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Why are some so proud?

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    Why are some so proud?

    Yes, congrats LittleUk, you're doing great..well done!
    ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


      Why are some so proud?

      Do any of you Britts remember "Absolutely Fabulous"? I have a neighbor that has all the seasons and we die laughing at Patsy and Edena (sp). Total drunks and their silly escapades around London (I think). I love watching that show but I was always pretty wasted when I was watching; maybe I should try it sober and see if I still find the humor in it. Something tells me I won't.
      Ak- I think bragging about how much liquor someone consumes shows immaturity. We all stop maturing the day we start drinking to get drunk. kriger
      "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


        Why are some so proud?

        “Absolutely Fabulous” was on New Zealand TV not so long ago. It’s still really funny even when AF. It’s so funny how their lives revolved around alcohol and how dysfunctional there lives were to the point were the daughter had to take on the responsible parent role.

        Alcohole consumed per head of population in 2003
        World average 4.2
        New Zealand 9.7
        United Kingdom 11.8
        United States 8.6
        Couldn’t find info on Alaska


          Why are some so proud?

          I remember watching AbFab and I loved it. Thought the whole scenario of these two high class birds was hilarious.
          The times when they were really drunk was portrayed well too, because they looked smashed and un-attractive... although it was pretty funny to watch.
          Does anyone remember the time when Edina fell into the grave... bottle in hand? Cant remember which episode that one was.
          ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


            Why are some so proud?

            LOL yes it is a very funny sitcom- my BF never drinks but he finds it hilarious.

            (Maybe it reminds him of me:O)


              Why are some so proud?

              AAthlete;388089 wrote: Pretty simple - alcohol just hasn't caused them enough pain yet....
              AMEN. I think that's the ultimate answer. That's why I added my sig!

              Happy Feet
              And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.~Anais Nin


                Why are some so proud?

                I love that sitcom! Absolutely Fabulous was hilarious! It certainly made drinking look like fun, didn't it?


                  Why are some so proud?


                  In addition to culture, and other things people have said, I also wonder sometimes about climate and its impact on the "culture of drinking." I live in a part of the Pacific Northwest that is beautiful but we pay for it with lots of rain and gray in the winter. Today I look outside at the bright warm sun, and know that I will have several hours of daylight in the evening from 5-9 to take a good walk or whatever, and keeping AF seems a lot easier at this time of year than in the winter. I am already starting to think about strategies for what to do by mid-winter when I am going to work and coming home in the dark, and rain and gray are everywhere.

                  I don't know what winters are like for akgirl but from what I understand about Alaska the winter weather will change there too, more dramatic than down here! Those of us with winter light changes need to STICK TOGETHER. I can tell you all for sure that I am determined not to drink my way through another winter season. There is a better way to deal with that time of year and I am determined to find it.


                    Why are some so proud?

                    Oh boy and how!!!!! The weather is a huge issue for us here. And yes the daylight as well, as we won't have much of it soon. I purchased a light box last year to help. Basically sunshine in a can. Last winter was when I really hit rock bottom. Didn't want to even get out of bed. I'm with you Astraia, need to plan winter strategies.

                    Thanks for all the posts, it has given me much to think about
                    :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                      Why are some so proud?

                      Winter is hard for me as well. Mainly because the thing I love most, I can't do...which is gardening. do you feel the light box helped you at all?
                      Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                        Why are some so proud?

                        I meant to add....I have wondered MANY times how some people can drink every day after day and FUNCTION. I can't function. I get highly depressed, plus I feel like shit. I know MANY people that drink just as much as I was and still seem to get up every day and function. How do they do it?
                        Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear

