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Day 1

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    Day 1

    Nighty Night, Chelle,

    You did well today. Tomorrow you will wake up and be amazed you did it and it will help you do tomorrow.

    I look forward to seeing you make it through another day!!

    AF April 9, 2016


      Day 1

      Good for you. Every day gets easier I promise!


        Day 1

        Congrats Chelle,

        Every journey starts at Day 1, and you're well on your way. Sometimes it's not so hard and you begin to wonder what all the fuss was about. Other days - like Evie's - seem to come out of the blue and your drinking mind starts going all over the place. We all learn a lot about ourselves - it's all good, I assure you. Take care.



          Day 1

          No hangover for the first time in ages. This feels good! Im ready to start the housework without any anadin/paracetamol.
          Still have 'the shakes' though not as much and also woke up in a cold sweat again, is that normal?

          Here's to another AF day hopefully. Going to take my son to the cinema as a treat today.
          ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


            Day 1

            Just want to add that when I say 'normal', Im meaning it as normal for someone who literally drinks every day then suddenly stops.
            ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


              Day 1

              Chelle12;387414 wrote: No hangover for the first time in ages. This feels good! Im ready to start the housework without any anadin/paracetamol.
              Still have 'the shakes' though not as much and also woke up in a cold sweat again, is that normal?

              Here's to another AF day hopefully. Going to take my son to the cinema as a treat today.
              The night sweats are very common and usually stopped for me after 3 or 4 days. You're doing great.


                Day 1

                Congratulations Chelle ---- it is great not having that fuzzy head and having more energy. Each day gets better.


                  Day 1

                  Hi Chelle,

                  Congrats on your AF day. You can do this! You should be so proud of yourself for having an AF day after months of drinking, you have done really well. Take it one day at a time and hopefully the AF days will get easier as they mount up.
                  I have been AF since Tuesday, so I am only on my second day, you're not alone, we are quite close in AF days.

                  Take care & stay strong! :l

                  AF since 19th August 2008! :yay::yay::wings::yay:


                    Day 1

                    Well Done Chelle.... bring on DAY 2!!!
                    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                      Day 1

                      also starting day 1 - again. Just downloaded some hynpotic messages to my ipod. going to see if that helps as well.


                        Day 1

                        Day one starts over every other day for me. I can not drink one day only if I drank the day before. I feel. And once I go a 24 hour period without I feel really good! I go to work excited about not drinking the next night but by the time I get off of work I crave it and end up giving in with a bottle of wine or whatever!


                          Day 1

                          Petrea36 ---- that's how a lot of us were for ages. For that next day you really need to find something to substitute the wine or whatever. I've been sucessful with cranberry juice & soda in my wineglass, or diet tonic and lots of lime and ice. At the beginning, I could do that and get part way through the night and then caved in, but after a few false starts I started to get past that too ... try and do something different in the evening from your regular routine ..... go for a walk, go to bed early and read, chat on this site, etc. After a few good tries at it, it becomes easier bit by bit ... baby steps as they say. I'm only on day 4 (again), but a couple of months ago I could never have gotten this far.


                            Day 1

                            41 hours.
                            That's how long I lasted.
                            I had one glass.. no more. Dont even feel like another glass at all.
                            Didnt even enjoy the one that I had.

                            Here's the story behind it: -
                            Kept myself busy with housework all morning, then took my son to the cinema. Popped to the loo and realised I had taken his ticket by mistake... they wouldnt let me back in. I panicked... texted his mobile, and realised that he didnt have it with him. I checked the time and realised there was 25 minutes to go so decided to stay in the foyer of the cinema waiting for him to come out at the end.
                            Cue big advert for wine being the bar.... now...
                            After many "gnashings of teeth" and twiddling thumbs and pacing up and down... yup, I caved.
                            ONE glass.
                            God, how pathetic.

                            Sorry guys.. you all were so full of support for me too. Let myself down, my son, and now I have the job of letting my fiance know too.

                            I suppose the only plus side to this is that I actually lasted 41 hours.... SO CLOSE to two days... mayeb next time?
                            here's hoping.
                            ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


                              Day 1

                              Next time it will be 48 and beyond

