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ODAT Tuesday

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    ODAT Tuesday

    Hello ODATers,

    Greetings from.... yes you have guessed it...a rainy and wet Ireland, yes it is still raining here, has not let up for days.

    Day 7 for me today and doing ok. I'm fine during the day but the evenings are very very hard.

    Big day for my little girl today - not only is today her 6th birthday she also got her first visit from the tooth fairy last night!. Her piggy bank balance should be looking good by the end of today, wish I could say the same for mine:H

    How are all of you today?:

    Uni - thanks for starting the thread yesterday, good news about your BF

    Rustop - sorry to hear about the MIL, it must be very hard. There are a lot of people gearing up for an AF September so you will be in good company.

    Nurse in Distress - hoping today is Day 5 for you, can so relate to the headaches and fatigue

    Seacailin - good to hear from you again, good luck with the roof and fingers crossed on the job. Can relate to the debt thing too, still digging my way out after a failed business thing

    LVT25 - glad you're back, ditto on the exercise regime, I really need to get my ass in gear!

    Cindi - I know from the army thread that you are in mid travel and in two minds what to do if you get the job offer, hope it all works out.

    Bessie - really good to hear from you..September sounds like an ideal AF plan

    Wally 22 -from the army thread you are hopefully on Day 6?

    New Day - baby steps is def. the right approach

    Vera-b - no giving in to the voice!

    KBCE, Peanut and 1 more chance - hopefully Day 2 today?

    Noma'am - hopefully day 3 and getting out of that jail cell!!

    Hope I have not forgotten anyone - if so, SORRY!

    Best wishes to all ODATers out there for Tuesday
    There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.

    ODAT Tuesday

    Morning Bandit!!!! Hang in there, them nites are hard, i know. It is like learning how to stand on our heads again!!! Time for some good supps...going to the health store tomorrow for me and OLIVES. :balloon::wave::balloon: Hello To All!!!


      ODAT Tuesday

      Hi Odaters!

      I had a farily easy AF night last night so am feeling pretty good this a.m. A little tired, i didn't sleep great but it wasn't horrible either. I think it's this rainy, miserable weather (yes Bandit, raining here in Ontario, Canada too).

      Tonight plans to be another AF one (actually my plan is to go for an AF week and get some more of those days under my belt). Should be relatively easy, busy day, busy night and have all my tools.

      Hope everyone has a great day!
      Love and Hugs,
      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


        ODAT Tuesday

        Hi Bandit and all ODAT'rs

        Well done Bandit on thinking of everyone. The evenings are hard, I found AF beer a good substitue e.g. Becks. I'm a wine drinker and found the AF wine a bit blah but the beer tasted closer to the real thing. It just got me over that initial craving.

        MIL could live a week or it could be three so everyone taking it a day at a time. I live other side of the country which given past history is a good thing. Just pay visits when I can. She caused major stress in my life and even though I know its not a very christian thing of me to say ( if I cant offload on MWO where can I?) there is a part of me relieved that I will not have to deal with it again.

        Was AF the last two nights and hoping to get many more before the end of the month and then aiming for 30 in September.



          ODAT Tuesday

          Hello to all ODATers ---- Bandit, how do you do it? ... you must have to make notes on everyone's situation! Very impressed.
          Rustop ---- I'm with you on Day 3 AF today, and going to try the 30 come September. Sorry to here of your MIL, and I do understand what you're saying. Mine lives close by, but I still try and avoid her as much as possible.

          My daughter is flying home this Thursday from out West for a 10 day visit ---- her best friends' wedding, and I haven't seen her since she moved out there at the beginning of April. So excited she's coming home, but a busy schedule when she does get here.

          Had a wild dream last night, and during it I was offered a glass of wine, to which I said "No thanks"! Funny, but the reason in my dream to say no was because the glass was only 1/4 full and I knew I'd be soon looking for a full one, so that was my reason for saying no ..... hope it's getting into my brain to help deal with the real world.

          Have a great AF day everyone!


            ODAT Tuesday

            Hello everyone,
            yes bandit working on day 2 -- I didn't sleep through the night, kept waking up after 4am and fell asleep around 6; one hour before I had to get up. I'm feeling tired but motivated to do this. I know this is off the subject and for females only -- has anyone experienced missing their period after excessive drinking (no pregnancy here). I know during th month of july i binged almost every day and I didn't get my period and this month I'm late. Any feedback would be appreciated. My acupuncturist says it might be perimenopause. I just turned 46 so it seems to early to me.

            Any way, hope everyone enjoys their ODAT. Peace
            :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
            ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


              ODAT Tuesday

              1more----- it could very well be perimenopause. Took a few years for me to finally reach menopause ... starts a bit at a time, not all of a sudden.


                ODAT Tuesday

                Can I join the one day at a timers??? Its day 3 for me and im feeling quite good. Went to bed last night and read and really enjoyed. Have a good day all...


                  ODAT Tuesday

                  limers;386860 wrote: Can I join the one day at a timers???
                  oh, i thought this thread was just for anyone to pop in and say how they are?
                  For certain threads do you need to be AF for a certain amount of time?

                  Gosh, if that's the case, I shouldnt be allowed on any threads! lol
                  (well, af for 15 and a half hours.. so i may belong somewhere)
                  ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


                    ODAT Tuesday

                    Yay! Day 2 for me thanks God! Last night was not a huge struggle - -not too hard to stay away from the wine - even though it was right there waiting for me! Had so much fun with the baby and the girls when they got home from Karate. Read My Way Out again in bed again went to sleep. The baby didn't wake up and I slept through to the alarm! I am actually a little groggy but so thankful that I did not drink last night. I want to succeed at this. I was reading about the Topa and I am kind of afraid about "metal lapses" that you experience (i.e. using the wrong words, forgetting words...) my job is dependent on me being able to communicate quickly and accurately. What to do???? I NEED TO SUCCEED AT THIS!!!

                    Anyway, glad I can say it's Day 2. Haven't been able to say that for a while
                    "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                      ODAT Tuesday

                      This thread is for anyone to jump on - no AF time required - just support to go one day at a time - so yes, you may all jump in!
                      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                        ODAT Tuesday

                        I will take Ireland,bad weather and all.We are very stormy here in Fl.and hope we do not lose power like many others have...KBCE...Antabuse will not let you drink without planning ahead so it is a big help to many...I have never used it but it is always there in case I am ready to cave in.Topa works for some...not me..GABA and Kudzu are natural and easy to get.Just NEVER give up and then you can not fail...You must decide to do whatever it takes,even Antabuse,not to take the first drink...
                        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                          ODAT Tuesday

                          Day 3 here. I dreamed about drinking, smoking and eating LSD last night. Boy was I glad to wake up from that. It took me a second to realize it was a dream and I wasn't still tripping! I think that was my first flashback. You know what they say... "if you can remember the 90's, you weren't there".


                            ODAT Tuesday

                            Good day all. One day at a time. That's what I'm concentrating on.
                            Trying to stay positive and productive! :H
                            When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                            -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                              ODAT Tuesday

                              Ha ha Bandit, whenever I think of rain I see you funny avatar! The weather is pretty shite here too so I can sympathise. Day 7 AF ... a whole week, Well Done!!
                              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"

