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30 Days Hath September

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    30 Days Hath September

    we'll it's day 2, hope everyone is enjoying but if you're struggling know that you can do this. I'm feeling really hopeful. this morning I started with some prayers and meditation and I felt great. Peanut don't give up the faith, we can do this. You did it before if I remember correctly back in June so keep the faith and don't give up hope. I shared this website a couple of weeks ago but if you didn't get a chance to see the thread here's the website DailyOM - Nurturing Mind Body & Spirit I read the inspirational thought everyday before staring my work at the office. Hope you find it helpful. Peace
    :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
    ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


      30 Days Hath September

      Good day to all those starting this 30 day AF stretch .... day 2 here and feeling optimistic that we can do it.


        30 Days Hath September

        Thanks 1more - I will check out that website. I had thought that maybe some meditation or something might help me. I think I was grinding my teeth so badly back in May, that I may have done some damage (my teeth still hurt!) and I need to learn to stay calm and relaxed so that I am not always clenching!!! I've started back on supps today, so hopefully that will help.
        Everybody - Here's to day2!! Stay positive - I know I am trying!!!
        xoxo Peanut


          30 Days Hath September

          Can I still join you guys? The loser biatch in me drank yesterday! Just shear excuses. Didn't drink enough to wake up with a headache but I really don't want to drink at all. You all are sounding good and confident! Wonderful!
          I think I want the Anabuse. Just something a little more cut and dry than the Campral (which works great when I let it).
          Anybody else on Day 1 - Sept 2nd? I think we can caboose this group!



            30 Days Hath September

            Evening all. Been away since my last post to sober up, but remembered my post and have been sober since the 30th and am preparing myself for the next 27 days and onwards! Good luck all. Keep the faith!
            To Infinity And Beyond!!


              30 Days Hath September


              CLASSICGIRL you can come back anytime and join us...Yesterday was day 2 for me and I tell you when I came back from work I wanted that cold beer in the fridge so badly so I decided to have something to eat right away and drink a glass of vegetable juice, well that feeled me up and was o.k. for the rest of the evening as I went to bed early...Today will be day 3 and was told that it could be a challenge but my fear is mostly the weekend....Hope everyone is well...Hugs Michou..xoxo


                30 Days Hath September

                Day 20 is today but for this thread I am starting day 3. I am trying to stay out of traditional drinking situations. This Sunday is the NFL season kickoff and I usually go to a buddies house for a big party on that day every year. I wont be going this year and he understands why and is completely supportive. He even offered to cancel the party and come to my house and drink iced tea with me all day.


                  30 Days Hath September

                  Good Morning everyone ---- I'm starting day 3 AF! Hope everyone was able to get some sleep last night. I don't know why, but my best sleep comes just the hour before I have to get up! Feeling good today ... how nice is that ... .no foggy head and some energy!


                    30 Days Hath September

                    Goodmorning Day3!
                    Had to take the melatonin last night, despite being so tired. But feeling ok today. I just hate this struggle though. Always arguing with AL in my head - it's so stoooopid!!! Thank goodness there is not a drop of wine in my house! Day 3 is always hard for me, so I will probably have to drink some AF beer tonight to assuage (is that the right word?) my desire to drink!
                    Have a great day everyone!


                      30 Days Hath September

                      Busy day for me today, I'm just now getting a chance to log in. I'm exhausted so I'm hoping I don't think to much about AL tonight. Day 3 and I feel my energy coming back. Hope everyone is doing well. Keep strong
                      :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
                      ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


                        30 Days Hath September

                        Looks like we are is doing really well. Remember, AL will soon know that our September AF army is highly trained. Also, we are still accepting new recruits & re-enlistments!


                          30 Days Hath September

                          Tough night! Had beer in my shopping cart but put it back. I decided I couldn't accept anything but a "0" on my drink tracker. I'm soooo glad I didn't drink tonight! Tomorrow will be hard, I work as a hostess at a German restaurant. Beer flows like water! Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers, I am surely keeping you all in mine.


                            30 Days Hath September

                            Hi everyone
                            had a rough night last night but didn't drink, thank God. i have to deal with some bull from my mortgage company so i was worried all night. didn't sleep much but i'm up and ready to go. i'm still worried but i know i can get through this. i'll check in later today. take care eveyone and stay strong
                            :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
                            ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


                              30 Days Hath September

                              Well done 1more and psalmgirl! Remember the saying "when the going gets tough, the tough get going" ---- stay strong. I'll have to take my own advice when this weekend comes up. I'm on Day 4 (again) ... never made it past day 5 before and never through a weekend (ever) ..... but I am determined to do it this time..... I'll have to take my own advice and tough it out!


                                30 Days Hath September

                                Hey September gang!
                                Almost drank last night. But, I recall the recommendation to "jump into chat" if you need some help, so I did, and I didn't drink!!! I bought the wine, but left it in the fridge where it belonged. Problem is - it is there now, taunting me. Hmmmm....
                                Day4 today - good luck and good health to everyone!!
                                xoxo Peanut

