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New, excited, nervous and confused

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    New, excited, nervous and confused

    NT=Arial Black][/FONT]:new:

    Hi! The confused part is not about the program, but about navigating the threads. Yes, I know, pretty pathetic. Anyhow, I thought I was writing my first post, but I entered it under a reply to:"joe-do i have a problem?". So i will just recap a bit. I have not formally started the program yet, but plan to the week afternext(I'm going to Cape Cod next week, and it won,t be the best situation to start. Anyways, now that I have set an official start date and have announced it to you all-no backing out now. Well, just wanted to say hi and to all keep up the good work! You have all been an inspiration to me with your strength and courage!

    New, excited, nervous and confused'll get used to navigating the site the more you visit.

    Looking forward to getting to know you!



      New, excited, nervous and confused

      Thanks for the welcome! Can't wait to get to know you all as well. By the way, I have made a huge ass out of myself at work Happy Hours than I care to remember. It is not the end of the world-so hang in there!!


        New, excited, nervous and confused

        Ah well, I see you found and read my thread...Great, Just Great...LOL

        Should I be glad there are others that can relate?



          New, excited, nervous and confused

          Hi Clare,

          I am in the same boat as you! Just keep in mind ......
          We may not get there today, we may not get there tomorrow.
          We will not get there in a straight line but.....WE WILL GET THERE!


            New, excited, nervous and confused

            Welcome, Clare! Do stick around, read a lot, ask questions, tell us about yourself, poke around in the threads, see where you feel comfortable, and you will be just fine. I have been here a month and still find it just a bit overwhelming to keep up with everyone, and I quickly WANTED to keep up with everyone because it was so easy to care about people here.

            best wishes,



              New, excited, nervous and confused

              Hi Clare, Welcome to MWO!! Sounds like you have a plan and are ready to go as soon as your trip is over.......enjoy Cape Cod, it is one of my favorite places in the world!!

              In the meantime, yes, absolutely, get to know us, get to know how the board works best for you and I will look forward to getting to know you!! This program is fantastic! It works for me and it will work for you too, if you work the program!

              Best Wishes,
              A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

              AF 12/6/2007


                New, excited, nervous and confused

                Welcome Clare,
                I am still trying to figure things out. I keep flipping around from place to place (thread to thread), but I always come away with bits of great advice to help me on my journey to be AF. We hope you stick with will make friends very quickly. I look forward to getting to know you better. kriger
                "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                  New, excited, nervous and confused

                  Welcome, welcome. This is such a good place to be if you have concerns about yoour alcohol consumption. You will get lots of support and ideas.
                  My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                    New, excited, nervous and confused

                    thank you for the welcome! Oh believe me, I have quite a few concerns about my consumption. I can't wait to talk more with you all about our lovely vice!


                      New, excited, nervous and confused

                      WELCOME! You'll get used to using the site. It is mind blowing at first but trust me, you'll figure out in no time.
                      I hope you have a great time in Cape Cod and i look forward to talking to you in the furture. Good luck! We're all here for you!

