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ODAT Wednesday

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    ODAT Wednesday

    Hello ODATers,

    Greetings from a sunnier Ireland today!

    Vera-b - yes I have often thought how I would love to take my brain out, give it a good wash and hang it on the line for some fresh air - pity I can't, get drying weather here today!:H

    For tlrgs and evielou, I hope the weather has got better in Florida, thankfully as you say there did not seem to be too much damage or at least that's what it said on the news here.

    DeeBee, hope your weather has improved too and I believe it is a Happy Anniversary for you today??:l

    Uni - good luck with your AF week

    Ripples - better to be image dependent than AL dependent, hope you enjoyed the olives (yum) and yes those nites are damn hard!

    Rustop - my MIL is a major cause of stress for me but you are showing support when it is needed and that is what matters

    Seacailin - thinking of you today, hope things get better, you are doing so well.

    Hopefully it is Day 4 AF for New Day, Limers and Noma'am and Day 3 for 1 more chance, Peanut and KBCE and if not, at least we are all still trying and that is the most important thing - so yes greenhouse 1 it is ODAT for now and yes Chelle 12, you do belong - hours, minutes and seconds AF are all good!

    Personally I struggled through Day 7 and am now on Day 8...... but it is defo ODAT for me at present.

    Best Wishes to all for Wednesday, let's just keep trying.
    There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.

    ODAT Wednesday

    Day 2 of AF and its so much harder today.. because the hangover has gone and the 'taste' is back
    Going to keep busy.
    AF since 11pm monday night.

    Off to cinema shortly.. will be having large lemonade and large nachos with chilis

    Have a good day everyone.
    ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


      ODAT Wednesday

      Hello Bandit!!! Doing a good job starting us Alkies out!!! Beautiful day here too!!! Makes a difference when the sun shines and we are well!!! Happy Day to all for health and a productive Day!!! :flower::lilflower:


        ODAT Wednesday

        Good morning all ODATers ----
        Bandit, I really don't know how you keep track of everyone. You'd have made a great teacher .... you'd know each student and all there strengths and weaknesses and their progress! YES, it is day 4 for me! Yeah! I haven't had too much trouble sleeping... until last night. I understand from others that this is common. I took Valerian, Melatonin and then 2 hours later a SleepAid (both of the others combined) .... and it still took me 4 hours before any sleep came. Then early this morning some idiot couldn't get his car alarm to shut off! So that was it. Hopefully if I have some quiet time this afternoon, I'll put my Hypnosis tape on (not MWO Hyps..... I did a whole 10 week session 2 years ago to try and stop drinking.... so I've dug them out) .... and that will give me a bit of a rest.

        Have a great AF day everyone!


          ODAT Wednesday

          Bandit how do you DO it!!! I have to spend an hour going back throught the post and make notes so that I remember what I want to say.... let us in on your secret!

          Thanks for the wishes. It's a miserable day here again but otherwise I AM HAPPY!! Hubby replenished my stock of supps for me yesterday and boy can I feel the difference.

          So tonight we are going out for dinner. That's the one thing I haven't done since being AF... I've done book club, visitors at our house, family visits and all of it went okay but I was pondering earlier if I should have a drink tonight, you know to celebrate...duh... caught my thoughts just in time and now I'm planning on ordering their most expensive non-AL drink on the menu as a treat!!

          Hope everyone is GREAT this fine and bright Wednesday!!
          "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


            ODAT Wednesday

            I took so long to post I missed you New Day!

            Someone taught me once when I was also batteling to fall asleep to write all my worries and chores for the next day... or even just my thoughts down into a little book kept by my bed. That way I have off-loaded my worries and the next day when I read them they were never as HUGE or difficult as I originally thought.
            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


              ODAT Wednesday

              Hi everyone

              Great start again Bandit. Well done on Day 8, you will soon be in double digits and thats another milestone. Lots of others seem to be getting there, Chelle12, Day 2, New Day, Day 4, hope you sleep better tonight. Everyone else big hello.

              MIL still hanging in there. Got another call last night to say its probably going to be tonight but when I rang the hospital early this am, she had a comfortable night. Hubby going down today so I'll go tomorrow.



                ODAT Wednesday

                Hi guys,

                Had a relatively easy AF night again last night so on day 3. Today should also be easy even though work is stressing me out completely right now. Glad I have some AF wine and beer at home because it's stressful days like this that make me want a drink. However I am determined to get at least 7 days AF for right now - 30 days in Sept.

                Hope everyone has a great day!
                Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                  ODAT Wednesday

                  Good Morning All
                  Thanks for thinking of me Bandit. Well the roofers are banging away right above my head. I got a whopping 5 hours of sleep. I don't know how the heck my daughter is sleeping through this!! I went to bed at 2:30 a.m., and she wasn't even home yet. She will be a bear today. On the upside, I have the night off, so perhaps, I can catch up some rest later. They are supposed to finish today. Got a call from the new job yesterday, but I was working at the time. They have some questions about my resume, so I have to call this morning. At least, it seems, they are interested. I will let everyone know how it goes. Hope u all have a Great Day!!
                  "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                    ODAT Wednesday

                    Happy Wednesday all! Day 3 for me and I am happy as hell I made it this far. I am working from home today - took my daughter in to get her 9th grade (first year of highschool) roster...holy cow! Honors English, Honors Biology, Honors Algebra, and I found out that she is going to be taken a Latin class because she is in the top 28 students in her Freshman class! I am so proud! It is even better because I am not even slightly hungover and clear as a bell. I took both daughters out to breakfast to celebrate before I started working (baby went to the sitter). Stuff like this makes me want to stay sober so I can remember ALL of it ...I am so darn proud! Here's to an AF life. I will do my best - for me, and for my family.

