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ODAT Thursday

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    ODAT Thursday

    Hello All,

    Lovely day here in Ireland and heading out shortly to bring the kids to the playground while I still can so a quick hello before I go.

    How is everyone doing this Thursday?

    One2Many ? glad you are back and that the PC is ok
    Ripple ? love the avatar and yes I know what you mean about the fake AL
    Bossman ? jealous of those veggies from your garden, would love to grow my own
    DeeBee ? hope dinner went ok
    Rustop ? thoughts are still with you on the MIL situation
    Seacailin ? keeping everything crossed for that job
    Kriger ? ditto on the AF beer/wine but it did help me last Sunday so whatever helps sometimes ? I am a vagabond too on this site, going from thread to thread, that is how I remember how all are doing! ? too much time on my hands at the moment but this will change in September though
    Vera-b ? can relate to the last minute preparations ? my husband has just left for a week and he is so bad at getting ready?my stress levels are through the roof and I am not even going!
    Cindi ? yes ditto on sober for today and yes where is Bessie? :l- I think she is really busy at present but is hoping for an AF September so hopefully she will be back soon
    Chelle 12, New Day, Uni, 1 more chance and Peanut ? congrats on another day?kudos for the day must go to KBCE for re-enacting the final scenes of her Fatal Attraction to shiraz using just a wine box and her kitchen shears?just leave the rabbits alone?.:H:H

    I am not going to mention days my own AF days here as I know not all of us are here to do that ? I personally want to get 30 days under my belt but I am going to track my days on the AF army thread (feel free to join us anyone)? for others it is just about getting through the day, modding or cutting back ODAT.

    I managed with difficulty to get through yesterday. My husband is heading off now on a camping trip to England for a few days so I will be on my own for a week ? he?s heading to a medieval festival in England as he?s involved in all that fighting stuff (keeps him off the streets I suppose!:H)?we should have been going with him but for a number of reasons I am staying put? main one being I know I would drink if I went?the place has a great atmosphere but all social activity revolves around the beer tent and drinking around the camp fire.. so no, not for me this year, maybe next?.kids knew nothing about it anyway so they will not be disappointed.

    So for now I must just keep on keeping on.

    Best Wishes to all for Thursday
    There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.

    ODAT Thursday

    Hi guys,

    Had another relatively easy AF night last night which I'm extrememly proud of because I had some real struggles at work yesterday - tot he point that I was in tears at one point. Those are the days that I normally would be rushing home to open that bottle of wine. Last night I walked in the door, had 2 AF beers and then switched to herbal tea. Did some cleaning, watched a show with my daughter and went to bed - AND SLEPT!!! I finally slept - straight through for like 6 and a half hours!

    Needless to say today I am feeling really great.

    Hope everyone else meets their goals today,
    Love and Hugs,
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


      ODAT Thursday

      Congrats universal on an AF night when you had struggles at work... that's a really great achievement.
      Back on the vino here, but determined to keep it to a minimum today.
      Doctor's tomorrow for me... where at least I can pour my heart out and even BEG for help if necessary.
      I hope everyone has a good day today.
      ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


        ODAT Thursday

        Hi Bandit, Mind if I join your ODAT "club?"

        I'm pretty new here and it's been a rough week for me, I think I was trying to change everything all at once. ODAT is a lot more realistic for me.

        Bandit - I think it was a good call to stay put vs. going on the trip. Sometimes we have to say no to ourselves for our own good.

        Good luck Chelle at the MD's appt - I hope he does offer you the help/support that you need.

        Uni - I slept from 12:30 am until 8:30 am last night, MIRACLE and I know how exciting it is to get a great nights sleep. Very happy for US, let's continue ok?

        xoxoxo to all


          ODAT Thursday

          Happy Thurday everyone! Day four for me and no exploding shiraz today! (Thanks for asking How you can keep everything stright is beyond me. I have trouble keeping my KIDS names straight - even sober! I wake up so groggy lately - maybe it is from actually getting a nice sleep, non booze-induced! I woke up with big pillow lines on my cheek. Quite attractive...looking like the Crypt Keeper this morning , but after my shower I feel like a million bucks! I may be scary looking but my eyes are bright and my attitude is great. Looks aren't

          Have a great day all. Actually LOOKING FORWARD to an AF weekend! What a change!
          "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


            ODAT Thursday

            She's baaaaccckkkkk. LOL

            This is IT! I am SO ready to have back my control! Great to see some familar faces here ...



              ODAT Thursday

              It's the start of day 5 for me. I'm feeling good but am nervous about the weekend. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about that yet. I'll try to formulate a plan for it today.


                ODAT Thursday

                neeeeyaoughhghhhhhhhhh! (the noise of a car passing at great speed!! NO idea how you actually spell that noise but I hope you know what I mean LOL!

