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ODAT Wednesday

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    ODAT Wednesday

    Wow KBCE - good for you!
    I work from home a lot of the time too - Tuesdays & Wednesdays at the moment - and it so tempting to think about having a is nearly 7pm here now and just finishing getting the kids their tea, feeding the animals etc.. I have a thumping headache again, hubby has just phoned to say he will be late....this is my worst time of the evening, my normal time to have a glass of wine but I will not give in. If I feel really bad later I will nip to the shops for an AF wine/beer when my hubby gets in.
    Keep strong, we can do this!
    There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


      ODAT Wednesday

      Bandit;387854 wrote: Wow KBCE - good for you!
      I work from home a lot of the time too - Tuesdays & Wednesdays at the moment - and it so tempting to think about having a is nearly 7pm here now and just finishing getting the kids their tea, feeding the animals etc.. I have a thumping headache again, hubby has just phoned to say he will be late....this is my worst time of the evening, my normal time to have a glass of wine but I will not give in. If I feel really bad later I will nip to the shops for an AF wine/beer when my hubby gets in.
      Keep strong, we can do this!
      Just remember...when pouring out your box of wine....use the spigot! :H

      You can do this Bandit - it's always harder at night isn't it?

      XX K
      "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


        ODAT Wednesday

        Hi One2,
        No my mission to get the Cobra failed miserably! - I was getting ready to go out that day to go to Tescos and my neighbour called at the door in a state saying her mum had just gone into hospital and could I mind her 3 kids for the rest of the day..couldn't say no...but problem is they haven't really left since...just going home to their own house to I have not been any further than SuperValu which I can walk to at least when the hubby gets in from work. However, he is off work tomorrow, going away to England for a few days so he has promised to nip into Tesco in the morning before he goes to pick up supplies!
        I am also trying not to have AF wine/beer all the time as I am afraid I am just switching one habit for another, ok not as bad but just as expensive!
        There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


          ODAT Wednesday

          You guys have a big group of great people here! I am somewhat of a vagabond on this site-I go from place to place all day long. So many people have been helpful to me in many different threads. I love MWO!!!
          KBCE- I think I have split one of those wine box bags before also....what a mess. You took it in stride and laughed about even had a nice moment with your children because of it...sounds like a win win situation to me! kriger
          "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


            ODAT Wednesday

            I am dying to buy some of that AF beer but I am worried about the same thing. I'm saving $$ not buying beer; why would I want to buy something just as expensive if I'm trying to save $$? I think I'll buy some for the weekend tho. kriger
            "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


              ODAT Wednesday

              NO FAKE ALCOHOL....kriger..NO!!! save your money and get a big cake. Fill up and lay down for a good long nap!!!! Okay i am back to being VOCAL>off to market for a VEGG RUN...must have tomatoes for morning sandwich....VITMANS we need tons of them and ANTI-OXIDANTS.....anyone eating their veggies today...YOU BETTER. :H

              :strawberry::wave::dragon1::wave:alm: Have a TOMATO TODAY PLEASE...


                ODAT Wednesday

                Our veggies are coming from the garden now. A steady supply day by day. Such a huge difference in the taste of tomatoes. I also like the little pickling cukes which are so sweet when they are just a few inches long. They almost taste like apples.


                  ODAT Wednesday

                  KBCE good for you. thanks for the laugh i was on the floor:H i can just imagine the out or control bag of wine all over:H hope the dog didn't drink it. i guess everything happens for a reason; if mount vesuvius wouldn't have happened you wouldn't have had that special moment with your daughters. We can do this!
                  :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
                  ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


                    ODAT Wednesday

                    KBCE ---- what a great story! I'll bet your kids are proud.


                      ODAT Wednesday

                      Hello, ODATers,

                      Where is Bessie???? Oh, Bessie, yoo whoo!!

                      Everyone else, you are all sounding so strong and positive. :goodjob:

                      Keep to your goals today. You are worth it!!

                      I am sober today and will be going to a meeting tonight.

                      Am going to lie down a bit before. Rather tired.

                      Love to all,
                      AF April 9, 2016


                        ODAT Wednesday

                        Wow, ODATs, it IS WACKY WEDNESDAY!!!!!

                        I'm very late tonight as we're trying to get our daughter ready to go back to school, and in typical fashion she's left some key things for the last minute - like getting her PDA (required for nursing) to synch to her computer. Not working! It may be a late night.

                        KB - hilarious story of your wine box. That would only happen to someone trying to get rid of it and fast. I smell a science fair project here.

                        Bandit, I highly recommend a regular brain wash and wax. Does wonders for your motivation, but it may have a tendency to thin your hair (egad, I'm aging!). And to everyone else, you're all doing so well. Facing mother-in-law, evening time and headaches, no sleep, job anticipation, and everything else under the sun and there's no room for al in any of it! You're my heroes - hope the rest of the week is fabulous.


