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New Confused....

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    New Confused....

    Thanks, Wally! It's day 2 and I woke up after sweating the poison out all night feeling hopeful, feeling ok, no longer suffering like yesterday. I'm so glad I have this blog to turn to, I feel the comraderie here! Thally, how are you doing today? Giving, Vera, Work, Doggy, how are you all holding up?

    I'm heading out on a plane now and hope I don't get naseous (would look up that spelling, but not in the mood).


      New Confused....

      Thal & Giving -
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      Good Luck


        New Confused....

        vera-b;385491 wrote:
        I've often longed for that one special friend who knew just when to encourage me and when to back off. Who was there when I needed her but didn't hang on like a cheap suit. Who could say just the right things so that I'd WANT to exercise, eat healthy foods, like my cat and not have the thought of my next drink take up 3/4 of my brain. It's been a process, but I'm slowly discovering that person is me.
        HOLY COW Vera! That brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing your feelings so eloquently.


          New Confused....

          Thalyanna, I have justed started this journey ( 1 week so far ). I reached this point when I hit my " rock bottom". I have gained 30 lbs, I have no energy for my son, I liked it when my hubby was out for the night so that I could drink in peace, my daily schedule was built around my next bottle of wine. Basically I was and still am disgusted with myself. The difference is that now I take all the energy of disgust and try my damndest to use it against the voice in my head. I talk ( not literally ) to my wine and say " YOU are the reason I am miserable, YOU are the reason I am fat, YOU are the reason I have no energy for my son, YOU ARE THE F**KING reason for everything that is bad in my life. sigh.... and that is what goes on in my head. Exhausting but very affirming for me. I would be happy to be any kind of support you need. Sending good thoughts your way.


            New Confused....

            Good for you, Aha!!! That determination is what will carry you through... take whatever assistance you can get... from this place, from the MWO program, because assistance is important; but DETERMINATION carries the day.

            To all of you new folks on this thread, I'm not far ahead of you, only been here a month, and I'd suggest you jump onto one of the ongoing threads that offers group support for those who are committing to getting free of alcohol. Spend some time looking around in this "Just Starting Out" section and you will find them. You'll find a lot of good help and support.



              New Confused....

              Hello and Welcome
              I really wish that I could be of help. This is not my first time around, but my other periods of sobriety were done through AA. I still go to meetings now and then, but mostly because I am alone. I am divorced and my kids are in their twenties. What started my journey pretty much every time, was that my life became a mess. I am not a functional drunk and I do not go to work if I have a hangover. At the end this time, I was drinking everyday. I felt like Hell, physically and emotionally, and I was tired of it. That is what brought me here. I do not take meds, just vits. and supps. I am still experimenting with what might work for me as I still get intense cravings at times. I do not have the CD's. People do send private messages to each other here, so I am sure that you will find someone with whom you will strike up a cyber friendship. My suggestion would be to spend some time reading the posts, and see if there are people that you can relate to. I know that there will be lots of people that you can relate to. You can either posts replies or send pm's. I do hope that you will not get discouraged. It took me awhile to get the hang of it. Best wishes.
              "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                New Confused....

                Thayalanna - welcome! I am on Day One AGAIN...not a moderator for sure. I have to be totally AF or I dive right into the Chardonnay. I am fairly new and like others said, since we are all from all over the world the times zones are all over too. I was feeling sad that no one would respond to me, but it all works out. Everyone is dealing with their own stuff, but I can tell you that this is truly the best bunch of people I have ever encountered on a board. There is alot of love and support here. Please keep posting and we will always support you. This is freaking HARD. I am really not good at it yet and I need the support for sure. I am on the ODAT thread daily (One Day at a Time) since that is pretty much all I can do lately! Anyway, you can do this. Hope to "talk" to you again. Good luck and YOU CAN SUCCEED!
                "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                  New Confused....

                  I just wanted to say Welcome! We are glad you are here!


                    New Confused....

                    Thank you Sassy. Funny (not so haha) that we can be our best friend and our worst enemy at the same time. Thal, hope all of this support carries you through the next day. It sure is wonderful for me to read. And Roadwarrior - it's harder than most people can even comprehend. The jury's still out on my modding. Haven't had any slips to speak of, but am not feeling the same euphoria I did in the first month. Know I'm in the prep stage for the long haul, but it would be so easy to slide back. Am trying to move forward without moving permanently to this site! Thanks for all the support sent to Thal - I stole a few vibes.



                      New Confused....

                      This thread is great!!! All this support has also given me an added boost too (I'm starting again - Day1 today). Some really good thoughts and wonderful perspectives!

                      Hi Thay, and welcome. I can't stand the guys voice either. I do plan on listening to the CD's tonight when I crawl into bed, give them another chance. A healthy alternative to sitting up drinking wine and smoking, yes??? I only listened to them for a week back in May when I first started. I fell down many times that month, before I finally had a full 30days AF June. You just got to set your sights on a start date and just do it. Takes alot of determination and will, but if I can do it, so can you (how many of us say that!) SO good luck, stay strong, and visit the threads as much as you can. You are not alone in this!
                      xoxo Peanut