                Me, screaming past, between stuff and jobs. I'm getting loads done and mostly it's good. Drinking which isn't good but isn't mental drinking either. Taking a bit of a breather from here but ready to regroup for September.

                Love to you all. Looking forward to catching up properly in a week or so.

                Bessie xx x


                  ODAT Thursday

                  Morning ODATers! And a fine cool morning out there it is - such a nice change from the oven we've been living in. Lovely bike ride up to the campus today.

                  Day 4 for me today and yesterday was ok - I think my cleanse, with all the herbal, really wiped me out yesterday - couldnt go swimming, but BF and his son went to the gym, my boy was working, so I lay down in my nice quiet house and finally listened to the Hypno CD's. The way that guy says "hammock" is entirely distracting!!! I certainly don't feel like I am under hypnosis, but maybe it will help. And that Sleep Learning CD - how the heck does that work?????

                  Bandit - your hubby is into the Medieval Festival thing?? My son, when he was younger, like maybe 11, was so into that. We even looked into the Medieval club here, but of course, it is for adults only - but we used to see them practicing fighting sometimes on the campus here. He tried to make chain mail, I tried to fashion him a long spear for jousting, we made a shield, etc. he and his friends were so into it. That has past now, but I would love to go one of the Festivals, just to check it out. Dress up like a wench! Must be so fun!!!

                  KBCE - I have also had a bit of an experience with a box of red wine and a knife. Although - I wasn't trying to pour it down the sink - I still don't think I could do that, would probably give it away to somebody. I was trying just to open the damn carboard box, and finally stupidly used a knife to cut through the box and accidentally sliced the bag. Quite a mess, but I didn't lose too much. Bottling red wine (I have always made it myself) always turns into what looks like a blood-bath in my kitchen too!!! By the way, I haven't made any wine in several months now, thus -no wine in my house to tempt me. Feels good, actually!!!

                  Everybody else - have a fabulous day today! Bessie - good to hear you are have a wild, productive time! Keep going!!
                  Have a thrilling thursday!
                  xoxo Peanut


                    ODAT Thursday

                    Hello all ODATer's --- late posting today, as I wasn't going to at all because I'm so disappointed in myself. Was doing just fine on day 4 last night right up until 9:00 pm. Started to panick, knowing I couldn't drink for the next 2 days at least and that would have made it 7 days without AL. So in my stupidity, I rationalized that I'd better have a couple of drinks quickly before i went to bed, so that the next 2 nights at least would be easy to get through. Where did that come from?! Must have been that beast AL taking over! So, here I am again on Day 1.
                    I too, am going to give it my best come Sept. 1. We have a big wedding to attend on Aug. 30 (but I'm going to do my best to mod at that .... I certainly don't want to disgrace myself .... meeting for the first time what could possibly be my daughter's future in-laws. So, lots of tonic and lime for me that day.
                    So, I've fessed up and hopefully learned from that experience .... next time, just go to bed early. What an idiot I was!:upset:


                      ODAT Thursday

                      Hi ODATers,
                      Bandit- Enjoy your time as a bachelorette- I love my husband but I love when he goes away for short periods. I feel just a little more "time to myself".
                      Uni and Sassy- Glad you both had a good nights rest- its so important!
                      Waiting-Welcome Back!
                      Noma'am-Congrats on Day 5!
                      KBCE- I'm sure you look just radiant (when your eyes shine the rest of your face shines)
                      Chelle-Good luck at the DR
                      Bessie- Glad you stopped by; everyone has been missing you!
                      I am having a great day here in Western US- its is clear and warm. I have plenty to keep me busy here at work. Have a great day everyone here and yet to come. kriger Day 17
                      "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                        ODAT Thursday

                        Peanut and New Day,
                        Sorry for the cross post.
                        New Day- Our minds DO play tricks on us to get us to drink, don't they?
                        Peanut- You are doing great; keep up the good work!
                        "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                          ODAT Thursday

                          Happy Thursday ODATs,

                          Well, it seems everyone is a little calmer than Wacky Wednesday. Tomorrow (very early) we leave to take my daughter back to school. She's still packing, and it's been 3 days! I won't have my computer with me, so it'll be ODAT Monday before I can check in. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

                          Repeating the clearing and hypnotic tapes (heretofore referred to as my much-needed brain wash and wax) was a godsend this week. Really helped to silence the al beast. Peanut, just ignore the way he says hammock. I know it doesn't feel like you're being hypnotized, but you are - you are supposed to be concious the whole time. The more you relax and role with it, the more beneficial it will be. The sleep cd is a subliminal one. I have a small cd player on the nightstand and use headphones (in the ear, flexible ones) so that I don't keep up hubby. It's a little tricky, but I've gotten used to it. I listen to them periodically when I've needed a wash and wax week.

                          We have as many suitcases as the airline will allow. She's my daughter - totally high maintenance! Have a wonderful weekend. Will miss you all terribly. :upset: See you Monday!


