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My 5th day sober

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    My 5th day sober

    Hi all!
    Well, today is my 5th day sober thanx to everyone here and my supplements. I'm not really craving as much as i used to but have the odd time.
    I'm really low tho. I feel i should be really happy that i've stopped drinking but i just can't seem to snap out of this... i'm low.. i'm tired... i can't be bothered attitude. I guess it could just be part of the process for giving up the drink but i don't know.... Anyone else felt like this? Oh and i am on anti depressents!
    I'm not going to drink, i love seeing my baby at night and playing with her on the floor. She was chasing me last night! My husband is happy, very proud and keeps thanking me for not drinking. I just need to work on myself. SO, i've decided to make a clean break, i'm going to have my hair cut and coloured, my nails done and i even got an all round sunbed to give me a tan (not much sun in the uk right now) Hopefully a good change and pamper is what i need to lift my spirits!

    Thank you everyone!!!!

    My 5th day sober

    Hi lil. michelle,


    You don't say if you are on Topa but when I started I had NO energy and was very weepy so hang in there, it's just your body adjusting - listen to what it wants.

    A pamper party is a great idea, you'll feel like a $$$ bucks!!
    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


      My 5th day sober

      I'm not on Topa yet. I'm still waiting for it to arrive! will this help with my mood at all?


        My 5th day sober

        Hi lil michelle,

        Today is day 6 for me.
        I am not too bad during the day but in the mornings my energy is just at an all time low, not helped by great sleep, but I think it is mainly due to the AL leaving my system. I think for me it is probably the lack of sugar so I have started drinking more water and lucozade (like Gatorade) and that seems to be helping.

        Things are quiet for me at home at the minute as my kids are on school holidays and I also do not have too much work on my plate but come September, it it will be hectic, that is why I want to get through these first weeks now and hopefully get over the worst of it.

        Wishing you the best,
        There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


          My 5th day sober

          Hi lil michelle
          Once you get to about 10 days you will be full of beans. I know I was. First week was a bit grotty but hang in there it will be over before you know it. I had a major pamper party for one instead of a booze up for one - I got the hair done and coloured and got the nails done - joined a leisure centre and generally rewarded myself every day - that involved lots of cake.... I never had a sweet tooth when I was drinking - wonder why?? Be nice to yourself.
          PS Bandit - how can it be quiet in school holidays - surely its the other way around.
          BH (no more)


            My 5th day sober

            Congrats on your fifth day!!
            A pamper sounds a great idea, and well deserved too
            ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


              My 5th day sober

              No I didn't find Topa helped my moods - just the opposite in fact LOL But I took 5-HTP, GABA and L-Glut. GABA helps with moods, pms and anxiety. The other supp I highly recommend is Omega3-6-9 which is brain food.

              Oh and make sure you are eating enough, I found lots of healthy snacks to keep my sugar levels stable helped with my moods... whenever I was down I realised I hadn't eaten.
              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                My 5th day sober

                grief/loss process

                When we give up the booze, it is a huge loss and we go through the process of grief and loss. The stages, that go in no certain order are denial, anger, depression, bargaining, and finally acceptance. Then, we go through one of the emotional stages all over again. We are giving up our best friend, alcohol, who is there for us every day if we want it.

                So be easy on yourself. Recognize that depression and all the other feeling are normal. You are mourning the loss of of alcohol. Hope this is helpful.


                  My 5th day sober

                  hi michelle,congrats on the 5 days,just a few words of advice,mixing medication,specially anti depressents ,can be mind boggling,check b4 you mix gyco


                    My 5th day sober

                    Hi everyone,

                    I just wanted to add that I agree with Boozehag (no more!!) that by day 10 you will feel immensely better. (At least that seems to be the norm, everyone is different.)

                    I know I did. By day 10, I was ready to take it on!!

                    Hang in there. It does get better.

                    Then it gets dangerous. So forewarned is forearmed. Once you truly start feeling better that little part of your brain that loves the alcohol haze starts chattering at you that you are okay and you can "handle" it now.

                    Don't listen to that part of your brain. Just tell it to shut up because that part of your brain simply does not know what it is talking about.

                    Fell hard after 2 1/2 to 3 months because of that piece of me. Not going to do that again this time around.

                    AF April 9, 2016


                      My 5th day sober

                      5 days is truly a great start. :l .... this is so true Cindi.... Don't listen to that part of your brain. Just tell it to shut up because that part of your brain simply does not know what it is talking about. WOW!!! is that the TRUTH!!!! :H


                        My 5th day sober

                        Hi lilmichelle,

                        Good for you on 5 days. Be sure you post Cindi's comments to your heart. It is so true. I've come to really like the hypno cd's sold here, and was feeling the al tug at my thoughts (I'm close to the 2 month mark at MWO). With major encouragement from this site and a tune-up today with a couple of the cd's am feeling much stronger. This is a long journey, and some days will feel better than others. Be patient with yourself and stay strong. Start a good book or new activity. Celebrate the new you with a lifestyle that befits a sober woman!



                          My 5th day sober

                          Congratulations, Michelle! Great going! You've already gotten great input about the mood stuff... I would only add that you said:
                          i love seeing my baby at night and playing with her on the floor. She was chasing me last night!
                          When you DO have experiences like that, stuff that is TRULY enjoyable, take time, slow down, pay attention to those feelings; and then, later, recall them, in detail. We forget to do that sometimes, especially those of us (me, for one) who have some problems with depression. It takes some practice to pay attention to the good feelings, but it really helps.



                            My 5th day sober

                            I just wanted to give you a big pat on the back fror your 5 days AF. You have received so much good advice from all, so I don't have anything more to add about that. Are you spending any time with exercise-that tends to be a good mood elevator. It will also make you feel more "peppy". I, myself ,have not been good about the exercise and I know it would help my lack of energy. It's kinda like alcohol- I couldn't quit for a long time even tho I knew it would be good for me- now with exercise, I can't seem to start, even tho I know it would be good for me. I see a parallel emerging. I am going to make a committment to start- I've made it to day 15 AF so I think I can make another healthy choice to start exercise. I wish you luck, michelle-remember what others have said- your energy should appear around Day 10-that is just a few short days away. All the best- Kriger
                            "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                              My 5th day sober

                              I see tomorrow is a BIG day for you! You have been SO strong with all the Mom issues going on. I hold you in the highest esteem!!!!! 30 days tomorrow for WIP!!!! kriger
                              "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu

