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A New Day

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    A New Day

    I wanted to apologize first of all about my thread yesterday regarding the abortion. Someone asked why this was just coming up and the truth is because it was yesterdays date that it occured so many years ago. I apologize for the pity party as I was very drunk yesterday. However I did get some great feed back and support which made me think of how grateful I am to be sitting here today and I just want to use this day to start over again.

    Today I will not beat myself up. I will make an appointment to see a counselor. I will be grateful for this site and my family along with the other things in life that I take for granted.

    I really want this program to work for me but I am not so good at following through with anything at all. I start things and never finish them. For example. I read the book, bought the supps, the Topa and started this program and did really well for about 3 weeks, then I just quit doing what was working. I quit reading, posting and taking the meds. THen it was back to sqaure one.

    Any suggestions on how to make myself a person that can actually follow through with what I know is helping?

    By the way, thanks so much for all the replies and support. You all are really great. This site is a Godsend and I can't even seem to follow through with an appearance here everyday like I should. You guys all rock and have so much support and help, how could I not want to be cosistent?

    Sorry to ramble, just feeling a little more optismistic today and wanted to say so!


    A New Day

    I am so happy you woke up feeling were in a pretty bad place hurts all of us to see one of our dear friends in such a place. Onward and Upward...kriger
    "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


      A New Day

      Froggie - you can have a pity party all you want to. Your posts about what happened years ago are probably the saddest I have read on here. It was a very traumatic thing you went through. Not only that; you have been through Hell and back in your life.

      Whoever asked 'Why are you bringing this up now?' can just bugger off. Seriously. This is a part of your past, in which is causing so much pain for you. Keep talking away - it is healthy and healing.

      My suggestion would be to see a grief counsellor. You are still grieving and you need to forgive yourself and let go. You can't change the past but you can start to live again, today.

      Many :l's for you my friend.


        A New Day

        Don't be sorry Frog, it was a brutally honest post and I could just feel your pain!

        As far as sticking with the program goes, what about making sure you logg onto MWO every single day.... that way you will have daily support and many a shoulder to lean on. Join one of the threads and get all the help that is on offer.

        You sound so much better today, it sounds likeletting it all out yesterday did help you!:l
        "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


          A New Day

          Hi Frogz,

          perserverance. Just keep trying to get back up on that bike. Maybe part of you doesn't want to succeed with the program because it feels like the alcohol numbs that pain and then when the program worked you didn't know what to do with the pain? That's the cycle, unfortunately. All you need is some tools and this site is definitely one of them! The greatest words that I read a number of times on your thread yesterday is that you must find a way to forgive yourself. Have compassion for yourself. That will help you move through the pain. Also, maybe talk to your counsellor about the books and workshops on grieving and death written and created by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross. I did one of her workshops and it transformed my life.

          Stay strong!


            A New Day

            I'm so happy to see you are feeling better!


              A New Day

              Frogzter, glad that you are back and feeling better today.

              God, it's cliche, but today really is the first day of the rest of your life. It used to be that I would look at a goal that I had in mind and give up before I ever even started. I still have problems following through on certain tasks, but I find that if I focus just on today, and not days, weeks or months down the road then it is easier to get started.

              I look forward to reading more of your posts as your work through the problems in your like. As Gia put it, we are all here for you.
              Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                A New Day

                You know this site really does help more than I can say. Reading your posts in and of itself is an amazing thing for me. WHen I expect to be blasted, I get compassion instead. I am going to try that habit thing and make a 21 day goal of logging in everyday and reading others posts. Thanks to all of you so much! You really know how to throw out those life lines.

                Bless you all and many thanks for your words of wisdom and compassion!



                  A New Day

                  I'm also SOO happy you're feeling better. Don't worry about pity party, do it when you feel. Get it all off your chest. We're here to help and support you!
                  Good luck!


                    A New Day

                    I am so happy to see you are feeling better - I am so sorry for your pain. Everyone is right, get it out. That is when the healing can begin. I am Queen of Not Following Through but have realized that when I stop drinking, I START fllowing through. Changes my priorities. You will see. And we are here for you and proud that you are starting again. We can do this together!!

                    "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                      A New Day

                      Thanks so much KB, Michelle and everyone else who replied to this post. You do make a difference and this day is certainly better as I am AF today.

                      Bless all of you!


                        A New Day

                        Hey Frogz I have been thinking about you on and off all day hoping that you were feeling brighter today. And you are so that is fantastic.
                        Look, never apologise for feelings, they are real and they come up to bite you on the bum. Getting them out here will help. You can see that.
                        You broke my heart with your pain yesterday. I am SO pleased that you are going to get some help.
                        Take care Frogz and stay close to this site.
                        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                          A New Day

                          Thanks startingover! I really appreciate your concern and words of kindness.


                            A New Day

                            No need for any apology, Frogzter. Am only glad that you`re feeling a little better today.

                            Darling x
                            Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


                              A New Day

                              I am so glad that I saw this post...I really needed to hear some GOOD news,Thanks...
                              sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

