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New Life

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    New Life

    Hi all my dears,

    I really want to start a new life, so I made may first step here and 2nd step at Quit Smoking All Together with - Stop Smoking Help and Cessation Support, I am quiting smoking now, starting today. All this time you have help me pass my times by reading your posts/stories, the jokes, share your sadness and happiness, even though I seldom post, but I do visit this site everyday. Because this site made me feel comfortable with myself, feels lots of love and support and give me the strength to AF.

    So for all the newbies and anyone who is struggling for AF, please don't give up. Wish you all the best....:thanks:

    New Life

    Hi suez,
    I quit smoking March 1, 2008. I used quitnet as one of my tools. I started a thread in the fitness section about my experience, and others' too, you might check it out. Also there is a thread in the research forum about nicotine and alcohol.

    With me the 2 go hand in hand. I'm finding that without the smokes, I don't really care to drink. You won't regret giving up the nasty habits!
    NF since June 1, 2008
    AF since September 28, 2008
    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


      New Life

      Welcome Sue! I hope your online sites can give you the strength whenever you feel weak. We'll be here to help, and for you to help us.


        New Life

        Divide and conquer V full frontal attack.

        I am four days AF and would love to stop smoking too. But is it to soon to take on two bad habits at once?? Hay, if I only had two bad habits it might not be so hard, but I think I have about five major bad habits to overcome!

        The difficulty is that they are all related and feed of each other e.g. smoking leads to drinking ? drinking leads to smoking etc. If I could get rid of them all at once I would have nothing to trip me up?? Divide and conquer V full frontal attack.


          New Life

          Hi Suez,

          Good for you for taking on the smokes. They are a huge health agitator. It's probably tough to tackle both, but since they're so closely related it's probably a good idea. I smoked for about 5 years some 30 years ago. I quit because it was really just a stupid habit for me, and I hadn't been at it so long that quitting was a major deal. The booze, however, has turned out to be a much greater challenge. I would think that you will feel so much better. One thing I did when I quit was start cardio exercise. The lungs thought I was totally kidding, but it did help! Best to you. You know where we are when you need an extra boost.



            New Life

            Hi guys
            I quit both at the same time on 1 April too - with the help of champix for the first 30 days - magic stuff that (for me anyway - not for everyone though I know). Now almost 5 months NF and modding along nicely on the AL. I had to quit both at once seeing as they fed off each other and the biggest binge drinking trigger for me was smoking - so I have to remember at all times that I am only one cigarette away from being back to that AL binger person I so despise. I am still amazed every day that it is working. When I started modding first and had a couple of drinks the craving to smoke was HUGE and I almost caved a couple of times - but I am over that now and just have to be careful not to drink on an empty stomach or have more than 2/3 drinks at any one time.
            BH (no more)


              New Life

              BH you need a new moniker.

              And I hereby elect you as STRONGEST person in the entire US, if not the world.

              Your strength of will could easily break both my arms and probably my legs. I bow down to your totally superior capabilities.


                New Life

                ah thanks boss man I think that is a compliment. Not before time I might add and I still vividly remember the state I was in before I came on here and I sure as hell am not going back there. Not ever.
                I so cant change my name - its me now. AND didnt you hear what happened to the last person who did that.........never heard from again....
                BTW I love all that brain stuff you talk about it - it makes total sense to me - a moron!
                BH (no more)


                  New Life

                  Well done and GOOD LUCK! You can do it!!! I have never smoked so i can't really comment on that BUT i will support you all the way and also with your drinking!!! It's going to be hard but you're a strong person for even trying!!!
                  We're here for you!!!

