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Hypno CDs....
Hypno CDs....
I would really like to get those hypno CDs, but there is no way I can afford them right now. Does anyone have any suggestions on some relaxation cds, stuff to read etc. that I could get until I CAN afford the $118? Thanks everyone"All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:Tags: None
Hypno CDs....
There is a lot of free info on the internet... one of the easiest ways to do something relaxing is to slow your breathing, using a free timer-thing. Lowers blood pressure, feels good. I don't have the internet address right now, am needing to dash out to a meeting, pm me if you want more info and can't find it, and I will see what I can find. And also look at the meditation thread on here somewhere. That, too, is free, and very effective.
Hypno CDs....
Hi KB,
Don't know what's available, but the hypno cd's are a lifesaver for me. They're worth the price once you can swing it. Was feeling like my alkie brain was wavering too much, and gave myself a tune up with the cd's today. Feel so much better. They are an intensive brain-retraining tool for the first 30 days, then can be used after that for tune-ups. Perhaps a long time member has a set they no longer use?