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Day 4 is ending and I feel pretty good.

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    Day 4 is ending and I feel pretty good.

    Especially when compared to how I was feeling a few days ago. Unfortunately I'm eating like a hog. I suppose I'll prop myself up on food for a couple of more days and then scale back a little. I feel like Yoda using the Force to get control. Much to learn I have. Good night.

    Day 4 is ending and I feel pretty good.

    Good for you. Eat all you want you'll probably still lose weight. Sleep well.


      Day 4 is ending and I feel pretty good.

      Excellent, NoMa. I hear you on the appetite tends to return with a vengeance when AF!


        Day 4 is ending and I feel pretty good.

        Worry about the food later. Congrats on 4 days. May the force be with you!


          Day 4 is ending and I feel pretty good.

          Congrats on day 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:goodjob:
          :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


            Day 4 is ending and I feel pretty good.

            You are doing great. Eat what you want for now. You can deal with that later,


              Day 4 is ending and I feel pretty good.

              Hi Noma'am,

              You're doing fabulously. Your body probably needs those calories - just run with it. Keep this up and you'll be the MWO star of the month! Take care--



                Day 4 is ending and I feel pretty good.

                WELL DONE! It's a GREAT feeling isn't it..?! I'm on day 7! I'm doing the same with food but hey, food is better then ruining your life with drink right.... Keep it up!!! Stay strong. You're doing FANTASTIC!!


                  Day 4 is ending and I feel pretty good.

                  Good for you! I am on day four today and have been eating anything that remotely resembles food. I feel great though. Hopefully I don't end up sober AND 500 pounds! lol

                  Happy Thursday!
                  "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                    Day 4 is ending and I feel pretty good.

                    Hi There!

                    Well done on day 4
                    I am eating tons of sweets and crisps and I don't even really have a sweet tooth..I am eating a Bounty bar as I am writing this..I am hoping when things get busier in September that I won't have as much as time to eat!

                    There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                      Day 4 is ending and I feel pretty good.

                      Oh well done on your 4 days! That is awesome- soon it will be a whole week.

                      I agree about the food, I have read and from my own experience recommend trying to stay away from refined carbs and stick to high protein foods to help with the cravings


                        Day 4 is ending and I feel pretty good.

                        Hey no ma'am - so happy to hear you are doing so much better. Day 4 here for me today - no food problem though as I am on a cleanse and I really think eliminating all that white flour food and sugar has been helping. Although I would love to chow down on some junk food, I am heading for Hawaii in a few weeks and really don't want to turn whale-like before that!!!!
                        Keep it up!!
                        xoxo Peanut


                          Day 4 is ending and I feel pretty good.

                          Great stuff no ma'am. Don't worry about the food it will be replacing lots of the lost nutrients that the alcohol has robbed from you.
                          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

