When I first went AF at the beginning of this month, I lost 7 lbs in seven days. For me that was a colossal change since I've been 185 lbs or higher for the last 10 years. I'm amazed in my research how much body chemistry adapts to alcohol, and how huge an impact it makes when one chooses to leave it. In my case, my body started processing my fat into sugar, hence the weigh loss. I'm NOT complaining! But I'll be the first to admit it was not the best week of my life.


                          2 days sober YAY!!! but really hungry

                          Hi All. Thanx for all the replys. I don't know why i just thought my body would go on like normal without the drink. Yes i have been a long term drinker, since i was about 13, stopping for a year once and 9 months when i was pregnant. Hopefully excercise will help if i put any weight on but everyone is right, better to put weight on then to destroy my life.
                          Today is my 3rd day AF. Still feeling strong!
                          You're all fantastic! Stay strong!


                            2 days sober YAY!!! but really hungry

                            Great going Chelle,

                            Remember these wonderful feelings. For many of us the demon AL, who's an experienced shape shifter, will try to cozy up to you in time. It'll pick a moment you least expect, crawling into any little crevice available. It will promise to behave (hah!) but in no time will go back to its wicked deeds. Don't fall for it. Remember how wonderful it feels when your body isn't struggling to cleanse itself, when your mind can focus on the beautiful things it couldn't see before, and when relationships take on new intimacy because ole AL isn't sandwiched in between. This is what we all want, and we'll all have if we don't let AL take it all away. Blessings to you and your family. You're well on your way.



                              2 days sober YAY!!! but really hungry

                              Chelle, you're doing great! Keep it up, you're an can do it.

                              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

