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Sick of the trolls and drama queens...

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    Sick of the trolls and drama queens...

    You know who the hell you are and what you are doing. Piss off and get a real life! I would name names at this point, if I could. Just get a real life and move on. If tomorrow does not improve, I am quiting this site. If I wanted drama, I would call a family member. Shame on all you dumb ass trolls for being here. WTF is your point? You make me sick!!!
    LTG AF January 13, 2011

    Sick of the trolls and drama queens...

    I am not a troll yet found myself being called "rude" for something, which although was certainly careless (but corrected) wasn't intended that way. The role of this site is rather confusing sometimes when the WMO program is a system for people who want to either moderate and for those who want go AF. RJ, herself, is a moderate drinker. I find this site often seems at time not that supportive of those who are seeking to moderate. It makes me wonder if that is why so few of them seem to post. Moderating seems to be working well for me so far and I certainly don't think I should feel bad about that.


      Sick of the trolls and drama queens...

      But don't post mod shit on our AF thread!! That is fucking rude!!
      LTG AF January 13, 2011


        Sick of the trolls and drama queens...

        It's rude of you to swear at me. So stop it please.

        I deleted the post hours ago. Did you not check?

        No one is perfect LookingToGrow. You would do well to be kinder to folks on this site. I am also a newcomer and also learning to navigate both the program and the site. If I get sworn at or called names each time I make a mistake it certainly will keep me from visiting this site or bothering to post. I realized my mistake and I corrected it. Now get over it please.


          Sick of the trolls and drama queens...

          well you got attention what you gonna do with it gyco


            Sick of the trolls and drama queens...

            Wild at Heart, What you might be finding is that Moderating according to MWO is very specific. It is not drinking less, in terms of cutting back. It is not daily drinking. It is not "doing well, with slips". It means that a drink once in a while is nice. There is no compulsion attached to drinking for a true mod.

            Sometimes it does become a bit annoying to hear all the stories of "modding" which are really not modding at all. This is not a drinking sight, it is a sight for those seriously seeking to live healthy in a world with alcohol.

            I hope that gives a bit of an explaination, I am not saying that you are, or are not modding.
            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

            AF 12/6/2007


              Sick of the trolls and drama queens...

              It's rude of you to post where you did. Get off my case!
              LTG AF January 13, 2011


                Sick of the trolls and drama queens...

                LookingToGrow;387203 wrote: It's rude of you to post where you did. Get off my case!
                And I DELETED the post. How long are you going to continue hammering me on the head and calling me rude?

                How about you get off MY CASE?


                  Sick of the trolls and drama queens...

                  You posted to our AF thread...
                  LTG AF January 13, 2011


                    Sick of the trolls and drama queens...


                    I suggest you delete this thread.

                    Wild has not done anything to rate such a reaction. At all.

                    I am sorry you are feeling bad tonight. Take a warm bath and soak a bit with a nice cup of decaf tea. It might make you calm down.

                    AF April 9, 2016


                      Sick of the trolls and drama queens...

                      ONCE. yes. AND then I deleted the offending content, because I realized it was a careless thing for me to have done. I've also admitted on this thread that I made a mistake. What the heck more do you want from me. To run and hide in shame and never return to the site? How unkind. I've tried to correct my error. I'm sorry that you can't at least give me the benefit of the doubt before you assume that I am a troll.




                        Sick of the trolls and drama queens...

                        I am probably the last person who should be posting this but all parties involved should walk away for a bit. We ALL say things we don't mean. To carry it on just makes it worse and causes hard feelings that don't need to be.


                          Sick of the trolls and drama queens...

                          I dont see that Wild has done anything other than accidentally post about modding in an AF thread which is easily done as a newbie. She apologised and deleted her comments what more do you want. Anyway how does Wild know the rules that you have established for "your" AF thread Wild. As for modding - we dont all just start modding successfully from day 1 hello.... if it was that easy we wouldnt be here! Lots of people have modding (as defined by RJ) as their goal but its the same as those that have AF as their goal - we aim for it and sometimes we succeed sometimes we dont but we keep trying. The point is this site is for problem drinkers and that covers a whole range of different types of people with different types of alcohol problems and different aims and objectives.
                          So I hope that you show a bit more compassion and tolerance for newbies in future.
                          BH (no more)


                            Sick of the trolls and drama queens...

                            Can you see the funny side of that Dolly. You are doing exactly what you are telling them not to do! LOL
                            BH (no more)


                              Sick of the trolls and drama queens...

                              Looking to grow, I'm with Cindi, this is a total over reaction to what appears to be a harmless mistake with a newcomer.

                              This a help site, not a war site.
                              Enlightened by MWO

