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Day 1

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    Day 1

    Anyone else on Day 1?
    So many people on here have "AF since such-and-such", I feel such a loser! Just wondering if anyone else is on "Day 1" like me.

    Didnt even enjoy the taste of my first glass of wine yesterday.. and that's a first for me.. I usually love the first glass of the day. Mind over matter? or maybe im just getting so sick of the resulting effect the next morning.
    ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?

    Day 1

    Day 1

    Hi Chelle

    I've not posted on here before but been browsing for a few weeks but when I saw your message I thought I'd reply.

    It was my first day yesterday. What a long night!! You don't realise (or at least I didn't) how much alcohol affects everything you do in an evening. I managed to put a family meal together, do some washing, take a bath and still have loads of time to spare - even had an hour of the Wii with the kids. Finally went to bed around 11 but didn't sleep till around 1am. Tossed and turned till just before 6 and finally gave up.

    I do feel loads better this morning, - no hangover for the first time in months, even if a little tired and just hope tonight is a little easier.

    Good luck for this evening - I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.


      Day 1

      Yesterday was my day one - again. I first started coming to this sight in the spring and thought I could moderate. It is not working. I am just coming off six days of drinking and yesterday felt so ill I had to call off work. It is frightening. Soooo....this is my day two and I already feel so much better physically and emotionally. I am determined to start out with 30 days AF and evaluate at that point where I am at. Hope this helps.:welcome:


        Day 1


        I just started too and yesterday was also day one for me. Since you mentioned that you wanted to do 30 AF, I wanted to tell you about this 30 AF thread that just started yesterday called Booze Busters that is on the Abstinence forum portion of this site.

        I'm also also thinking that I might ultimately lean twards moderation, but haven't decided yet and also wanted to give the 30 days a go first. I liked the idea of signing on to that group because it seemed like a good idea to have people to check in with in about my progress, as opposed to just checking in with myself (hasn't always been enough).

        Finally, it also seemed like a particularly light-hearted, supportive, and insightful group there, which I thought would make it all more enjoyable.

        Congrats on Day 1!!!!!

        Wild Rose


          Day 1

          Chenelle, Jane and Red WELL DONE :wd: on your first day AF! Keep looking forward and stay strong!

          Oops Rose we cross posts.... there is also the "Newbies" Thread for daily support, we have an awesome crew there who all support one another.... come hop in!!
          "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


            Day 1

            It seems that I am forever on Day 1. Been coming here for a while and reading, but not posting much lately. I am once again on day 1 and totally ashamed of that. I can barely string a few days together and it really is getting old. I feel tired and weak most all the time. What is wrong with me? Tried the supps, Topa, the book, been to AA, rehab, the whole shebang and here I am at day 1 again.

            I hope you manage better than I do and congrats on day 1 for it is a great place to start.

            All my best,:welcome:


              Day 1

              Chelle ---- I've had many day 1's .... today is just Day 3 for me. Each time I start a day 1, it gets easier to go a few more. I'm building the pattern gradually. Yes, when I cave in, I feel bad, but then get right back to it (sometimes not for a couple of days, especially if it's the weekend), but even that is starting to get easier to get over now and again. It's like being in training for sports .... you can't expect to be a gold medal winner the first time you try the sport! :l


                Day 1

                Hi everyone, thanks for all the replies
                It's now 15 hours and counting (2.15pm here and last had a drink at 11pm last night).
                Going to go make a chili for dinner...and get some housework done... need to keep busy!
                Im at home on my own til 6pm, when my partner comes home and my son wont be back til 9pm.. so lots of 'alone' time deal with..
                I want to be able to say when my partner comes home that I havent had a drink at all today! He'd be so pleased.. I hope I can.
                ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


                  Day 1

                  Chelle, are you still planning your wedding for next summer?
                  LTG AF January 13, 2011


                    Day 1

                    yes, got the reception venue sorted, but its kind of taking a back seat because of the school hols and basically trying to sort out my health.
                    ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


                      Day 1

                      Frogzter hang in there!!!
                      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                        Day 1

                        16 hours....
                        This is going to be a LONG day
                        ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


                          Day 1

                          Chelle, you are way past half way to 24!! Stick with us until your family comes home. We don't bite...LOL!! You can do this!
                          LTG AF January 13, 2011


                            Day 1

                            Chelle, my first AF day I stayed on-line until I felt it was safe to go to bed, I got ALL the support and understanding I needed.... hang around you can do it!!

                            LTG, I've been meaning to tell you.... I LOVE your new avatar - is it from your garden?
                            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                              Day 1

                              DeeBee, it's from the site. I do have some of my garden from last year but can't figure out how to upload them yet. I am now Sgt. Pepper...LOL!!

                              Chelle, I did the same thing as DeeBee. I stayed here until bed time. Did the same on a few other nights as well when my husbo was working his night job. Stick with us and we can invent a new glue, okay?
                              LTG AF January 13, 2011

