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    I'm a little early but it's almost midnight here and I haven't been on all weekend.......soooooo........

    I loved reading the threads today - yes Cap'n, we should all go nice would that be!

    Seems like a lot of us dealt with headaches over the weekend......I suffer from that too. I had drank quite a bit Friday night (less than usual but still a bit) and Saturday night I was almost afraid to go to sleep because my hangovers seem to be worse now that I'm not drinking as much......not shaking or anything like that, but headaches and high BP etc.......I guess it's just the Al getting out of my system but still a little scary.

    I had an athletic weekend which means beer for me - hard to forgoe when you play 8 games of volleyball and 2 games of baseball...the team gets a pitcher between games or after and it's difficult to say no but at least I wasn't hammed at any time and did moderate okay. Not as well as i would have liked but better than not at all.

    Had a good weekend with the BF though.....some on here know my struggles, some don't but lets just say he is committed and wants to get a house together. I'm not ready yet, been almost 2 years together but I have a little girl and not quite ready for that but it's sure nice to know he is........makes me feel quite loved right now which is what I needed to feel.

    anyway, enough about my weekend, how are the rest of our ODATERS?

    Love you guys, couldn't get through this without you.
    Bess.........I'm going to email you to find out what's up! Miss you girl! Feels wierd with the past week and you not starting the thread - no offense Bandit at all cause you stepped up to the plate BEAUTIFULLY!
    Thanks for that!

    Hope everyone has a great Monday.....

    Love and Hugs,

    Cap's thanks for including me on the boat invite! LOL
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


    Hi Universal and all to come

    Wet and windy week-end here. Lot going on, MIL dying so not getting much time online. Still like checking in and seeing how everyone is doing. Am looking forward to getting right into the programme come September. Trying to get in as many AF days as I can in the meantime.

    Have agreat week everyone.




      Hi Uni & Rustop and all to come,

      Yes, where is Bessie? - and Uni, no offense taken - possibly best if whoever here first just starts the ODAT thread if they feel like it and then there is no pressure on anyone in particular - maybe Bessie just wanted a break but it would be nice to hear from her that all is ok?

      Glad to hear that all are doing ok despite dealing with a lot of difficulties.

      I am doing ok, Day 6 AF for me today - the headaches seem to have eased a bit - and I think it is more just the habit of it now that I am missing - so I did have a bottle of AF wine yesterday as I missed my wine with my big Sunday dinner - bit of a ritual. Feeling very low on energy especially when I wake up but I am putting that down to probably lack of sugar so I have been eating a lot of sweets. I am going to get a bottle of Lucozade today (like Gatorade) which might help.

      Best Wishes to everyone for Monday, whether AF or mods.

      There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.



        ODAT Monday


        Day 4 today for me, and I too feel the headaches and fatigue. Just wish I could stay home and sleep today, but dare not. The "weepies" are here too--I can't even think about anything sad without getting teary-eyed. Oh brother, just hope I can keep it up--if I can, anyone can. My will-power as of late has been -10 on a scale of 1-10!!!! Good luck everyone, and talk to you later.



          Good Morning ODATers,

          Monday is a great day to be AF. The start of a new week.

          I will be sober today. That is for sure.

          Love to all,
          AF April 9, 2016



            Day 2 for me. I'm happy to be back in the land of the living!



              Good Morning All
              I am up bright and early. They are putting a new roof on my condo. No sleeping through that. I will surely be hurting tomorrow. I don't get home from work tonight until around 1am, and they be at it again tomorrow. Nothing much new here. Still waiting to hear something on the new job. Still in serious debt. Still not drinking. I lost my internet connection for a week, so it is nice to be back. It is amazing how much I can accomplish with no cable TV and no
              I went boating yesterday Capt. Does a kayak count? lol
              "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)



                Hello everyone!

                It's been awhile since I posted here. My Internet was on the fritz all week, and just started working magically yesterday. Took be 4 hours to catch up!

                I just want to add my support to everyone struggling here. I have more good days than bad and I'm very grateful for that! I do feel I am moving in the right direction though. I will not let my guard down as I see many here that are sober for months, years even, and then fall hard.
                I feel so much better physically and emotionally. I am getting stronger as far as facing social situations. It's nice to be able to go out and see people again. But I am a big wimp when it comes to staying out very late!!:H

                I'm getting the feel for what supplements are helping me, and I've started writing in my journal more to help with that and cyclical issues.

