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Back from from Paris!!!

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    Back from from Paris!!!

    Hi guys, hope you've all been well and doing good since I left 'blighty' for the wonderful city of Paris on Wednesday??

    I am so so proud of myself - the city of excellent vino - my vice - and yet i never had a drop!! I drunk several beers however, but never had that inebriated feeling. I enjoyed it. Waking up next morning ready for another day's sightseeing and none of that - 'oh my god - what did i do last night??'

    In fact - incredibly - I was able to recall the previous night in great and accurate detail to my beloved partner (he was the one who was suffering from memory recall - result!!)

    We had a wonderful few days, and felt (well me maybe) like young lovers all over again - we are middle aged so that takes a little effort yes! Kissing by the banks of the River Seine and holding hands for the entire journey. Maybe it's my homelife that makes me turn back to Avoidable AL. Its making think - more clearly than I have in a long long time.

    I love that city so much, - the food, the culture, the architecture, the lifestyle - I feel I belong and relaxed!! I really have opened a can of worms for myself!!

    But!!!! on my return home yesterday evening - I found myself at the local buying a bottle of my favourite chardonnay!! what is that all about?? habit - I think!! I wil get thro' this, I am beginning to recognise the 'triggers' strongly and know that I will address this.

    Love to you all xxxx Au revoir!!

    Back from from Paris!!!

    Wow, good for you! Fantastic! And, not so surprising that (as you note) HABIT will re-appear in the form of urges, impulses, all of them difficult to detach from, now that you are home. If you are serious about getting permanently finished with alcohol abuse... get yourself a plan! MWO can help you, and I hope you stick around.



      Back from from Paris!!!

      Paris with no! well done. My dear Dx and i have dreamed of a trip to Italy for years...doing that AF will be an extraordinary challenge for me. I tend to associate my romantic picture of the old country very closely with wine.
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        Back from from Paris!!!

        Hi Chard,

        What a beautiful trip! Are you sure you weren't living in Paris in a previous lifetime? It is funny (not laughing here) how we can go back to old habits at the drop of a hat. Am visiting the parents in 2 weeks, and most definitely do not want to backslide. May have to sneak to get online!

        It would be interesting to hear how you overcome your "re-entry" to normal life syndrome. I like to read when I travel and always feel uplifted by it. But the minute I'm back home, well . . . may just have to get a brighter reading light!



          Back from from Paris!!!

          I will get over this - I know I have the ability to feel fulfilled!!

          Maybe u can tell that I am feeling v optimistic and looking 4ward to the future. Or maybe I might just come down to earth with a bang v v soon. Either way, I feel more empowered right now - why?? - I feel more in charge right now - why?? - and more importantly I feel a lot more in control right now!!

          It was my choice in Paris, to not drink wine (dangerous!!)but beer (of which I randomly tried - different regional and different tastes - fruits etc,.) I chose the beer and have a fully recollectable memory of my visit!. We had drinks with lunch, tea and into the night along with a gastronomic meal and an atmosphere to die for! Ok I know i was not
          AF but to do that was a massive thing for me!!

          I know I can do this, I feel I can do this even more since linking up with all of you - I know that sounds stupid! - I know a lot of people in our position - especially English I am sori to say - would not sign up to this sort of site which I found initially to be very 'American' in its over the top praise and 'looking out for you' sort of thing. BUT that is not what I was looking for and not what would have helped me (don't wori - I know I am not fully there - but know I can get there!)

          What has helped me has been the knowledge that there are so so many other people out there from so so many different walks of life and nationality, that the things I thought, did, my drinking habits, the effect on family and friends, the blackouts, the guilt, oh the guilt! the anxiety, the spending,the lying, the hiding.....!!! are a common thing for this addiction - I thought it was just lonely ole me!!

          Thanks for listening again guys, and hey lets take this one step at a time!! I have had a couple of glasse tonight already, but its the weekend and I am coming down from my trip - I am going to make a conscious effort to make a pot of coffee next.!!

          Chard xxx


            Back from from Paris!!!

            That's wonderful Chardonnay!! :goodjob:

            It's so easy to give yourself "permission" to indulge when you go on trips. It sounds like you had an absolutely wonderful time. That just further confirms that you don't need to over-indulge in order to enjoy yourself. And that's great to know, isn't it? I'm still working on that one myself!!
            Better Living Through Chemistry

            Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

            Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


              Back from from Paris!!!

              A trip to France would be my very worst temptation. Thanks for letting me know that it can be done, Chardonnay. I will keep that in mind for when I someday get back there again.
              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                Back from from Paris!!!

                Chardonay, Well done!! I am fairly new here and read the threads everyday. My weakness is Sav Blanc just love it. Guess what? I have been AF 8 days now. I know I will have setbacks, but I intend to give this demon one hell of a fight.Have been to Paris from Australia,what a beautiful city. I am gearing up for a 30 day AF challange.Maybe you would also take on the challange.Good Luck and keep up the good work we are all in this and with you. Johno


                  Back from from Paris!!!

                  Last time in Paris I got DRUNK at EURO DISNEY....YES!!! They even have wine and Beer at Disney THERE....I would take Anatbuse if I was ever to go again!!!!
                  sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                    Back from from Paris!!!

                    At the time ALCOHOL was more important than how it emptied my bank account.I LOVE watching the play LION KING LIVE and getting drunk at the same time!!!!SICK SICK SICK....
                    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

