This is my SECOND day sober!!! This is HUGE for me. I'm not even TEMPTED to drink! I've started taking my supplements although i can't drink the all in one drink as it makes me want to throw up. I'm still waiting for my topamax (?)
Something odd is happening tho. I seem to be replacing drink with food......
I'm really happy and excited but i know the other night with the drink is still fresh in my mind. I hope this lasts. It's so great to be able to feed my baby at night and cuddle her to sleep, cook dinner for my hubby and curl up on the sofa SOBER and watch a movie!! I'm aiming for 7 days AF and after 7 days, i'll aim for the next and so on! I'm a little worried that this exciting happy feeling will go and i'll drink but for now i wanted to share this with you all.
You are all fantastic, amazing and strong people! Thanx for everything. It's mean sooo much to me :l to everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!