                I do need to get into a regular exercise routine, and probably spend less time here. It may be time to spend less time thinking about it. Not sure.

                Wishing everyone a great week!:h ODAT!!
                NF since June 1, 2008
                AF since September 28, 2008
                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:



                  Hello all
                  I struggled all weekend but as you said Cindi "Monday is a great day to be AF. The start of a new week" Thanks for all the inspiring posts. I will be AF today!
                  :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
                  ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy



                    I am afraid I failed miserably this weekend. Wine every night. Like some of you said, because I am cutting down, I wake up with nasty headaches even if I just drink a few. Saturday we went to a block party and get this – we won the “Basket of Cheer” which is just a big fat basket FULL of alcohol…augh. Only one bottle of wine though, so I am safe because I really do not like hard alcohol at all. Sigh. I was trying the win the giant cooler full of snacks for my kids. Go figure! I am very disappointed in myself. I am so sad and annoyed. I didn’t drink enough to black out or anything like that, but I am really having a hard time dealing with actually KNOWING that I don’t like the way wine makes me feel anymore yet STILL GIVING IN and drinking it! Really, what the hell is that about? OH YEAH, I HAVE A DRINKING PROBLEM!!! I don’t physically crave it, but I do mentally I guess, so that is just as bad, right? I am seriously thinking about getting some Topamax, but I am a little afraid of the side effects. I will have to look into that further on the other thread. Anyway, day One again for me. I am a freaking piece of work and have let myself down again. God help me.
                    "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:



                      Day one again for me too KBC, I'm just greatful I have a new day to be able to say day 1 again for me. Hang in there, we are here to support each other
                      :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
                      ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy



                        Hi all. Yep still here and ok but really trying so hard to be as efficient as possible as there is SOOOO much to do here atm and that has to mean less time on the PC. I am not doing too well with the drinking but I need to claw back some time before I can commit to here as much as I would like. The good news is hubby has a month of standby in September and will do his annual AF month. I will join him. It will be much easier with him not drinking and will do us both good. Maybe I will get those magical 30 days under my belt after all!!

                        Love to all.

                        Bessie xxx



                          Hello to all ODATer's ---- well, I did drink on Friday and Saturday nights, but not last night even though we had a small family dinner. So I'm on day 2 today. Even though I've had nights of drinking, overall, since I've found this site, I've had many more AF days than I ever had, so for that I'm grateful. Baby steps is what is working right now.:thanks:



                            Hi Monday ODATs,

                            KBC - sorry to hear you're struggling. The mind addiction is far more trouble for most of us than the physical - it's that blasted drinking mind that slithers in and whispers trouble. I just received today the new hypno cd I ordered here - the one for special social occasions. I'm going to listen to it this week as well as replay my clearing and hypnotic cd's - I'm hoping they give me the mental boost I need. Nothing serious in the slip department - just have been thinking about it more recently. The early euphoria at feeling so well, not having hangover mornings and sleeping well is fading. I'm readly to move to the next phase and want to make sure it's a move forward.

                            Bottom line - we're all in this together, and one day at a time at that. Hope everyone has a productive week, and don't give the alkie voice a chance!




                              Hi everybody - I know it is almost tomorrow for many of you, as it is 10pm monday night here. Just in from a swim and I WILL NOT DRINK TONIGHT!! Day 1 today for me after just over 3 weeks back into the wine. Clearly, I also have been struggling viciously. Ever since going on holiday at the end of July, even after returning from our stressful trip, I have drank wine daily. Every day, I say no, I won't today, then come 10pm, I cave!!! Yes - the mind addiction is huge!!! Big stinky drag. This time I am doing a different thing - Wild Rose Herbal Detox. Goes 12 days, no AL allowed, so that should take me right up to the long weekend at the end of the month. I must stay strong. The last time I did this cleanse and couldn't go more than 3 days without wine (blew the cleanse) was when I truly realized I had a problem. Hopefully, it won't be as painful this time - will keep up with the Kudzu and L-Glut to help.

                              Nice to hear how everyone is doing here - I have been trying to stay away from the site a bit lately, as it can steal alot of time. Hopefully this coming week will bring success to all of us!!
                              xoxo Peanut