                    Hugs to you all - we can do this!

                    "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                      ODAT Wednesday

                      Rust, you are being so strong while you are going through this difficult time with your MIL. Thinking of you:l

                      Universal, you are so focused with your aim of 7 days for this month and AF for September. GOOD JOB!!:thumbs:

                      KBCE, my daughter starts High School next year and I'm starting to realise how grown up she is.... another 5 years and she flies the nest, sniff:boohoo: She drives me dilly sometimes but I am already dreading the empty house.

                      Bandit, a whole week AF WHOOHOO... you're on a roll, stay strong!:happy:

                      O2m, your new avatar rocks - is she pulling a tounge at me??:ey:

                      Chenelle, Day 1 down... great idea to take treat yourself to the movies

                      Rip, your new avatar is like a breath of fresh air... how are you??

                      New Day, what hypno tapes do you have? You mentioned they werent' from MWO. I haven't bought the MWO ones as they are too costly to ship so I am interested to find out if there is anything else that is any good:huh:

                      Sea, that's great news that they have phoned back, let us know what happens

                      Right so that took me over an hour to post, so the day is nearly over and I must try and get some work done.

                      Have a WACKY WEDNESDAY!!
                      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                        ODAT Wednesday

                        Hello all
                        glad to hear everyone is doing well. It is an inspiration to hear great news. I'm on day 3 today and I can really feel the difference. I kept myself busy last night because I was feeling tempted. I don't have AL at home so I just kept myself busy until 8pm, thats when they close the liquor store in my area, watched TV until 10 and went to bed.

                        Have a great day everyone! thanks bandit for starting the thread and to all that share the number of AF days you have. It makes me feel like there's hope for me. Happy AF day! Peace
                        :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
                        ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


                          ODAT Wednesday

                          DeeBee --- sorry, but the hypno tapes I have are from private sessions that I went to with a hypnotherapist and he taped each session so I could listen in between each weeks session, so they are geared to me specifically. They wouldn't be of any use to anyone else. Unfortunately, I guess my subconscious mind wasn't ready to be AF, as much as I consciously wanted to be, and it wasn't successful. I'm hoping that with the supps, and this site, they might be a bit more effective. It cost me $1600 for those sessions (hubby has no idea!) .... so I was very disappointed in the end.

                          Sea ---- yes, the fact they called is positive.... best wishes.

                          Well, I need to get housework/yardwork done as my daughter is flying home tomorrow night and I haven't seen her since the end of March! Gotta get going... but I know I'll be back..hahaha!


                            ODAT Wednesday

                            Hey everybody!
                            me too, me too - Day3 today!!! I am aiming for 12 days, before my big event. I had no problem yesterday at all - hopefully this lasts!! Maybe the elimination of all flour and sugar from my diet is helping too. Horrendous sleep though. It hit 37C here yesterday - that's almost 100F. I have no aircon, so of course my house was roasting when I got home from work. Got back from the gym about 9:30 and it was still 87F in my house!! I find it hard to sleep with a fan blowing on me, so I turned it off and didn't sleep well at all. Despite all that, and feeling groggy this morning (maybe I took too much melatonin last night, plus Calmes Fortes), I feel quite grand and good about myself.

                            Glad to hear of all the success happening with you all! Best to you all on another AF day and a hangover-free day tomorrow!
                            xoxo Peanut
                            ps. it has clouded over, thankgoodness - we need a reprieve from this heat!!


                              ODAT Wednesday

                              So like I said, I am working from home today and between conference calls, I decide to take the big box of Shiela's Shiraz and get rid of it. It was 3/4 full (5 ltr box) so I did not want to sit there pouring it out of the spigot into the sink. I wanted it GONE and FAST. So I open it up and get the kitchen shears and cut a little slit in the foil bag type thing that holds the wine. Just a little slit and it will all pour out smoothly ....Um, HELLO? Mount Visuvious right in my kitchen! Freakin wine everywhere - on my counter on my bananas on my sponges on my floor in teh dog's bowl....EEEEEEK! If I wasn't so damned pround of myself for pouring the crap out, I would have been so pissed! So I sat there for a minute while the rest of the wine glug glug glugged down my drain and laughed my ass off. I cleaned it all up and un-wine-smelled my kitchen. I left the box and the exploded interior out for my two girls to see. When they came in the kitchen they said "what happened?" I said I poured all the wine out. They asked if it tasted bad, I said "no, it tasted TOO GOOD!" I told them that I think it is better if I don't drink and if I DO drink it will be AF wine or beer. My eldest said "good for you Mommy" and they both gave me big smiles. Like they knew. I kinda fessed up and I feel great about it. And all it took was one big Shiraz explosion! lol
                              "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:

