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Day 11 AF

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    Day 11 AF

    Okay this is day 11 af for me! It is not easy but I am happy about it! I have had some tough times as have all on these boards. At first I thought I was going to have DT's and really bad withdrawal. I went the first few days without supplements but after I got them and started taking them it has been much better. I'm taking everything but the calms forte and no meds.
    At first I was taking all of it 3 times a day until I looked closer at the instructions in the book. I was bounding with energy. The first few days my senses were so heightened (smell, sight mostly) I thought I was losing it but it wasn't a bad thing. Honestly the withdrawal and cravings are Hell but not so bad I can't deal with it. I have been eating like a pig and drinking tons of water. Does the appetite go away? It seems to be lessening. I have been so irritable; it reminds of of quitting smoking. I have to keep telling myself it'll go away and it does. I went to a friends last weekend and I knew there would be lots of booze. I tried to prepare for it mentally and bought lots of sparkling water etc. It was so hard to see all the alcohol and beer but I didn't give in. I kind of took over the grilling and kept myself busy. The next day we went to a lake and it was not quite as bad but still hard not to have a beer. I told everyone what was up so no one tried to offer me anything. I made it through that weekend but I had some really bad moments of irritability which I tried to hide but....
    So this week has been better and I'm still bitchy but not too bad. I'm shaking as I type this and feeling a bit vulnerable but at the same time stronger. I am sleeping better but at first it was tough. I'm still having wd but not as bad and still eating a lot but it is subsiding. OMG I lost around 10 lbs the first week. People were asking me how and not believing my answer. Stopped drinking beer. I noticed that right
    There is hope for all on here. I hope everyone knows that. I have been lurking and reading posts. To all who are having a rough time; hang in there. I am new to this and don't know exactly what my goal is except to have control one way or the other! I feel complete empathy with everyone and never thought so many people shared the same problems. It is strange to see the liquor stores I used to frequent and not go in (had several and rotated them) Also, it is nice to not be anchored to a twelve-pack. So ONDT is the way. I am here, reading and learning and wishing the best for all. Thank goodness for this site and the people on it. Sorry to ramble.

    Day 11 AF

    Great job on 11 days! You seem to really have a handle on this.
    Thanks for sharing your story and best wishes on your journey here!


      Day 11 AF

      Bartimus ---- Congratulations on day 11 AF! I stumbled on day 4 (again)...... I will take strength and encouragement from your story. Thanks for sharing. It is good to now that you're not alone in this struggle. I laughed when you mentioned having several liquor stores that you'd rotate .... I think we've all done the same if we're not from a small town!
      I was especially encouraged that you went through a weekend of everyone around you drinking and you had the strength to stay away from AL! :goodjob:


        Day 11 AF

        Bartimus, that is very inspirational. Great job!
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          Day 11 AF

          WELL DONE! You're are so FANTASTIC and STRONG. You've have had some tempting times but you got through them so you can get though EVERYTHING. I'm on day 8 AF. I'm eating loads as well and get moody and low. I think it's just our bodies detoxing and changing.
          I hope your cravings and mood gets better. I'm sure it will, it'll ust take time.
          Keep it up!


            Day 11 AF

            11 days alcohol free is a great accomplishment. I hope to get there soon. I also noticed that when starting the supplements I felt almost buzzed, light, and great. They really help. I think with the moodiness is that we are finally letting ourself feel. I know it is really hard for me at times. Last night I wanted a drink and became really irritable, moody, down. However, it passed and waking up AF is the best. This is certainly a journey, and not one for sissies.


              Day 11 AF

              Wow, awesome job!

              11 days is a real achievement- I hope to be there soon- (Day 1 again for me).


                Day 11 AF

                Bartimus -

                Thanks for sharing your story. I am sure alot of lurkers as well as posters will be encouraged by it. Being up front and telling others of your goals does help. I've done the same and a few of even joined me!

                Have a great weekend and stay strong!
                Happy to be AF Since 9.13.08

