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30 Days Hath September

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    30 Days Hath September

    I remember a while back some of you saying you wanted to do 30 days starting Sept. Are you all still around? Talk to me. I want to do that too!
    Yesterday was so weird....our good friends told us they were swingers!! We hadn't seen them in several months, like we had been friend dumped or something. Well they told us last night why they had been so busy! I just have no interest in that or really want to be around people who are b/c I mean they make it sound like the best thing in world which is so weird for me to think about. I have plenty of other things to think about and "hooking up" with another married couple is NOT one of them! Crazy the thought!

    I so want to do 30 days! I've been doing great most days but still over-indulging on others. Drives me nuts, the battle of it all!

    30 Days Hath September! Who's with me??!!


    30 Days Hath September

    Count me in!!

    Hi classic, from one classic to another - I'll be there - 1st Sept good for me -first day back at work after a long summer vacation - lets get prepared.........!!!!!!! xx


      30 Days Hath September

      Me, too, sounds like a Plan! Mods til then so it won't be SO tough (I hope!)


        30 Days Hath September

        I'm in.
        My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


          30 Days Hath September

          I am so happy to jump on the sober train with you guys. Everyday is a new day!
          AF since 2/4/10
          Nicotine free since 3/31/10
          FINALLY FREE


            30 Days Hath September

            I'd like to join as well.... but the thought terrifies me ..... more afraid of failing than anything else I think.


              30 Days Hath September

              Hi hun!
              I've said it to someone else before but failed. However, this is my 4th day AF.. The longest ever and with all my supplements i THINK i can do it. I'm with you. 30 days here we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                30 Days Hath September

                I'm here still and raring to go!
                Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                  30 Days Hath September

                  Would love to give it a try... only thing is, knowing me Id probably end up panicking beforehand and end up having a massive binge on the 31st August....
                  ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


                    30 Days Hath September

                    count me in

                    I really need to do this for my physical and mental heatlh. I tried to mod but it hasn't been working. This is my 3rd time trying to do 30 days. I'm scared of failing as well but I know that with everyone's support I can do this. I need to read the book again and get going with my affirmations from Louis Hay's book. We can do this! :thanks:for starting this thread.
                    :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
                    ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


                      30 Days Hath September

                      I am ready for the challenge and the success!


                        30 Days Hath September

                        Hi Everyone!
                        This is so great! I was hoping to have some company on my 30 day journey and I feel so good about your reponses.
                        acadiaofmaine- I too want to mod until then...hang-over freeeeee for sure!
                        New Day- I'm scared too! You know you are not alone in that thinking, right? I'm right there with you.
                        Lil Michelle- Congratulations on 4 days! Did you get the Anabuse? I'm on Campral and have been thinking about getting Anabuse, too. I wonder if I can take the two together....
                        Chelle12- My current behavior would be to binge on Aug 31st and then again in celebration of my accomplishment on Oct 1st. I've got to change my mind set.

                        Hugs to you all!


                          30 Days Hath September

                          I'm in and scared as hell. Lots of stuff happeneing in Sept - hubby's birthday. my birthday, and my eldest daughter is starting (GULP!) HIGH SCHOOL on the 3rd...major stress! I really want to do this. I NEED TO DO THIS. Thanks for the motiviation!!

                          "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                            30 Days Hath September

                            KCBE ---- funny --- Sept. is both my hubby and my birthday month as well. Will have to do something different to celebrate them this year!


                              30 Days Hath September

                              I hear ya there New Day!! :H
                              "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:

