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I'm back

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    I'm back

    and i'm determined to do this. I fell off the wagon bad. i went to see my dr. and let her know that i had become dependent on alcohol. i voiced my concerns about withdrawal so now i'm on librium. went to see a therapist today that specializes in addictive behaviors.

    I'm going to do this for me one day at a time...

    oh - BTW yesterday i became a decade shy of being 1/2 a century old. that played a factor in my decision to become sober.

    ok - enough for now. i'll try to be in here daily. i need all the support i can get.


    I'm back

    WELCOME BACK-i often feel lonely too. Hey, we are all in this together. One day at a time!


      I'm back

      hey Bernie

      FOrty is the new thirty!




        I'm back

        Correction - 50 is the new 30. 40 is just warming up!
        Happy to be AF Since 9.13.08


          I'm back

          Welcome back Super Bernie! Glad to see you've returned. We're behind you all the way - rootin' for ya!!!!


            I'm back

            I'm newly back too .. ramping up to the 54th birthday. ACK Think it;s about time we get back in control??? LOL

            I have great faith in the healing that will take place very soon with the support here.

            Love you guys,



              I'm back

              Hey! Welcome back! we're all here for you! Good luck! I look forward to reading you posts in the future! :l


                I'm back

                Hi Bernie

                I was also away for a time and not doing too badly modding- but then failed miserably so here I am again.

                Aiming for AF this time with the aid of Antabuse- is the only way for me I believe.

                Good luck with your goals.


                  I'm back

                  Hi Bernie - Welcome back and Happy Birthday! You can do this and we will be here for you every step of the way. I am only on day 5 but am hoping I can do this. It's hard and it sucks alot of the time, but compared to the heartache and guilt I feel when I AM drinking, this is nothing! Sending happy, sober, strengthening thoughts. Good for you that you went to the doc too! Don't drink while on librium...BAD mix! Have a wonderful day and "talk" soon!

                  "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                    I'm back

                    I missed your doggie avatar, Bernie.

                    I am glad you are back. I am proud of you for consulting with your doctor and going to counselling - WAY TO GO!

                    Big hugs to you, and I hope you stick around!


                      I'm back

                      Welcome Back Super Bernie,
                      I look forward to getting to know you. I have only been on this site for about 3 weeks. I love has become my life line. I hope things go smoothly for you in these beginning days and weeks. I, too, look forward to your posts. I love all my new friends here! kriger
                      Day 18
                      "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                        I'm back

                        Kriger - Day 18? WAY TO GO! Only 13 more days AF for me and I am there!
                        "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                          I'm back

                          ok - so i was 4 days AF and then the weekend happened. i'm back on though. i need a back-up plan. I'll get it right. Went to church yesterday ask God for help with this cuz i can't do it alone.
                          Life is too good to be wasted all the time and we only get one shot at it.. plus drunkn dialing always makes me feel dumb the next morning.


                            I'm back

                            Well, SuperB, welcome to the fabuous fifties made ever so much better with sobriety! I had a challenging weekend myself with daughter going back to school, but it's Monday and we're so lucky to get a new day. So let's join cyber hands and get this week off to a good, sober start. Don't be a stranger!



                              I'm back

                              welcome back and remember you are not alone we are here for you..
                              stay strong and think positive ..
                              :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                              best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..

